
Zizhi Tongjian 574: How should a person spend his life?

author:Read through and understand life

Under Emperor Hirohito

The 18th year of Taiyuan (癸巳, 393 AD)

Original text: In November, 70,000 Zhongshan cavalry were sent to Zhenxi General Danyang Wang Zhang [瓚], Longxiang General Zhang Chong out of Jingcheng, to attack the Gongyou of Yanwu Township in the West in Jinyang, and the general of Zhengdong Pinggui to attack the Zhendong General Duan Ping in Shating. The lord of Xiyan forever sent his Shangshu to order Diao Yun and the general Murong Zhongshuai to guard Luchuan with 50,000 people. Friend, the brother of Yong. In December, it was hung to Cheng.

Murong Chui's troops were divided into two routes, one was led by Murong Zhan and Zhang Chong, and went straight to Jinyang, Shanxi, where Murong Yong's younger brother Murong You guarded Jinyang.

Murong Yong's eldest son in the south of Shanxi, why did Murong Chui send people to attack Jinyang? Our ancients marched into the army, and they liked to divide the troops into multiple ways and create a maze array for the enemy, which is certainly an advantage. But the division of troops is also a taboo, and it is easy to be broken by each one. Thinking that the Ming Dynasty encircled and suppressed Nurhachi, he was defeated by Nurhachi's desperate play, "I will only go all the way" by a few ways.

Zizhi Tongjian 574: How should a person spend his life?

Murong Trai's strength is much stronger than Murong Yong's, there is no need for him to make more moves to create a Ecstasy Array, Murong Yong does not have the strength to make various breakthroughs, Murong Trai crusades against Murong Yong and occupies an absolute advantage. He did this for only one purpose, that is, to cut off Murong Yong's thoughts of fleeing north, and strangled him to death in Shanxi in one fell swoop. Because if Murong Yong is defeated, he can only flee north.

Murong Chui is really ruthless.

The other route was led by Murong Chui himself and went south to Yecheng. The next step may be to take Gankou, pass through Luchuan, and go straight to Changzi (today's Changzhi, Shanxi, where Murong Yongdu is located), which is the shortest road between Yecheng and Changzi. Murong Yong guessed so, so he also deployed his defenses like this.

Diao Yun and Murong Zhong were sent to lead 50,000 troops to guard Luchuan.

Zizhi Tongjian 574: How should a person spend his life?

In December, Murong Chui arrived in Yecheng.

Original text: Jihai, the Later Qin lord Chang summoned the Taiwei Yao Min, the servants Yin Wei, Yao Huang, the generals Yao Damu, and Shangshu Di Bo into the ban, and received the edict to assist the government. Chang said to the crown prince: "If there is anyone who destroys this prince, be careful not to accept it." Thou soothest the flesh and bones with grace, receive the minister with courtesy, treat things with faith, meet the people with benevolence, the four are not lost, I have no worries. Yao Huang wept and asked for Fu Deng's strategy, and Chang said: "Today's great cause is completed, and the talent and wisdom are enough, and Xi asks again!" "Gengzi, Chang pawn.

Yao Chang learned the previous lesson (when Yao Chang was seriously ill last year, he summoned Yao Xing to meet in Anding, Yao Xing listened to Yao Fangcheng's suggestion, and killed Wang Tong and others in order to prevent future troubles), he called the auxiliary minister and the crown prince Yao Xing together, and told Yao Xing that if someone slanders these people, you must not kill them again.

"If there is a person who destroys this public, be careful not to accept it"

The previous few kills were killed, and they were of no great use in the first place, but they had a bad reputation for killing them. If you kill these people again, then your father's family business that he has earned for half his life will be ruined!

Be kind to them.

It's the truth!

Zizhi Tongjian 574: How should a person spend his life?

Yao Chang's following sentences can be described as classics:

"Thou shalt caresse the flesh and bones with grace, receive the minister with courtesy, treat things with faith, meet the people with kindness, the four are not lost, I have no worries."

We must have a loving heart for our brothers and blood, treat our ministers with courtesy, be faithful to our promises, and be kind to our people.

I once put together the last words of some important historical figures in history. There is basically one thing in common (of course, the last words of normal people, and there are also abnormal ones), and that is:

A man is dying, and his words are good.

For example, Liu Bei: Don't take evil as small, don't take good as small! Only virtuous and virtuous can convince others. Your father's virtue is weak, and he is not effective.

Persuade others to do good!

For example, Lu Guang: There are strong men outside today, people's hearts are not at peace, and your brothers are peaceful, and they will flow forever; If the internal self-phase diagram is in place, then the disaster will not follow!

Persuade brothers to make peace!

Zizhi Tongjian 574: How should a person spend his life?

Yao Chang was cunning all his life, he killed Fu Jian, tortured and killed Empress Fu Dengmao, and booby-trapped Gou Fu and his subordinates more than 5,000 people. In such a troubled era, he actually left Yao Xing's last words of kindness, courtesy, letter and benevolence on his deathbed, we don't know what kind of thinking he had in the last stage of his life?

If Yao Chang is given a chance to start over, I think he will be a different person, a completely different person from the previous Yao Chang.

How should one spend one's life?

In the past two years, I have often listened to Mr. Zeng Shiqiang's classes, and I don't know whether to listen to the teacher's original words, or listen to his lectures a lot, and summarize an idea by myself.

When it comes to saying that a person's true cultivation and true cultivation make one's mind feel at ease, he should live his life upside down.

What does that mean?

It is that you imagine that you are at the moment when your life is about to come to an end, looking back on your life, if there are things that you do that will make you regret it at that time, then you don't do it now; If there are things that you do that make you feel that you have lived up to this life, then you have to do it with all your strength right now.

Zizhi Tongjian 574: How should a person spend his life?

In the end, Yao Chang understood that all love, hatred, hatred, grievances and entanglements were all empty in the end. Why bother? Why bother to fall into the well when your old leader is in the most crisis! Why be so cruel and lustful to a woman! Why slaughter Gou Fu and more than 5,000 of his men who trust him for the sake of a city! Detrimental to Yin's morality!

Yao Chang is transparent, but there are still those that are not transparent!

Yao Huang, Yao Chang's younger brother, saw that his brother didn't live for a few seconds, and he was so sad that he didn't just care, he wanted to ask a big thing: After you go, how should we deal with Fu Deng?

"Yao Huang wept and asked for the strategy of Fu Deng"

It can be seen that Yao Huang is loyal and has average ability. He thought he knew best at this time, but in fact, he was the most confused.

Zizhi Tongjian 574: How should a person spend his life?

If you want to ask this, Yao Xing should also ask, after all, Yao Chang is angry, Yao Xing is the supreme leader of Later Qin. For national affairs, Yao Xing should be the most worried. Yao Huang asked this, which showed that he didn't know Yao Chang, nor did he understand Yao Xing. Or, in other words, he has no faith in Yao Xing!

But this is understandable, after all, Yao Huang is Yao Xing's uncle, and the little kid grew up watching by himself, what can he do? ! Although, at this time, Yao Xing was already beyond his imagination.

In fact, for Yao Chang and Yao Xing, they all know about this matter, and there is no need to ask at all.

So Yao Xing didn't ask at all, so Yao Chang said the following sentence in passing: Today's great cause is completed, and the talent and wisdom are enough, and Xi asked again!

Fu Deng'er is a grasshopper after autumn, he can't jump for a few days, with Yao Xing's talent, cleaning him up is like strangling an ant, you don't have to worry about it!

Voice: Yao Xing has the ability to complete my unfinished business, you honestly assist him, don't worry about things you shouldn't worry about (don't move your mind that you shouldn't have!). )

Yao Chang is transparent, he knows that since he has handed over the affairs after his death to Yao Xing, he must choose to trust him! After all, such a thing as a clever plan to be in the world can only appear in novels like "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", in real life, if you really believe it, you may really be kicked in the brain by a donkey.