
Parents need to do these things to make their children grow up healthy

author:Guangzhou Erboshi Psychological Counseling

Dear Parents: Do you often worry about whether your child's height and weight are normal? Have you ever paid attention to whether your child's sexual development is preceded? The healthy growth of children is not only the growth of the body, but also the joy of the soul.

On the road of children's growth, height is an unavoidable topic. Did you know that short stature isn't just about height, it can also affect your child's mental health and self-confidence?

Parents need to do these things to make their children grow up healthy

One. What is short stature?

Short stature refers to the fact that the height of individuals of the same race, gender and age is significantly lower than the average height of the normal population in similar living environments. If your child has this problem, don't panic and seek medical attention in time, as a professional doctor will tailor a growth plan for your child.

Parents need to do these things to make their children grow up healthy

Two. The Obesity Trap

With the improvement of living standards, the problem of obesity has attracted more and more attention from parents. Obesity not only affects a child's body shape, but also may cause a series of health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. So, how can you tell if a child is obese?

An easy way to do this is to calculate your child's BMI value. When the BMI value exceeds the P97th of the reference value for children of the same sex and age, it means that the child may be obese. For the sake of children's health, parents should pay attention to their children's diet and exercise, so that children can grow up happily.

Parents need to do these things to make their children grow up healthy

Three. Alarm bells for precocious puberty

Precocious puberty is an issue that parents need to be highly vigilant about. It refers to the early development of secondary sexual characteristics when a child does not reach the normal developmental age. Precocious puberty can be psychologically stressful and physically burdensome for children, and even affect their academic and social interactions. Therefore, parents should always pay attention to the physical changes of their children, and take their children to seek medical attention in time once they find abnormalities.

Parents need to do these things to make their children grow up healthy

Four. Protect your child's growth

In order to protect the healthy growth of their children, parents need to pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Regular assessment: Regularly take your child to a professional hospital or child health care institution for growth and development assessment to understand the child's physical development.

2. Scientific diet: arrange children's diet reasonably, ensure balanced nutrition, and avoid excessive obesity or malnutrition.

3. Appropriate exercise: Encourage children to participate in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, and promote growth and development.

4. Psychological care: pay attention to children's mental health, give enough care and support, so that children can grow up happily.

Parents need to do these things to make their children grow up healthy


Children's growth is a wonderful journey, let us work together to escort the healthy growth of children. By understanding popular science knowledge, paying attention to children's growth and development, and seeking medical advice in a timely manner, we jointly protect the health and happiness of children. Let the child's growth be better!