
Now, no one should question Xpeng's AI intelligent driving


Recently, the Chinese market has set off a big discussion around Tesla's FSD entry into China, and all these discussions around AI intelligent driving are basically driven by Xpeng Motors alone.

For example, in April this year, He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xpeng Motors, posted on Moments, saying that many people were asking him about Tesla's FSD entry into China, and he said that he especially welcomed Tesla's FSD entry into China. He believes that Tesla has very good autonomous driving technology and brand, and only when more good products and technologies enter can the entire market and customers have more good experiences, making the market more like a benign development and acceleration run.

On May 20, Xpeng Motors took the lead in the AI DAY press conference with the theme of "Opening the Era of AI Intelligent Driving", popularized science and shared the latest progress of AI technology, and announced the mass production of end-to-end large models.

On June 20, he disclosed his long trip to the United States on Weibo, saying that he was willing to do a test of Tesla's FSD and Waymo. The matter was then forwarded by relevant overseas bloggers on social platforms, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk unexpectedly appeared in the comments, which can be regarded as a kind of encouragement to Xiaopeng. Musk said with "high emotional intelligence" that Chinese automakers are by far the most competitive.

Now, no one should question Xpeng's AI intelligent driving

The picture is quoted from the Internet

In fact, in the Chinese market, it has been the consensus of many new power manufacturers. However, for Tesla FSD, which has not officially entered China, people generally still have a certain halo effect, especially hoping to see Tesla FSD have the opportunity to PK with Chinese manufacturers in the same arena.

At that time, Tesla's entry into China became a catfish, which brought great changes to the competition in China's auto market. And now, FSD has the opportunity to once again set off the catfish effect of intelligent driving.

Recently, the first national-level science and technology feast with artificial intelligence as the core - "2024 China· AI Festival" was broadcast on CCTV. Xpeng Motors was invited to attend and successfully complete the challenge with a mass-produced model in the AI Grand Challenge, and demonstrated its AI skills on "running a mountain" and "unmanned parking". Among them, the "formation bypass each other" set the first Guinness World Record for AI intelligent driving, demonstrating the AI technology and capabilities of Chinese automobiles to hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.

Now, no one should question Xpeng's AI intelligent driving

Image credit: Xpeng Motors

On the one hand, the "AI Festival" held by CCTV verified that AI has become a major engine for global industrial transformation, and it is also the key to the intelligent re-upgrading of the automotive industry.

On the other hand, AI's intelligent competition has also penetrated into the automotive field, whether it is the past Kaesong dispute to today's Xpeng end-to-end model, adding intelligent driving technology, AI-empowered intelligent driving technology has become the core of a new round of technological battle.

"On the commute home from work, car owners just have to look ahead; In response to the above scenarios, He Xiaopeng explained that in the future, AI driving will meet the needs of common routes and learn the driving habits of car owners, while greatly broadening the scope of AI intelligent driving experience, helping more car owners to enter the era of AI intelligent driving one step ahead.

Since AI DAY announced the AI Dimensity system on May 20, Xpeng has intensively pushed a lot of updates to AI intelligent driving functions.

For example, the privately customized AI driver has three powerful functions: AI driving, AI parking, and AI bodyguard, which comprehensively covers the whole scene including driving and parking, so that the vehicle can gain insight into the external environment, provide real-time information for the driver, and ensure the safety and convenience of driving.

At that time, the significance of this shift was that the choice of AI or the adjustment of the algorithm was actually related to the battle for the route of the intelligent driving industry.

While still in the discussion period, Xpeng has made it clear that it has set its sights on the future of "personalized experience", and the world's first AI driving is the first step for Xpeng to move towards "private customization" and thousands of people.

Now, no one should question Xpeng's AI intelligent driving

Image credit: Xpeng Motors

Despite the increasingly fierce competition in the market, Xpeng has been sticking to its core brand label of "smart driving".

Xpeng's idea is very simple: focusing on technologies in high-frequency use scenarios such as AI driving and AI parking, it can show the advantages of its implementation, so that more core users can experience the ability of AI intelligent driving in the early stage, and have the opportunity to drive more people to experience the ability of Xpeng AI intelligent driving, and at the same time harvest data and create an iterative flywheel, so as to optimize the experience and acquire more users.

The iterative flywheel of intelligent driving often has a large data threshold, and the further it goes, the more difficult it is to make it, and the faster the manufacturer will also throw off other competitors, because the head effect will become more and more obvious.

All this comes from Xiaopeng's accumulation from the bottom to the top of the algorithm. Some people believe that autonomous driving has gone through different stages such as 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, from high-precision maps to 100,000+ rules, and then to large models to reshape perception. Xpeng is one of them.

Once AI intelligent driving becomes the core competitiveness, a new round of product cycle is formed, which is also expected to drive the growth of data and sales, becoming a watershed in the next round of market changes. For Xpeng, the debut of MONA this month, and its AI intelligent driving ability, are considered to be the key to the next round of outbreaks.

Judging from the itinerary published on Weibo, He Xiaopeng's series of itineraries are all related to AI, and he also lamented the progress of AI penetration into all walks of life, and firmly believes that in the future AI field, including chips, large models, SAAS, video, unmanned driving, robots, etc., there will be very big changes and opportunities.

For the new round of the cycle, He Xiaopeng boldly predicted: technological breakthroughs will start significantly from 2025, and all manufacturers will fall behind if they continue to use algorithms instead of AI.

Recently, the industry has been hotly discussing AI intelligent driving, and practitioners believe that Xiaopeng's ten-year research and development of intelligent driving does not need certification in these other fields, but for consumers, the award-winning Xiaopeng needs to be a circle-breaking discussion.

Recently, Li Liyun, the head of Xpeng's autonomous driving, is also in full swing, and on social platforms, his "FSD is difficult to get the domestic 300 million small electric donkeys" has become a very interesting hot topic, he said that compared with the United States, China's road conditions are much more complicated.

Musk from the West often comes to China, he must know this, otherwise he would not give Xiaopeng a thumbs up.