
Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

author:Mo Zizhai's diary
"I have chosen a strong and unassailable master for you, give him something, this is the edict of succession, you now put him behind the plaque of the Qianqing Palace, who will pass the throne to, you will know that day, you must read the edict truthfully."
Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

No one knows about Kangxi's decision to succeed to the throne, he has always been cautious, and in order for the new emperor to succeed to the throne smoothly, he laid out a big game of chess.

So when Kangxi was on his deathbed, when he said the sentence "The fourth elder brother is here" with difficulty, everyone present couldn't believe and accept it.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Although the fourth elder brother Yinzhen does not have much sense of existence, he is not as prestigious as the eighth elder brother, and he does not have as much military power as the thirteenth elder brother, but he still wants to win this throne and has always worked hard for it.

We can also imagine that the fourth elder brother has made so many contributions to the Qing Dynasty, if Kangxi did not pass the throne to him when he was dying, would Yinzhen have rebelled?

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Yinzhen's secret contention

Since the abolition of the crown prince Yinren, the battle for the heir has also been surging, who doesn't want to seize this opportunity.

Among them, the most prestigious one is the eighth elder brother Yinxi.

Eighth Brother has been very good since he was a child, he knows how to be sophisticated at a young age, and he is proficient in all of them, whether it is piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, or Manchu, Mongolian and Han languages.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

It is such an excellent him who has won the love of Emperor Kangxi since he was a child.

However, at that time, the position of the crown prince was already there, that is, the eldest son Yinren, but Kangxi still loved Yinren very much.

Over the years, Yinxi has always lived up to Emperor Kangxi's expectations, and has won the first place in almost every field.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Under such circumstances, Emperor Kangxi also paid more and more attention to this son, and placed great expectations on him.

With the continuous improvement of his satisfaction with Kangxi, Yinren also began to be proud, and he was bent on squeezing out Yinren so that he could sit in the position of the prince.

So when Yinren was abolished for the first time, Yinren's ambition was completely released.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

In order to be able to sit on the throne of the crown prince, he started to think crookedly.

At that time, Yinxi was appointed as the head of the Internal Affairs Office, and he took advantage of his position to pull up a "ticket" for himself.

Because he is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it means that he is in charge of the entire country and the money of the Qing Dynasty.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Under such circumstances, Yinxi privately lent all the money in the treasury, and almost every official, including the princes, received his "help".

In this way, Yinxi's authority was slowly established, and almost half of the important ministers in the court fell to Yinxi alone.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

At this time, everyone thought that the eighth elder brother was the most suitable candidate for the crown prince, and even the excerpts of the upper performance were almost all in the promotion of the eighth elder brother.

But Kangxi, as the emperor, how could he not know anything, he had already seen through the "conspiracy" of the eighth child, and in order to stabilize the court, he restored Yinren again.

And during this period, Kangxi also noticed the unknown prince, that is, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Yinzhen's road to succession

Yinzhen gives people the feeling that he doesn't fight or grab, and only knows how to do his own thing, but in fact, this is all his disguise, and he wants to win the heir no less than other princes, but he has been retreating as advance.

The reason why Yinzhen can hold on so well is not just by himself, but because he has a mentor by his side, that is, Wu Sidao.

Whenever Yinzhen encounters some problems, Wu Sidao will always give key information and countermeasures.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

When the treasury was empty, Kangxi wanted to find a prince to repay these arrears for him, but in the face of such a hot potato, no one was willing to accept it.

Under such circumstances, Wu Sidao strongly recommended that Yinzhen be able to take over this errand, which was also to share the emperor's worries.

Sure enough, it was this incident that made Kangxi notice him, and even made Kangxi start to look at him with admiration.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

And when the "slaughtering the white duck" incident happened, Wu Sidao prevented Yinzhen from taking this errand, mainly because this matter had a lot to do with the prince Yinren, and if he took it, he would go in if he was not careful.

So it can be said that Wu Sidao really paid a lot for Yinzhen's succession, and Yinzhen gradually gained Kangxi's trust and high opinion in this incident.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

In fact, before Yinzhen succeeded to the throne, he was still very bottomless in his heart, after all, he was not like Lao Ba, he had so many supporters, as a lonely minister, it was very difficult for him to go all the way.

Although Yinzhen has Wu Sidao, Long Keduo and Nian Qianyao by his side, Long Keduo's chess piece is very unstable, once he throws himself to the eighth elder brother, then Yinzhen's power has been lowered a lot.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Therefore, for the sake of his own power and the success of his career, Yinzhen accepted Nian Qiuyue as a concubine, just to keep Nian Qianyao.

But Long Keduo is an unstable factor, even if he really sits on the throne, if Long Keduo throws himself to the Eight Masters Party in advance, then his foundation will not be stable.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Although Yinzhen is more impulsive and always in a hurry to do things, everything he does is for the country and the people.

In addition to these, Yinzhen is also very good at grasping people's hearts, especially Kangxi's, he can guess what Kangxi thinks and act according to Kangxi's thoughts.

You said that who would be unhappy in the face of a courtier who can follow him everywhere, and Yinzhen's background is clean, and he is still a person who is dedicated to the people, so Kangxi slowly paid attention to him.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

It was also from this time that Kangxi protected Yinzhen, because of the experience of the crown prince Yinren, which made him cautious about the choice of the throne.

This is also why Kangxi deliberately made everyone think that he wanted to pass on the throne to the fourteenth elder brother, and silently protected Yinzhen.

It wasn't until the moment when he was about to die that he finally made his decision.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

And this decision made everyone present dare not believe their ears, and it was not until Long Keduo took the will of the former emperor that everyone was convinced.

It was also at this time that Wu Sidao relied on the thirteenth elder brother released by the Great Seal of Guan Fang, and also rushed back with the military power of the Fengtai battalion, directly letting Yongzheng's throne sit firmly.

It can be seen that Yongzheng's road to the throne is still very difficult.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

But fortunately, Yongzheng has worked hard for so many years and played chess for so many years, and finally got what he wanted.

But if Kangxi did not announce the fourth elder brother when he was dying, then the fourth elder brother would definitely rebel.

Because Yinzhen has made complete preparations for his succession, and the military power has been obtained, he firmly believes that he can get the throne.

Three brushes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": If Kangxi is not located in Yinzhen, then will he rebel

Once he fails to seize the heir and Kangxi does not pass on to him, then the prince who failed to seize the heir will definitely not have a good end, so he has military power in his hands, why not rebel and complain for himself?

Of course, all this is just a hypothesis, after all, the fourth elder brother has become Yongzheng, this is a fact.