
In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

author:Guanlan Jiangshan History

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In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

In 2013, a wealthy tycoon found an obscure rural woman and presented a check for one million dollars in both hands.

However, for such a wealth that fell from heaven, the eldest sister refused, just like back then.

It turned out that 20 years ago, this rich man was still a "beggar" who was poor and couldn't even afford to eat, and the reason why he was able to survive and even make a career had a great relationship with the eldest sister's "kindness".

At that time, the eldest sister not only invited the big guy who was still a guy into the house to eat a hot meal, but when the guy and the two friends left, she even rummaged through her trouser pockets, crumpled out 30 yuan, and handed it all to the big guy.

No one thought that the "shabby" 30 yuan would turn into a million-dollar check.

What's going on? What is the situation of this "sister and brother" now?

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks


This big man's name is He Rongfeng, a native of Youyang, Chongqing, from a butcher's family.

Although the family's life was not rich, they also had no worries about food and clothing, but a man-made disaster fell from the sky, and the family's property was stolen, and the whole family suddenly fell into an unprecedented predicament.

In addition, there were more than 10,000 cash in the stolen property, including a lot of money that other villagers wanted to invest with He's father.

This means that they have to think not only about how to live in the future, but also about how to give an account to others.

It was in such a desperate situation that He Rongfeng, in order to help his family improve the environment and repay the money as soon as possible, was ready to embark on the long journey of going out to work with two guys from the same village.

In 1993, He Rongfeng, who was only 17 years old, hurriedly went on the road with the 100 yuan of travel expenses that his father had managed to scrape.

As a result, the teacher was unfavorable, and when he was about to set foot on Youyang Station, the money was actually stolen.

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

Without the fare, what will happen to the three young men?

Go home? The money is lost, the work has not yet begun, and the rhetoric before leaving has not become a joke?

Not going home? The only money is stolen, how can I eat and drink? And how to cross thousands of miles to Zhejiang?

This is the first time in He Rongfeng's life that he has experienced such a difficult choice, but the entanglement is only for a while, and he finally decides to grit his teeth and go on.

If you don't have money to eat, you beg, if you don't have money to buy a ticket, you can walk with your legs, and if you don't have money to live in a store, you sleep on the road.

In this way, after 13 days, the three hungry and sallow-faced young men finally walked into the boundary of Zhejiang, ready to continue to Wenling.

But the following days made them almost desperate, not to mention the lack of food, and their mental state was almost broken.

He Rongfeng couldn't help but start thinking: "Is this how my life is?" ”

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks


At this time, the three young men had already walked to Xianju, Zhejiang, and it was here that they met the kind-hearted eldest sister who "rescued" them.

At that time, Dai Xingfen had just gotten off work from the factory, and happened to be bumped into by He Rongfeng on the way.

He Rongfeng, who was already about to faint from hunger, tried his best to stop Dai Xingfen: "Sister, can you give me a bite to eat..."

At first, Dai Xingfen was still wary of the three young men who were dressed in tatters and of unknown origin, but after listening to He Rongfeng's story, she suddenly felt sympathy.

Without saying a word, she took He Rongfeng and the others home directly, made a table of hot rice with her own hands, and said that they could eat enough.

What He Rongfeng didn't expect was that Dai Xingfen actually took them in for several days in a row, and even wanted to find them a job.

But unfortunately, there was only one vacancy in the factory, so He Rongfeng and the three decided to leave here and continue to their destination.

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

On the day of farewell, He Rongfeng felt that he had been "raised" by Dai Xingfen for so many days, but there was nothing to repay, and he was very sorry in his heart, so he kept saying that he would definitely come back to repay him when he developed in the future.

But Dai Xingfen just smiled, saying that she didn't have to take it to heart.

And just when He Rongfeng and the others were about to leave, Dai Xingfen actually searched her pockets again and put all the only 30 yuan she had with her into He Rongfeng's hands.

Although 30 yuan is not much, for Dai Xingfen, whose economic conditions are not good, it is tantamount to a "huge amount of money", and He Rongfeng is also very clear in his heart, so he repeatedly refused.

But after all, he didn't resist Dai Xingfen's kindness and took the 30 yuan, and it was precisely because of this that He Rongfeng secretly vowed: "If it is developed in the future, I will definitely give the eldest sister a richer reward." ”

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

"Fortune, Return"

After leaving Dai Xingfen, they finally rushed to Wenling, but they never thought that a relative who was originally here said that he could introduce a job, but the other party broke his promise.

At this time, they had already spent 30 yuan, and the question of where to go in life surged back into their hearts.

In desperation, He Rongfeng decided to go to other cities with his friends to seek another opportunity by "fare evasion".

It's funny to say that they originally planned to go to Tianjin, but they fell asleep on the roof of the boiler room in order to evade the fare, and opened their eyes to find that they had arrived in Shenyang.

Although it is not the desired destination, they cannot return.

So, after several tosses, they finally became workers in a factory.

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

Here, He Rongfeng began to shine, from ordinary employees to management, and his life gradually became brighter.

At the end of 1996, He Rongfeng did two things, one was to pay off his family's debts, and the other was to start his own business.

Over the years, He Rongfeng's factory has run well and has become a wealthy man.

At this time, he finally had the confidence to go to Dai Xingfen to repay his kindness.

But at that time, He Rongfeng remembered "Dai Xingfen" as "Dai Xinfen", so even if he launched the relationship between all parties, he failed to find a benefactor.

Until 2013, a friend said that there was a "big sister who is not but very similar", He Rongfeng took a look, isn't this a benefactor?

So, he immediately drove there and brought a "million check" with him.

accompanied by the two friends back then.

The reunion after 20 years made the four of them sigh and be moved, and He Rongfeng also gave the check to Dai Xingfen.

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

But Dai Xingfen, who is simple in nature, did not accept it, just because although she lived an average life, she felt that she was "unworthy" of this kind of rich reward.

What's more, when they helped He Rongfeng and the others, they simply gave kindness, and they didn't think about repaying the other party's kindness at all.

However, He Rongfeng still tried his best to give Dai Xingfen some help, such as Dai Xingfen's broken house later, He Rongfeng paid 50,000 yuan, and Dai Xingfen also wrote him an "IOU" of 50,000 yuan.

Up to now, He Rongfeng and Dai Xingfen have already become "sisters and brothers of the opposite sex", often in contact, and he is still under the suggestion of his "sister" to build a primary school and sponsor poor students, continuing to exude goodwill.

Giving grace and repaying kindness have been a symbol of the beauty of human nature since ancient times, and the story of this pair of "sisters and brothers" is believed to have made many people see the beauty of life.


In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

The Zhejiang woman took in 3 beggars and gave 30 yuan for the journey, and 20 years later, the beggar took a million checks to repay the favor

In 1993, the female accountant gave 3 beggars 30 yuan for travel expenses, and 20 years later, the beggars returned the favor with a million checks

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