
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024


Brilliant history, all the way to the red song, all the way to the dream

The eventful years have been a lot of wind and rain, and a lot of affection

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, eulogize the great achievements of the party, inherit the red gene, further promote the spirit of patriotism, show the demeanor of young people in the new era, carry forward the school spirit of "positive and righteous atmosphere, human nature wins" of the third middle school, and improve the school's educational character, on July 1, 2024, the party branch of Guangling No. 3 Middle School specially launched the "July 1st" red song chorus competition.

Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024

All the participating classes are full of morale and passion, and the unique choreography makes the performance activities shine. The 17 classes of the seventh grade took the praise of the Communist Party as the main theme, adopted diversified performance methods, integrated dance, recitation and other elements into the singing, and used the class flag, five-star red flag, red ribbon, national flag sticker and other props to reinterpret the classic red songs, singing the enthusiastic praise and sincere blessings of young people in the new era to the party.

Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024

At the right time, when the struggle is in place, the horn of youth has sounded, and the sonorous and powerful red melody has reverberated over the campus for a long time! After singing passionately, Class 17 of the seventh grade won the first prize, Class 15 and Class 13 of the seventh grade won the second prize, Class 8, Class 10 and Class 7 of the seventh grade won the third prize, and the rest of the classes won the Excellent Organization Award. School leaders and judges presented certificates to each class.

Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024
Guangling No. 3 Middle School celebrates the "July 1st" Red Song Contest in 2024

The Red Song Party combined the red culture education with the singing form that students like to see, gave all teachers and students a vivid ideological and political lesson and patriotism education class, reproduced the moral education style of the third middle school's "governing class and teaching", and highlighted the educational goal of the third middle school of "educating people for the party and educating talents for the country", further stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of students, encouraged students to shoulder the responsibility of the times, lived up to the party's infinite expectations for young people, and let youth walk with the party!