
Can you prolong your life for another 20 years after the age of 65, just look at the navel? The navel 4 characteristic may indicate longevity

author:TCM doctor health talk

The leap in medical technology and the leap in quality of life have prompted people to increasingly focus on the pursuit of longevity and quality of life. Especially after entering the age of 65, how to extend the life expectancy for another 20 years has become the focus of many people's attention. In traditional medicine, the navel is an important acupuncture point in the human body, and its shape and state often reflect the overall health of the individual.

Can you prolong your life for another 20 years after the age of 65, just look at the navel? The navel 4 characteristic may indicate longevity

1. The relationship between the navel and health

1 Anatomy and function of the navel

The navel, also known as the umbilical cord or the mysterious shrine, is a delicate and unique life mark left by the natural shedding of the umbilical cord after the fetus is delivered to the mother. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the navel is not only the place where qi and blood converge, but also the intersection of multiple meridians such as Ren Pulse, Chong Pulse and Belt Pulse, which has unique physiological and pathological significance. Modern medicine has also found that the shape and state of the navel are closely related to the health of internal organs, and it is an important window to reflect the health status of the body.

2 The relationship between belly button morphology and health

The navel has a variety of shapes, but a healthy navel often shows common characteristics, such as natural color, moderate depression and smooth surrounding skin. These characteristics not only reflect the body's inner balance, but also predict the individual's longevity potential to a certain extent.

Can you prolong your life for another 20 years after the age of 65, just look at the navel? The navel 4 characteristic may indicate longevity

There are four unique characteristics of the navel

1 Moderate depression

A healthy belly button is usually sunken and neither too convex nor too concave. This moderate depression reflects the good condition of the abdominal muscles and internal organs.

Scientific explanation: An excessively protruding navel may indicate excessive visceral pressure or excess belly fat, which is often a precursor to chronic diseases such as obesity and high blood pressure. A sunken belly button can indicate malnutrition or loose abdominal muscles, which is also detrimental to longevity. A moderate degree of depression indicates that the internal organs of the body are in a state of balance, which is conducive to qi and blood circulation and nutrient absorption.

2 The color is normal

Normally, the color of the navel should be consistent with the surrounding skin, with a pale pink or skin tone. There is no abnormal color such as redness, purple, or blackness.

Scientific in-depth analysis: The subtle change of the color of the navel often becomes an early warning sign of potential blood circulation problems or skin health hazards, which deserves our close attention and attention. For example, redness may indicate local inflammation or infection; Purple or dark may be associated with impaired circulation or skin necrosis. Keeping the navel color normal means that the blood circulation inside the body is smooth and the organs are functioning properly, which helps to prolong life.

3 The surrounding skin is smooth

Description: Healthy skin around the belly button should be smooth, soft, and free of visible wrinkles, scars, or roughness.

Scientific explanation: The state of the skin around the navel reflects the presence or absence of chronic disease or inflammation in the body. If the skin is dry, rough, or scarred, it may mean that there is some kind of chronic disease or inflammatory process in the body. These diseases and inflammation eat away at energy and nutrients in the body, weakening the building blocks of overall health, which in turn threatens to potentially reduce longevity. Therefore, keeping the skin around the belly button smooth and healthy is an important sign of longevity.

2.4 Moderate temperature

The navel of a healthy person is moderately warm to the touch and is usually warm. For people who are in poor physical condition or have diseases, the temperature of the navel may be low, accompanied by a cold feeling in the abdomen.

The temperature of the navel reflects the body's qi and blood circulation and nutrient supply. A moderate temperature indicates that the body's internal qi and blood circulation is normal, the supply of nutrients is sufficient, the immune system is healthy, and the ability to resist diseases is strong. Conversely, a low belly button temperature may indicate a weak spleen and stomach, a lack of qi and blood, or poor blood circulation, all of which can increase the risk of disease and affect life expectancy.

Can you prolong your life for another 20 years after the age of 65, just look at the navel? The navel 4 characteristic may indicate longevity

3. Innovative insights and suggestions

1 The importance of belly button health management

The health management of the belly button is of great significance for prolonging life. By regularly observing the shape, color, condition of the surrounding skin, and temperature of the navel, you can make a preliminary judgment on the overall health of the body, and take appropriate measures to adjust and improve it in time.

2. All-round and multi-dimensional comprehensive health management

Balanced diet: Emphasize comprehensive and balanced nutrition, consume more fruits and vegetables, and beware of excessive intrusion of greasy and spicy substances. Mix your meals well to ensure your body gets enough nutrients.

Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., can help enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve blood circulation, and improve the body's immunity.

Mental health: Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, learn to manage emotions, and avoid long-term stress and anxiety. You can relax your mind and relieve stress through meditation, yoga, and other means.

Regular check-ups: Regular check-ups are needed to identify and treat potential health problems in a timely manner. In particular, for changes in physical characteristics such as the navel, it is necessary to pay enough attention to it, consult a doctor in time and take corresponding interventions.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Smoking and alcohol abuse are important factors leading to many chronic diseases, and it is important to quit smoking and limit alcohol as soon as possible to maintain good health.

Can you prolong your life for another 20 years after the age of 65, just look at the navel? The navel 4 characteristic may indicate longevity

3 Belly button exercises

To further promote belly button health, try some simple belly button exercises. For example, gently massaging around the belly button with both hands dozens of times clockwise and counterclockwise every morning and evening can help promote local blood circulation and enhance the vitality of the abdominal muscles, while also helping to relieve abdominal tension and improve digestive function. In addition, you can also try some breathing exercises, such as abdominal breathing, which activates the abdominal muscles through deep breathing and promotes the circulation of qi and blood around the navel to achieve the effect of health care.

Can you prolong your life for another 20 years after the age of 65, just look at the navel? The navel 4 characteristic may indicate longevity

As an important acupuncture point in the human body, the health status of the navel is closely related to the overall health of the individual. By strengthening belly button health management, we can better promote good health, prolong life, and improve quality of life. In the future, with the continuous progress of medical technology and the improvement of public health awareness, belly button health management will become the focus of more people's attention and contribute more to the cause of human health.

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