
Legend of Blood: The Divine Ring derived from the Ancient Dragon God is not only beautiful, but also blessed with two hidden attributes

author:Brother Dao said that it was a legend
Legend of Blood: The Divine Ring derived from the Ancient Dragon God is not only beautiful, but also blessed with two hidden attributes

The appearance settings of the retro equipment in the bloody legend are very distinctive, and they are too beautiful compared to the various equipment updated in the later period. For example, the Star King suit, the three class equipment all have the same appearance, but the attributes and names have been changed. So it makes sense that the retro version is recognized as the most fun version by legendary veteran players.

Legend of Blood: The Divine Ring derived from the Ancient Dragon God is not only beautiful, but also blessed with two hidden attributes

Among all kinds of retro equipment, Lao Dao chooses a high-end warrior equipment, which has a good-looking appearance, and is derived from the ancient dragon god equipment, in addition, it also has two hidden attribute blessings to make warrior players stronger. This piece of equipment is the Dragon Ring, and today I will talk to you about it, and the old man will follow the article to reminisce.

Legend of Blood: The Divine Ring derived from the Ancient Dragon God is not only beautiful, but also blessed with two hidden attributes

The ring of the dragon, which belongs to the Warrior Walmart series of equipment, has a golden ring, and there is a domineering golden dragon head shape on the ring, which is indeed very worthy of its name. Since the name has the word "dragon" in it, does its origin have anything to do with dragons? It's true, the dragon ring is made from an ancient monster dark touch somewhere in the body of the dragon god, some say it's a dragon horn, some say it's a dragon bone, but the talented person who made it is now missing, so it's also an unsolved mystery.

Legend of Blood: The Divine Ring derived from the Ancient Dragon God is not only beautiful, but also blessed with two hidden attributes

Since the Dragon Ring is a Walmart series of equipment, its attributes will not be bad, as shown in the picture above, the Dragon Ring has a 0-5 attack attribute, which is indeed not low in the retro version. The key dragon ring also has two hidden attributes that are very good, the first is the balance of output damage, although the attributes of 0-5 seem to be unbalanced, but the output damage is relatively balanced. The second is that the Dragon Ring has higher damage than the best ring of the same attribute, for example, attacking 5 Coral Ring is not as high as the output damage of the Dragon Ring. With the blessing of such hidden attributes, warrior players will be stronger in actual combat.

Legend of Blood: The Divine Ring derived from the Ancient Dragon God is not only beautiful, but also blessed with two hidden attributes

The dragon ring has produced a lot in so many years of development, but the probability of appearing the best attribute is not high, and the strongest dragon ring that I have seen in the legendary career of the old Tao is the existence of a 3-point attack ceiling, because the screenshot was not saved at the time, and the old way will restore the attributes. As shown in the picture above, this Attack 8 Dragon Ring is the peak warrior Walma ring I saw back then.

The above content is the relevant analysis of the dragon ring.

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Legend of Blood: The Divine Ring derived from the Ancient Dragon God is not only beautiful, but also blessed with two hidden attributes