
In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

author:Tavern brown
In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

We all know that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the international pattern of Eastern Europe has undergone tremendous changes, and the countries that once belonged to the communist camp have changed color one by one and become capitalist countries.

Among them, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which inherited the Yugoslav Federation, was an exception, and it withstood countless winds and rains during this period of time, standing alone in the complex international environment of Eastern Europe at that time.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

And the result was contributed to by the former Serbian president and Yugoslav President Milovic, who is one of the most controversial presidents in Serbian history.

Serbian hero and sinner, two completely incompatible terms, appeared in him at the same time, although he made some merits, and the relationship with China during his reign was also very friendly.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

However, at that time, there were many people in Serbia who did not like this "butcher maniac", so he did not get a chance to be re-elected.

After he left office, the new president, at the instigation of the United States, arrested him on as many as 60 charges and transferred him to the International Court of Justice in The Hague for trial.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

In the process of arrest, because Milovic's resistance was very strong, the Serbian government police directly cut off the water and electricity in his house to force him to surrender, and what he didn't expect was that his daughter actually wanted him to shoot himself.

So how exactly did the controversial country's leader get to this point? This has to do with the establishment of Yugoslavia.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

Yugoslavia is actually a bit similar to China, both are multi-ethnic countries, and both are socialist systems established after World War II.

However, there are not many people who can live in harmony with each other as many nationalities as our country, and Yugoslavia, a newly born federal state, is obviously not one of them, and the religion and ethnicity of this place are too complicated.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

After World War II, Tito led the Yugoslav people to overthrow the previous feudal monarchy and establish the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with six countries as the main body.

These six countries are ethnically and religiously diverse, and if they are screwed together by forceful means, they may also cause violent resistance.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

Therefore, Tito did not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of the largest number of Serbs, and temporarily integrated these six countries into this big family with a tolerant policy.

Although the opinions of the people of the Serbian nation have been small for a long time, there is no major incident with Tito, a leader with great influence.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

However, this method of exchanging interests to achieve the goal will eventually fall apart because of the drive of interests.

After Tito's death, because there was no soul of the country, the contradictions between the various member states of the federation began to become increasingly prominent.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

Because at that time, Yugoslavia and our country were almost neutral between the two hegemons of the United States and the Soviet Union, so it belonged to "grandma doesn't love grandma and grandma", and the economic situation is declining year by year.

Even with the domestic people's livelihood, there are a lot of problems, unemployment has skyrocketed, prices are inflated, and the most fundamental reason for the subversion of any regime is generally due to the lack of food, especially in a multi-ethnic country like Yugoslavia.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

As people's lives became more and more difficult, countless Yugoslav people became suspicious of the current regime, and was it possible for the Yugoslav Federation to take them to a good life?

Therefore, the countries of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which were not of one mind, gradually developed the idea of independence at this time.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

It was at this time that Milovic, who was very nationalistic, became a key figure in stabilizing the situation for the time being.

Why was he able to do this? It's actually quite simple, because he is very extreme racist, so he is very popular with ethnic Serbs.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

And it just so happens that the Serbs make up the majority of the population in the entire Yugoslav Federation, and with this basic plate, Milovic can be invincible in the political race.

He took very tough measures against those countries and nations that had different intentions and attempted to become independent from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and they were so tough that they could be resolved in just four words, that is, they were suppressed by force.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

In the process, thousands of ordinary residents were killed, so Milovic also had the nickname "Butcher of the Balkans".

In 1991, after the Croatian-Bosnian wars, four countries in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia became independent, leaving only Serbia and Montenegro to inherit the mantle of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

Although the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was already in decline at this time, and its territory and population were also greatly reduced, it managed to stabilize the situation and keep the name of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and in 1998, when the Kosovo crisis broke out, Milovic also chose to directly suppress it by force.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

After the failure of international mediation and negotiations, the US-led NATO began to launch wanton and indiscriminate bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and our country's embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was bombed during this war.

Among them, the various highly contaminating radioactive weapons used by the United States have caused great harm to the local population, and there is no humanitarianism at all.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

Milovic also realized that he could not go against the will of the entire Western world, so he had to stop fighting, and then he was defeated by the domestic forces supported by the United States.

However, even so, the "disposition" of him is not over.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

In 2001, the new Serbian President Djindjic, faced with the temptation of $50 million in US aid, directly chose to listen to the Americans, and signed an order to arrest Milovic.

When a large number of government police surrounded Milovic's home, a large number of security personnel protecting him also confronted the police, and even many Serbian residents who supported him spontaneously stood up and joined the security personnel to protect Milovic.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

In this way, Milovic and the outside police were in a stalemate, he could not get out, and the outside police could not get in.

After news of Milovic's imminent arrest spread through the streets of Serbia, countless Serbs took to the streets to protest and march.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

While Milovic was a bloody butcher for the rest of the membership, he was also an excellent leader for the Serbs.

However, this did not change the government's desire to arrest him, but only escalated the conflict.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

Faced with such an imminent crisis, his daughter even wanted her father to commit suicide so that she would not be humiliated in court and prison.

In the end, he did not take anyone's advice, and for the sake of Serbia's stability, he went out of his house and surrendered.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

After being transferred to the International Tribunal, of course, he was charged with more than 60 crimes.

In 2006, after spending several years in prison, he died suddenly of illness, and the cause of his death is mysterious, and there is still no definite statement.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later

It was also a few years before his death that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was completely dissolved and became a term in history.

Milovic is a person who is judged differently by different groups, but in any case, it is up to the Serbs to deal with it themselves, rather than being disposed of by some outsiders at will.

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later


Source: China News Network: The Sacrifice of Power - Milosevic

cctv7; Yugoslav politician: Tito

Global Network: What happened in Kosovo, the "powder keg" of the Balkans?

In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later
In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later
In 2001, Milovic was arrested, and his daughter committed suicide after his daughter cut off water and electricity, and died in prison five years later