
A woman's best blessing: to have these three abilities

author:Flying Fish Heart

Text/Flying Fish

A woman's best blessing: to have these three abilities

A woman's best blessings are actually fulfilled by herself.

The reason why some women live better and better, live more and more exciting, live more beautifully, and live younger and younger, is because they have the ability to break through themselves, allow themselves to make mistakes, allow themselves to go the wrong way, not regret their choices, and be able to be self-reliant, independent, and responsible for their own lives, so that they will make themselves better and better.

Therefore, the best blessing for a woman is to have these three abilities.

A woman's best blessing: to have these three abilities

1. The ability to break out of the comfort zone.

In this life, the best blessing for a woman is to constantly break through herself, constantly let herself experience, meet a new self, and dare to challenge, instead of always choosing comfort.

If a person is too idle, it will actually ruin a person.

Just like Luo Zijun in "The First Half of My Life", after she got married, she has always chosen a comfortable life, she has never gone out to work, and she has derailed from society, until her husband betrayed her, she saw that people can't stay in their comfort zone all the time, and only by daring to challenge themselves can they have infinite possibilities.

In the end, Luo Zijun jumped out and began to break through himself, to study, to work, and finally to make himself better and stronger, and also won the confidence.

The rose in "The Story of Roses" already has a good academic background, but she is not willing to accept the status quo, but chooses to challenge herself, jump out of her comfort zone, and do not listen to her mother's words to go to graduate school, but directly participate in work, challenge her ability at work, and let herself learn more things.

Then she achieved success in her work, and began to challenge herself again, to study psychology, to go to graduate school, and to fill herself with possibilities.

Rose and in the years after marriage with a baby, she did not always let herself enjoy life comfortably, but silently studied, researched, and took a lot of certificates, that is, she constantly broke through her ability, such a woman is the most blessed.

The best blessing for a woman is to keep moving forward, not to be trapped by the comfort zone, but to let herself move, so as to meet a better self.

A woman's best blessing: to have these three abilities

2. The ability to allow oneself to make mistakes.

No one is perfect, no one is perfect, if you pursue perfection everywhere and do not allow yourself to make mistakes, then once you make mistakes, it will be difficult to accept, and you will even be unable to think about it.

In this life, a woman comes according to her inner choice, even if she finds out that she is the wrong person and takes the wrong path, she feels that it doesn't matter, just start again.

Huang Yimei in "The Story of Rose" is such a woman who lives beautifully.

When she was dating her first love, she separated because of different concepts and different choices, and after the breakup, she said, can the breakup still affect my eating?

Even if she breaks up, she can start over and live well for herself, which shows that Huang Yimei allows herself to meet the wrong person, and she knows that she has experienced it, and she knows whether this person is worth it.

After the breakup, Huang Yimei, everyone thought that she would concentrate on her career from now on, but she chose to resign and choose to study, which seems unwise to others, but there is no right or wrong in Huang Yimei's eyes, even if she goes the wrong way, it is also a scenery experienced in life, which will enrich her life and knowledge.

The best blessing for a woman is that she will not dwell on so many rights and wrongs, but allow herself to make mistakes and still have the ability to accept failure.

A relationship failure is nothing, regain your mood, and you will still meet new people.

And a woman who loves herself before loving others will always have a good blessing.

A woman's best blessing: to have these three abilities

3. The ability to start over.

The reason why the rose in "The Story of Roses" is still living beautifully and chic at the age of forty is because she has the ability to start over, no matter what she has experienced, no matter what kind of people she meets, she can reconcile with herself, reconcile with others, forgive others, and let herself go, so as to live well and love herself.

Rose has experienced four relationships, the first is her first love, the love is very deep and unforgettable, but the two people can't come together, and they no longer force it, so they let go of love and start their lives again.

After the first relationship ended, she chose to go to graduate school, and then met the second relationship, and entered into marriage, only to find out after marriage that her husband was not worth it, because he didn't know how to respect roses, and his three views did not agree, and he began to separate again.

Although Rose was greatly hurt by grievances in this marriage, she did not resent her husband after the divorce.

A woman's best blessing: to have these three abilities

Then I met a third relationship, that is, I met my soul mate and started a new life, but God made people, her boyfriend died soon, it was difficult for her to let go, and she had to let go, so she lived like her boyfriend, very chic.

When it came to the fourth relationship, she was very sober, everything was casual, she was no longer impulsive, she was not very persistent, and everything went naturally.

In this life, no matter what you go through, you can have the ability to start over, then you are the best.

As the Rose says, the world is in front of you, pointing to wherever you want to go.

In this life, a woman can live her own life, live confidently, be able to find herself when she experiences darkness, be her own little sun, warm herself, and illuminate her life, which is the best blessing.

A woman's best blessing: to have these three abilities