
Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

author:Tavern brown


On the afternoon of June 30, there was a huge roar in Gongyi City, Henan Province, followed by bursts of fire and billowing smoke.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The unsuspecting residents were also startled by the roar, and they didn't know what was going on, so they all ran out of their homes in a panic and looked into the distance.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

What's wrong with Henan, what are you doing "secretly"? It's fire and smoke, I don't know if it hurts anyone?

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The content of this article is stated from reliable sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article, please read it sensibly, for reference only!

The truth behind the roar

In the afternoon of the same day, the citizens of Gongyi City, who were taking a nap, were awakened from their sleep by a loud roar, and they did not know the source of the roar, they speculated, ran out of the house in a little panic, and looked around.

At this moment, they seemed to notice that the sound was coming from the sky, and they looked up. When he looked up, he found an "unknown object" flying in the sky.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

It is said to be an "unidentified object", but it is definitely not the kind of UFO in science fiction. This "unidentified object" takes the form of a long strip with a red flame on its tail and "soars" in the sky.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

There is a flame in the tail, and it can fly in the sky, and the only thing we can think of is a rocket. Although this "unidentified object" may seem a bit short compared to the kind of rocket you see on TV, yes, it is a rocket.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

And this rocket is still privately owned! Its name is Tianlong No. 3, which is independently developed by Tianbing Technology, a private company in mainland China.

It seems that the mainland's scientific and technological strength is really remarkable, and even private companies can build rockets? Looking at the sky, the citizens of Gongyi suddenly felt a sense of pride.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The citizens of Gongyi stared intently at the sky, after all, not everyone could have the opportunity to witness the launch of the rocket with their own eyes. But unexpectedly, just when everyone thought it would be able to take off smoothly, it played a joke with everyone.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The small rocket began to sway in the air, losing the momentum of a rocket, and at the same time, the bright flame on the tail was gone, replaced by black billowing smoke.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

Seeing the smoke, people who didn't know much about the rocket also knew that the rocket had failed to launch, and sure enough, the rocket fell quickly and made a loud roar when it landed.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

Both the young people who were going to work and the students who were going to school were shocked by the roar, and the bursts of fire and billowing smoke came out at the same time, almost like the scene of a disaster.

Such a big movement, and it is still in Gongyi City, can't help but make people worry about whether it has hurt the citizens? Fortunately, according to the official notice, Tianlong No. 3 fell into the mountains far away from the urban area of Gongyi, and no citizens were harmed.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

It's a blessing that no one was hurt. But think about it on the other hand, we often see the successful launch of the mainland rocket on TV, and every time we are amazed by the majesty of the momentum and the strength of the mainland's scientific and technological strength, but how could it fail this time?

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

Reasons for failure

As I said earlier, this rocket does not come from the state, but from a private enterprise, although in this way, the problem of failure is much easier to explain, but this is not the main reason for failure.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

In fact, this rocket launch is not a real launch, that is, it is not really to send the rocket to outer space. The launch is just a test run, and if successful, Tianbing Technology was originally scheduled to send it to Wenchang, Hainan Province for launch in early September, and Tianlong-3 will officially start its space journey.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The whole system hot test has been experienced many times for Tianlong-3, and it has passed smoothly before, but this is the last time, it has failed, and of course, the original first flight plan has also failed.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

What is a full-system hot test? This is a term for building rockets, in short, it is actually a quality inspection before leaving the factory, but there are more processes. After many tests to ensure that everything is fine, it can be officially lifted off.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

Tianbing Technology also explained this reason for the first time after the accident. The whole system hot test requires "nine machines in parallel", that is, the rocket is fixed on the test bench, loaded with enough fuel, and all nine launch ports are ignited, which truly simulates the situation during launch, but does not really launch.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

However, because there was a value on the mechanism on the test bench that was not adjusted and calculated, the test bench did not have enough strength to restrain this Tianlong 3, and it really flew out.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

It seems that the R&D personnel of Tianbing Technology still have to continue to adjust the structure on the test bench to ensure that it can operate normally and no longer make mistakes.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

This experiment can be said to be both a success and a failure. Success refers to the successful ignition of the rocket, not only the successful ignition, but also the unexpected powerful driving force, according to the official announcement, this driving force is as high as 820 tons!

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The failure refers to the fact that there is a problem with the structure of the test bench, which allows the main body of the rocket to take off from the test bench, and because it was not intended to be really launched, it is not perfect in all aspects, causing the main body of the rocket to fall into the mountains and dissolve on its own.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

After understanding this, I believe everyone is very clear about the failure of this rocket launch and the reasons behind it. At this time, some people can't help but ask, since the rockets made by private companies are so unreliable, why does the state still let them build them? Isn't it okay to leave such a thing as building rockets to the state.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The presence of civilian rockets

The state allows private enterprises to build rockets, in fact, it is not new at all. As early as 2018, a private enterprise in mainland China had successfully launched its first commercial rocket.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The successful launch of this commercial rocket not only represents a milestone in the development of the mainland's private rocket industry, but also represents the development of the mainland's entire aerospace field.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

You think, if there is a wooden barrel surrounded by bamboo boards, if these bamboo boards are uneven, then how much water this bucket can hold can only depend on the shortest bamboo plank. If all the bamboo planks are long and tall, then of course there will be more water that can be filled.

Therefore, the development of private rockets is also an indispensable part of enhancing the mainland's strength in the aerospace field.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

Of course, the rockets made by private enterprises are only commercial rockets, and the tonnage carried by the country's "Beidou" and "Chang'e" is much smaller.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

With these commercial rockets, more commercial satellites can be sent into space, thereby helping more companies to develop science and technology, and in this way, the scientific and technological strength of our country will also be greatly improved.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

From this point of view, the failure of Tianlong 3 seems to be a bad thing, but it is actually a good thing. Its failure can provide an example for private aviation, so that more researchers can correct it in time and avoid unnecessary failures.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

Many netizens are still very tolerant of private rockets in the mainland, and when they talk about Elon Musk's speaceX, Musk also tried to blow up many times before it was successfully launched.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

We must be more tolerant of the mainland's private rockets, allow trial and error, and allow mistakes to be made, so as to help them develop better.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions


Through the Tianlong-3 incident, we understand that we must give more tolerance to private rockets.

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

But on the other hand, we should also reflect on whether the rocket test site should choose a place with a higher safety factor. Should the rocket be fitted with a braking device that will automatically shut down if something goes wrong during the test run?

Bad or good? China's 820-ton private rocket accidentally soared into the sky, and the explosion and fire caused heated discussions

The development of private rockets has a long way to go, and there are still many problems to be overcome! Seeing this, what do you think about the failure of Tianlong 3? Welcome to actively leave a message in the comment area to discuss.


Information source: The test run of the power system of the Tianlong-3 launch vehicle failed, and no casualties were caused when it fell into the deep mountains The Beijing News 2024-06-30 21:36

"Tianlong No. 3" test crash accident, what are the breakthroughs and regrets? Upstream News 2024-07-01 22:30

Tianbing Science and Technology reported the fall of the Tianlong-3 rocket: organize the evacuation of surrounding personnel in advance, and there were no casualties Beijing Daily client 2024-06-30 19:18

A substage of Tianbing Technology's "Tianlong No. 3" rocket fell into the mountains due to a test failure Nearby residents: Loud noises were heard Daily Economic News 2024-06-30 22:02

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