
Astound! Tiantongyuan fled, where did the Beipiao family go?

author:Sentry 911

Introduction: Tiantongyuan, once the "largest sleeping city in Beijing", is now empty. The subway is no longer crowded, rents have fallen, restaurants are closed...... This place, which carries countless dreams of Beipiao, is quietly undergoing great changes. What's going on? Where did the North Drifters go? Let's walk into Tiantongyuan together and uncover this puzzle!


  1. Changes in Tiantongyuan: from crowded people to crowded people

Li Fushun is a North Drifter who has lived in Tiantongyuan for 3 years. This spring, he was surprised to find that the once bustling subway station was no longer in line.

"Two years ago, I had to wait in line for more than half an hour to squeeze into the car." Li Fushun recalled, "People stuck in the middle of the fence, rubbing shoulders and going back and forth, just like playing 'snakes'. "

Now, however, the iron fence has been removed. Li Fushun only needs to walk for 5-6 minutes to easily board the subway.

Not only the subway station, but the entire Tiantongyuan seems to have become deserted. In Dongsanqi Urban Village, where Li Fushun frequents, the small restaurants that were once full are now full of people, and many shops have posted notices of "transfer".

  1. Plummeting rents: a gospel or a sign of decline in the north?

The changes in Tiantongyuan are most obvious in the rent.

A real estate agent who has worked in Tiantongyuan for 5 years revealed: "In the past, the rent of a single room in Tiantongyuan was more than 1,500 yuan. Now you can rent a better house for about 1200 yuan. "

"There are half as many people renting this year as there were in the same period last year," he lamented.

Wang Yi is another Beipiao who works as a rental agent. He has witnessed first-hand the ups and downs of the rental market in Tiantong Yuan.

"2018 and 2019 were the best times for the rental market in Tiantongyuan." Wang Yi recalled, "At that time, the Internet industry was booming, and many employees of large factories chose to live here. "

However, the situation has reversed in the last two years. "The monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment of about 100 square meters is about 5,700 yuan, which is about 800 yuan less than in 2019," Wang Yi said.

  1. Population Loss: Who Left Tiantongyuan?

Behind the changes in Tiantongyuan is the loss of a large number of people. So, who left here?

According to Wang Yi's observations, there are mainly two types of people who leave:

The first category is Internet industry practitioners. "Many of my clients are in IT, and in the past two years, some of them have cut their salaries in a row, and the consumption in Beijing is relatively high, so some of them have left and gone to Chongqing or Hangzhou to develop." Wang Yi said.

The second category is low-level workers who cannot afford to rent a house. At the end of 2017, many illegal buildings were demolished at Tiantongyuan North Station, and some people who could not afford to rent regular housing had to leave Beijing.

  1. The Past of Tiantongyuan: The Land of Dreams in the North Drift

To understand the current state of Tiantongyuan, we need to look back at its history.

In 1999, Tiantongyuan was born as an affordable housing community, and the house price was only 2,650 yuan per square meter at that time. With the opening of Metro Line 5, Tiantongyuan quickly became a gathering place for Beipiao.

In 2007, 37-year-old Qiu Lihua bought a 120-square-meter house in Tiantongyuan, which cost less than 3,000 yuan per square meter. "At that time, the whole society was full of vitality, opportunities were everywhere, and as long as you worked hard, you could earn money," he recalled.

Tiantongyuan has witnessed countless struggles in the north. Some people started here and eventually bought a house in Beijing and settled down; There are also people who accumulate their first pot of gold and become successful entrepreneurs.

  1. The Future of Tiantongyuan: Where to go?

Today's Tiantongyuan is facing unprecedented challenges. Population loss, economic downturn, and Internet winter...... A combination of factors has left a place of hope in the dark.

However, the story of Tiantongyuan is far from over. Perhaps, it is undergoing a metamorphosis in preparation for the next era.

So, what does the future hold for Tiantongyuan? Where will the North Drifters go? Let's wait and see.

Conclusion: The changes of Tiantongyuan reflect the changes of the entire era. It is not only a geographical concept, but also carries the dreams and struggles of countless people. Whatever the future holds, Tiantongyuan will always be an integral part of the city of Beijing.

Interaction Questions:

  1. Have you ever lived in Tiantongyuan? Can you share your experience?
  2. What social issues do you think the changes in Tiantongyuan reflect?
  3. In your opinion, where is the future of the North Drifters?

Key words: Tiantongyuan, Beipiao, Rent fall, Population loss, Internet winter, Urban change

Astound! Tiantongyuan fled, where did the Beipiao family go?
Astound! Tiantongyuan fled, where did the Beipiao family go?
Astound! Tiantongyuan fled, where did the Beipiao family go?