
Men, the highest level of pampering women: three words

author:Flying Fish Heart

Text/Flying Fish

Men, the highest level of pampering women: three words

If a man likes someone, he will pamper her, he will be very good to her, he will make her happy, he will accompany her to do what she likes, he will accommodate her, respect her ideas, care about her feelings, stand on her side, defend her, and speak for her.

In the relationship, love and dislove are really obvious, when you love someone, even if she does something wrong, you will tolerate her, understand her, and will not get angry.

When a man only has you in his heart, then you are the first in line and will give you pampering.

The highest level of a man's pampering of a woman, three words: not angry.

Men, the highest level of pampering women: three words

1. Women don't really get angry when they do something wrong.

remembered that in "The Story of Roses", Su Gengsheng was busy with work and gave the decoration of the new house to his boyfriend Huang Zhenhua to be responsible, Huang Zhenhua worked very hard to do a good job, but sent Su Gengsheng the drawings, she passed without reading them carefully, and then Huang Zhenhua built according to the drawings, and finally chose a bathtub.

Then Su Gengsheng hid from Huang Zhenhua and secretly asked someone to dismantle the bathtub, which was seen by Huang Zhenhua, so this incident made Huang Zhenhua feel that he had done a thankless job.

Su Su knew that he was wrong, and he was afraid that Huang Zhenhua would be angry, so he took the initiative to reconcile and apologize, Huang Zhenhua was not really angry, when he knew Su Su's past, he would feel more sorry for her, so he would not be angry because of this incident, and then he was good with Su Su, and it was very sweet to be together.

In the face of a woman's fault, a man will be tolerant and soft-hearted, and he will not really be angry with her, so he will not communicate. Instead, say it clearly and maintain a stable mood, so that the relationship between the two people will be better. It is also the pampering of men over women.

Men, the highest level of pampering women: three words

Second, when two people have a disagreement, they know how to think on the side of a woman.

In "The Story of Rose", when Su Gengsheng wanted to buy a house by himself, he didn't accept Huang Zhenhua's money, and made money to buy a house by himself.

But for Su Su, buying a house with his own money is to give his own home, to find his own foothold in a strange city, and to give himself the confidence and retreat.

Huang Zhenhua's mother was able to understand Su Su's behavior, and then Huang Zhenhua began to figure it out and supported Su Su to buy a house by herself.

And when two people get married, have children, and want to change to a big house, so the two of them pay for it together, so that the two people can understand and tolerate each other together, and the relationship can get better and better.

The realm of a man's pampering of a woman is that when there is a problem, he will not blindly get angry, but figure it out, think for her from a woman's point of view, take into account her feelings, and then express support, which is pampering.

Men, the highest level of pampering women: three words

Three, nothing is more important than her, everything is not worth being angry about.

Love will make a man soft, and it will also make a man more peaceful.

When a man meets true love, he will treat her as the most important person in his life, he will put her first, nothing is more important than her, even if he encounters something that makes him angry, but he can still maintain a stable mood and then love her well.

Huang Zhenhua treats Su Gengsheng with such a favor, when the two of them are about to get married and plan to get a certificate, Su Su suddenly told Huang Zhenhua about her marriage history, and then Huang Zhenhua couldn't accept it at once, but his mood was still very stable.

Men, the highest level of pampering women: three words

Then both of them calmed down for a few days, Su Su thought that Huang Zhenhua didn't want her anymore, but he didn't expect Huang Zhenhua to ask Su Su to come out to run a marathon, and after running all day, the two of them reconciled again.

Because in Huang Zhenhua's heart, nothing is more important than Su Su, even if she has had an experience, it is all in the past, he will not be angry all the time, but if he understands it, he will not be angry, and then cherish the people around him and choose her firmly.

Therefore, a man's highest level of love for a woman is to be centered on her, not to get angry easily, and to always tolerate her, accept her, understand her, respect her, give her tenderness and love, so as to hold hands together to the end.

Men, the highest level of pampering women: three words