
Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

author:Mo Zizhai's diary
"Bingkuan, don't look for it, can I not go to such a big thing?"

Huang Chun, who was originally the daughter of a wealthy family, but because he was born at the wrong time, he has lived a life of exile since he was a child, and it can be said that he has endured all the hardships, and he has not been able to enjoy the blessings of a thousand gold.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

It was in such a situation that she hugged Bai Jingqi's thighs tightly, hoping that Bai Jingqi could pull her out of the abyss.

Huang Chun's initiative and dedication made her Bai Jingqi's wife, thinking that she would usher in a bright life, but she didn't expect it to be another abyss.

Because her identity was not recognized by the second grandmother, she left the Bai family with Bai Jingqi with a two-month pregnancy.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

Fortunately, as time went by, the relationship between the two gradually eased, and Huang Chun became a veritable seventh wife.

On the day of the death of the second grandmother, Huang Chun also lost his breath on the way to the funeral, and also went with the second grandmother.

But the surroundings of Huang Chun's sedan chair reflect the secrets hidden in her life.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

The death of the second grandmother

The second grandmother can be said to be a model for everyone, but in that era of female humility, the second grandmother became a sensation in the city.

The second grandmother is daring, brave and strategic, unhurried, has her own ideas and ideas, and is very assertive.

It was precisely because of the characteristics of the second grandmother that Master Bai decisively handed over the entire Bai family to such a woman.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

At that time, the inheritor of the Bai family's time-honored brand should have been the boss Bai Yingyuan, but he was framed by Zhan Wangfu and almost died, and was finally rescued, and he only dared to stay in Xi'an and did not dare to return to the capital.

And the second Bai Yingxuan "has never opened his arms in his life", because of the Zhan Wangfu incident, he will never show up again.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

Not to mention the third Bai Yingyu, who hangs all day long and has no shape, the Bai family will never fall into the hands of such a person.

Under such circumstances, Master Bai boldly handed over the Bai family to the second grandmother.

Facts have proved that the second grandmother has the ability to support the entire Bai family, and she has the strength to run the Bai family's time-honored brand.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

The second grandmother is a person who has the overall situation in mind, she did not put all the good in her own hands because she was the head of the family, but gave the majority of the shares to the big house.

Bai Yingyu has always looked down on the second grandmother, looked down on a woman in charge, only thought about separating the family, and always made trouble for the second grandmother in various ways.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

But the second grandmother did not alienate or rectify Bai Yingyu because of this, but when the family was separated, she directly gave him three shares, and the second grandmother also took three shares herself, and the big head was left to the big house.

It was this incident that made Bai Yingyu completely admire the second grandmother.

It wasn't until the second grandmother passed away that he said these words, and he admired the second grandmother from the bottom of his heart.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

When the second grandmother died, everyone cried undecently, the second grandmother left, and the Bai family also lost their backbone.

On the way to the funeral, the ruling government, the medicine trade union, and the Qiu family Guan family all set up a sacrificial tent on the side of the road to pay tribute to the second grandmother.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

The fact that an ordinary folk figure like the second grandmother can have such a great influence shows how many admirable things she has done over the years.

And on the way to the funeral of the second grandmother, Huang Chun also went with him.

But the scenes around this week reflect Huang Chun's life.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

Huang Chun's life

Huang Chun, as the daughter of Da Gege of Zhan Wangfu, should have infinite prosperity and a bright future, but because of her mother's misconduct, she created a miserable life.

Da Gege was raised in the countryside until he was 29 years old, and in that era, it was difficult for a woman of this age to remarry, so under the temptation of Guiwu, Da Gege lost his body and became pregnant with his child.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

When the child was born, Prince Zhan sent the two children to the countryside because he was afraid of the family's reputation.

And Huang Chun and Huang Li's miserable life began from just birth.

Over the years, Huang Chun has been living such a poor life, either boiling water and cooking or being beaten every day.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

In such an environment, Huang Chun grew up and wanted to escape from such a life more and more.

So when he saw Bai Jingqi, Huang Chun had an idea about him.

The teenage Huang Chun fell in love, and in order to catch Bai Jingqi, she took the initiative to dedicate herself to Bai Jingqi in the cellar.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

In this way, the two cut first and then played, Huang Chun was pregnant with Bai Jingqi's child, and Bai Jingqi married Huang Chun.

However, there has always been a grudge between the Bai family and the Zhan Wangfu, so the second grandmother said that she would not agree to the children of the enemy family entering the Bai family's house.

At this moment, Huang Chun's beautiful illusions were shattered, I thought that Bai Jingqi had pulled himself out of the abyss, but he didn't expect to enter another abyss.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

In desperation, Huang Chun had no choice but to take her two-month-pregnant belly and drift with Bai Jingqi.

After the two arrived in Jinan together, Huang Chun began to do what a hostess should do, still cooking, washing clothes and doing housework every day, while Bai Jingqi worked hard outside.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

Finally, after the child was born, the second grandmother relented and accepted Huang Chun, and it was from this time that the relationship between the two was also eased.

After that, Huang Chun began to do what a wife should do and fulfill the responsibility of the seventh wife.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

Just when Huang Chun thought that his good days were coming, Bai Jingqi didn't come back with a lot of thoughts in Jinan, and stayed with Yang Jiuhong all day.

And Huang Chun can only suffer from "living widows" at home and endure such pain, but she can't say anything.

In such a life, Huang Chun can only be his seventh wife.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

But after so many years, Huang Chun's heart has already been broken, she worries about a lot of things every day, and after a long time, she collapsed on the bed due to illness.

The second grandmother said before she passed away that Huang Chun was not a long-lived person.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

After the death of the second grandmother, the whole family wore linen and filial piety to give the funeral to the second grandmother, only Yang Jiuhong was forbidden by the second grandmother to wear filial piety, which also reflected that the second grandmother failed to accept Yang Jiuhong in her life.

Just as the funeral procession was about to leave, Huang Chun dragged his sick body and was helped out.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

After all, the second grandmother is the housewife, and Huang Chun is a person who understands etiquette, no matter how she says that she is also a seventh wife, she should come out to give it away.

When they arrived at the city gate and wanted to change the sedan chair, everyone found out that Huang Chun had already quietly gone with the second grandmother.

Huang Chun walked so quietly, as if she had lived in obscurity, without alarming anyone.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

And the sound of gongs and drums around her for the funeral of the second grandmother all reflects the sadness of Huang Chun, and the more grand the funeral of the second grandmother, the more lonely and desolate Huang Chun becomes.

But why isn't Huang Chun's life like this? She has always been silently giving, giving all her life, and she has not really lived for herself once.

Revisiting "The Gate of the Mansion": The surroundings of Huang Chun's dead sedan chair reflect the hidden pain of her life

As a wife, she could only die under such circumstances, and she didn't dare to make a noise or disturb the funeral of her second grandmother, and until she died, she was thinking about others.