
She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

author:Tavern brown
She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly
She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Speaking of famous female table tennis players in the mainland, everyone may first think of Deng Yaping or Zhang Yining, in fact, there is a female player who is not weaker than them.

She is Wang Nan, who has won 24 championships in her athlete career, she can be said to be a double harvest of love and career, not only has a great achievement in her career, but also has an enviable love.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Although everyone said that "husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster comes", her husband broke this "rumor" with practical actions.

Not long after the two got married, on the 47th day, there was a sudden bad news, the reason was that Wang Nan was found to have cancer when she went to the hospital for examination, and she felt that the sky had fallen at that time.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

After all, this is cancer, just this name can make people frightened, and when Wang Nan was most desperate, her husband was like a beam of light, illuminating her.

So what did Wang Nan's husband do? What kind of life is she living now?

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly


After the end of the 2008 Olympic Games, Wang Nan immediately announced the news of retirement, and it was also in this year that her husband prepared a huge wedding for her.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

The previous two, although they had registered in 2005, but for various reasons the wedding has not been held, after Wang Nan retired, this long-overdue wedding was finally held.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Speaking of the acquaintance of the husband and wife, it is also thanks to Liu Guoliang, who is called "a fat man who can't play" by netizens, as a mutual friend of the two, Liu Guoliang is the one who pulls the strings.

The two met through Liu Guoliang, but at the beginning, Wang Nan was really indifferent to this man who was 8 years older than her, but Guo Bin was always unswerving.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

In fact, before being introduced to Liu Guoliang, Guo Bin learned about Wang Nan through TV, and looking at her heroic figure on the field, Guo Bin was deeply attracted.

Later, after Liu Guoliang's introduction, he launched a fierce pursuit of Wang Nan, and every time Wang Nan competed, he would always appear in the audience, without exception.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Under Guo Bin's diligent pursuit, Wang Nan was also slowly moved by him, and then the two officially began to date, and Guo Bin finally returned with a beauty.

In the 2002 Asian Games, Wang Nan lost to someone who was once inferior to her, and because of this incident, many people in the outside world scolded her.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

thought that she had lost the face of the country, and overnight, she changed from the former "pride of the sky" to everyone shouting and beating, which also made her confidence suffer a big blow.

For this reason, her boyfriend Guo Bin put down all his work, quietly stayed by her side, and told her with his actions, even if the whole world leaves you, I will be by your side.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Accompanied by her boyfriend, Wang Nan quickly recovered and began to actively prepare for the World Table Tennis Championships.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly


At the 2005 World Championships, Wang Nan had an "upset" again, and she missed the championship like this, and her heart was full of frustration, but soon this frustration was replaced by happiness.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

At that time, Guo Bin ran to all the flower shops in Shanghai, and finally collected 10,001 roses with great effort.

When Wang Nan saw this scene, she had a happy smile on her face, and she couldn't calm down for a long time, she decided to marry the man in front of her, and in the same year, the two registered with the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Because they still have to prepare for the Olympic Games in the future, the two postponed the wedding after discussion, but what people didn't expect was that the wedding was postponed, but the bad news followed.

Because she has to actively prepare for the next Olympic Games, Wang Nan also trains hard every day, but it didn't take long for her to faint two or three times during training.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Wang Nan, who thought it was a small problem, didn't take it to heart, but the careful Guo Bin found a trace of abnormality, and at the strong request of her husband, the two went to the hospital for an examination.

After the examination, the doctor said that he had to be hospitalized immediately, and Wang Nan did not think in a bad direction at that time, but her husband understood that this matter was not simple.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

After understanding, Guo Bin, as a husband, realized that his wife had thyroid cancer, and he was afraid that his wife would be emotionally unstable when she found out, so he and his family did not tell his wife the real condition.

Later, when Wang Nan was undergoing surgery, her mother said, if this is the case, you two should not get the certificate, but Guo Bin's position is extremely firm.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

He said that if I could have known in advance, I should not have married her so late, and after the operation, Wang Nan recovered quickly under the careful care of her husband.

And she didn't know until half a year later that she had cancer, recalling that experience, Wang Nan really understood what ordinary happiness is.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly


In fact, as early as the 2004 Olympic Games, Wang Nan once thought about retiring, because she lost to a Singaporean athlete unexpectedly, which made her confidence very frustrated.

When the team found out, they hurriedly comforted her, hoping very much that she could continue to stay, because the 2008 Olympics were held on the mainland.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

At that time, the team hoped that she could lead young athletes to stand on the highest podium during the Olympics, and for the glory of the country, Wang Nan decided to persist for 4 years.

In the 2008 Games, she successfully won the women's team championship, fulfilling her promise four years ago, which also means that she is retiring.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

After retiring, Wang Nan chose to live an ordinary life, leaving Beijing and returning to Weihai with her husband.

It seems that I don't know what to do for a while, I don't know how to go forward in the future, and I am full of confusion and anxiety about the future.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Fortunately, she went to a new job after that, and after working for a period of time, she slowly eased up, and in 2010, Wang Nan gave birth to a son smoothly.

In 2016, Wang Nan launched the public welfare activity of "Little Ball, Big Love", which was intended to pass on love to help dreams, and Wang Nan's daughter was also born successfully in the same year.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

For his daughter (Xiaoxiao), perhaps Wang Nan wants her to inherit her mantle, so she has been training her daughter to play table tennis since she was a child, and she is also very strict.

With such a "big demon king of table tennis" teaching the ball hand-in-hand, Xiaoxiao also trains very hard, and it seems that she has inherited her mother's talent.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

In the 2023 "Small Ball Big Love" public welfare league, Xiaoxiao also lived up to expectations, and won the women's singles championship in her group, you must know that she was only 7 years old at the time.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

Today's Wang Nan's life is all focused on her family, judging from the videos of her social accounts, most of the time is spent practicing with Xiaoxiao.

In addition, he is busy with public welfare, and sometimes his husband will intercede for Xiaoxiao, wanting Xiaoxiao to take a break, and on weekends, the family of four will also go out to play.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly


Looking back on her previous career now, the most impressive time for her is not when she won the championship, but every time she fails, because after winning the championship, she will become unpopular.

She holds 24 world championships, but 47 days after her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, and her wealthy husband acted touchingly

At the same time, the relationship between the husband and wife is also very deep, and they have also come together through ups and downs along the way, and now the family of four is also happy.


Al Jazeera Comprehensive: Wang Nan talks about marriage and family for the first time: experiencing cancer, grateful to her husband and never giving up

China Network: Wang Nan: Half a year before retirement, I was so painful that I wanted to jump into the sea, and there was no discord with Zhang Yining

Source: Sina Sports

CCTV: [Video] Wang Nan once suffered from cancer and insisted on training Husband: I will always support her The future is promising! Table tennis Olympic champion Wang Nan's 7-year-old daughter Xiaoxiao won the women's singles championship for the first time

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