
Architecture and Civil Engineering: Has You Really Become the 'King of Sinkholes'?

author:Sentry 911

It's another year of college entrance examination season, but the score is not the final result, and it is as challenging as the exam, and there is also the desire to fill in. This year, Zhang Xuefeng's paid college entrance examination volunteer form-filling service was sold out within 3 hours. In this game of volunteering, there is a major choice that has sparked a wide range of discussions: the construction and civil engineering major.

Part I: The Glory and Decline of Architectural Civil Engineering

Sub-heading: A Glorious Past

Once upon a time, architects and civil engineers were high-spirited figures. Lu Tao in the TV series "Struggle", the male protagonist of "Prison Break", and Ted Mosby in "The Romance of Mom and Dad", they are all architects, young talents who wear white shirts and indulge in drawings and work overtime.

Sub-heading: The Present State of Decline

However, with the changes in the economic environment and the adjustment of the real estate market, the employment situation of construction and civil engineering majors has taken a sharp turn for the worse. Tongji, Southeast, Tsinghua and other colleges and universities have dropped again and again, and even the admission scores of some ordinary colleges and universities are lower than in the past.

Part II: Employment Dilemmas: Practical Challenges for Construction Civil Engineering Graduates

Sub-heading: Data Reveals Employment Dilemma

According to the latest data, the employment rate of graduates majoring in construction and civil engineering is declining year by year. A candidate in Guangdong who scored 453 points in the college entrance examination was admitted to Guangzhou University and became an epic "leak king", but the employment situation is not optimistic.

Sub-heading: The Real Voices of Students and Practitioners

Interviews with several construction and civil engineering students and practitioners reveal the realities of the industry's dilemmas. One recent graduate said, "Despite our hard work, it's really hard to find a satisfying job. ”

Part 3: Career change and transformation trends in the industry

Sub-heading: Design institutes turn careers into trends

On the red social software, "design institute + career change" has become the traffic password. More and more architects and civil engineers are choosing to change careers, and even some design institute executives are coming out to work on their own.

Sub-heading: Response measures of the government and universities

In the face of this phenomenon, the government and universities are also taking measures. Tsinghua University put civil engineering into the early batch of enrollment, trying not to affect the school's enrollment score. At the same time, the government is also increasing investment in new infrastructure projects in an attempt to drive the recovery of the industry.

Part 4: Love and affection can last a long time

Sub-heading: The Power of Persistence

Despite the many challenges, many people choose to stick to this industry. Zhou Ye was one of them, who participated in the design of the renovation of the houses near the Silver Ingot Bridge and witnessed the results of his work.

Sub-heading: Hope for the Future

The future of the construction and civil engineering profession is still full of uncertainty. However, in this process, love and affection will be an important force to support people to go forward.

Part 5: Reflections on the Voluntary Application for the College Entrance Examination

Sub-heading: Major Choice and the Changing Times

Every major has a cycle from being popular to returning to calm. The popular majors when you fill in the volunteer application may no longer be popular when you graduate four years later.

Sub-heading: The Exploration of Multi-stage Life

"100-year-old life" proposes that in the era of people's longer and longer life, we need to evolve from the three stages of "study-work-retirement" to a multi-stage life, and exploration and re-learning have become the main theme of life.


The once glorious profession of architecture and civil engineering is now facing challenges, but the future is still full of possibilities. Filling in the college entrance examination is not only a choice, but also a plan for future life.

Architecture and Civil Engineering: Has You Really Become the 'King of Sinkholes'?
Architecture and Civil Engineering: Has You Really Become the 'King of Sinkholes'?
Architecture and Civil Engineering: Has You Really Become the 'King of Sinkholes'?

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