
The two most aggrieved founding marshals

author:A lesson on the hill tree 8

Among the top ten marshals, two marshals had a rough fate in their lives and suffered a lot of grievances in their lives.

The first is Marshal Xu Xiangqian,

Marshal Xu Xiangqian, a native of Wutai, Shanxi, applied for the first phase of Huangpu in his early years, worked in Zhang Fakui's army after graduation, and later joined our party and participated in the Guangzhou Uprising, which served as the captain of the Red Guards during the Guangzhou Uprising. After the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising, he was sent to northeastern Hubei as a military cadre.

After Marshal Xu Xiangqian came to the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District, he saw a guerrilla force, which claimed to be a division, but in fact there were only more than 300 people, mainly participants in the jute riots. The backward equipment is mainly dominated by guerrillas. Xu Xiangqian served as the deputy commander of the Red 31st Division.

The two most aggrieved founding marshals

In fact, at this time, the Red 31st Division was mainly commanded by Xu Xiangqian, and under the correct command of Xu Xiangqian, the Red 31st Division successively won the victory of Luo Li Hui Suppression, Hubei Yu Hui Suppression, and Xu Xia Hui Suppression.

After three encirclement and suppression battles, the Red 31st Division developed and expanded, and Xu Xiangqian established his position in the army from then on, and his guerrilla tactics were unanimously recognized by the army.

Later, seven guerrilla tactics were created, namely, concentrated operations, dispersed guerrillas, enemy advance and retreat, and enemy retreat and we advance, and these seven guerrilla tactics influenced the development of the entire Red Fourth Front Army and laid the foundation for the development and growth of the Red Fourth Front Army.

Later, he served as the commander of the 1st Red Division, led the 1st Red Division to attack the Pinghan Road, fought three battles and won three victories, and in 1931, he participated in the command of the first and second anti-encirclement and suppression in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region.

After the victory of the first anti-encirclement and suppression and the second anti-encirclement and suppression, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Red Army established the Red Fourth Front Army, and the Red Fourth Front Army was commanded by Xu Xiangqian. Militarily unified, under the command of Xu Xiangqian.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xiangqian commanded the Red Fourth Front Army to win a complete victory in the third anti-encirclement and suppression in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region, annihilating more than 60,000 enemy troops.

In the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression, because Zhang Guotao did not listen to the advice of Commander-in-Chief Xu and insisted on fighting Macheng, but Macheng could not be conquered for a long time, and the 300,000 troops of the Kuomintang came together, Zhang Guotao was frightened, and he wanted to disperse the Red Fourth Front Army to break through, and this plan was resolutely opposed by Xu Xiangqian.

Later, under the correct command of Xu Xiangqian, the main force of the Red Fourth Front Army broke through the encirclement and suppression of the Kuomintang's 300,000 troops, and the whole army reached the Sichuan area. The commanders and fighters of the Red Fourth Front Army all said that Xu Xiangqian was both a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law in the Red Fourth Front Army. He has a lot of things to take care of,

Zhang Guotao covered the sky with one hand in the Red Fourth Front Army, Zhang Guotao was an idiot militarily, and he mainly relied on Xu Xiangqian to fight, but he wanted to intervene in the command, many times Xu Xiangqian's correct opinion was not adopted, Xu Xiangqian endured humiliation and heavy burdens in the Red Fourth Front Army,

But Zhang Guotao carried out a rebellion and arrested his wife Cheng Xunxuan, Xu Xiangqian knew that he did not intervene in the future, but continued to command the battle for the Red Fourth Front Army, but no one thought that Zhang Guotao would kill Cheng Xunxuan. This incident hit Xu Shuai very hard

In 1936, the two armies of the Red Fourth Front Army and the Red First Army formed the West Route Army to cross the Yellow River and prepare to launch the Gansu Campaign.

At that time, Xu Xiangqian served as the commander-in-chief of the Western Route Army, Chen Changhao served as the political commissar of the Western Route Army, and at the same time, the Military and Political Committee was established, with Chen Changhao as chairman and Xu Xiangqian as vice chairman. In other words, Chen Changhao is the number one,

In the Hexi Corridor, Chen Changhao repeatedly intervened in Xu Xiangqian's command, especially when he returned to the Ni family's camp, which eventually led to the death of most of the Western Route Army. The last meeting of the Western Route Army asked Chen Changhao and Xu Xiangqian to return to northern Shaanxi to report on their work.

However, Xu Xiangqian was reluctant to leave, saying that he would share life and death with the remaining comrades of the Western Route Army. But Chen Changhao asked Xu Xiangqian to return to northern Shaanxi, and Xu Xiangqian had no choice but to return to northern Shaanxi with Chen Chang.

After many difficulties and dangers along the way, Xu Xiangqian finally returned to Yan'an, while Chen Changhao went to his hometown in Hubei.

After returning to Yan'an, Xu Xiangqian took all the failures of the Western Route Army, and no matter how much he was wronged, he took on the historical mission alone.

The two most aggrieved founding marshals

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the deputy commander of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and the commander-in-chief of the dignified Red Fourth Front Army can only serve as the deputy division commander now, and the officers and soldiers of the 129th Division are basically from the original Red Fourth Front Army.

Due to various reasons, he could only grieve Xu Xiangqian, the commander-in-chief, as the deputy commander of the 129th Division, Xu Xiangqian endured humiliation and burdened the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and cooperated with Liu Bocheng to fight many classic ambush battles.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he also established the anti-Japanese base in southern Hebei, and later served as the commander of the first column of the Eighth Route Army. Just as he was making drastic moves in Shandong and developing a base area, he was asked to participate in the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

He was forced to leave the front line, and after coming to Yan'an, the Seventh National Congress was not held for a long time, and soon he was appointed deputy commander and chief of staff of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningjin-Sui Joint Defense Army.

In 1943, he served as the president of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, in the early days of the Liberation War, others were fighting on the battlefield, but he could not go to the front, after his repeated requests were appointed as the deputy commander of the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan Military Region, and another deputy position, soon after his arrival, Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain, and handed over tens of thousands of local troops to him.

Under his leadership, he successively conquered Yuncheng Linfen, and after conquering Linfen, the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region and the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region were merged to form the North China Military Region.

Nie Rongzhen, commander of the North China Military Region, the political commissar is Bo Yibo, Marshal Xu Xiangqian served as the first deputy commander, and once again served as the deputy commander, and even Bo Yibo's position surpassed him, you must know that when Xu Xiangqian served as the commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front Army, Marshal Nie Rongzhen was still the political commissar of the Red First Army.

However, in the War of Liberation, Xu Shuai was Nie Shuai's deputy, Xu Shuai did not care about grievances and worked hard, and successively destroyed 100,000 enemies in Jinzhong and 130,000 enemies in Taiyuan. Liberate Shanxi alone.

Due to physical reasons, he did not participate in the battle to liberate the Great Northwest, and I became his lifelong regret.

Xu Xiangqian left his hometown to apply for the Huangpu examination, not long after his first wife died of illness, and his father and mother passed away one after another in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

The second Marshal Peng Dehuai,

Marshal Peng Dehuai led the Pingjiang Uprising, Peng Dehuai's fate was bumpy when he was a child, and his girlfriend, who lost his father and mother in his early years, was forced off the cliff by the landlord.

After Peng Dehuai joined the army, he was introduced to his first wife Liu Kunmo. Later, he led the troops to launch the Pingjiang Uprising, and lost contact with his first wife.

After the Pingjiang Uprising, he led his troops to Jinggangshan to join the Red Fourth Army, served as the commander of the Red Fifth Army, and later served as the commander of the Red Third Army.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, and his first wife Liu Kunmo saw the situation about Marshal Peng Dehuai in the newspaper, so she went to Yan'an to find Peng Dehuai.

originally thought that it would be a happy thing for the husband and wife to meet again, but they didn't expect Liu Kunmo to remarry.

The reason is that Liu Kunmo thought that Peng Dehuai had sacrificed, Marshal Peng Dehuai could only accept the reality, his first love was forced off the cliff by the landlord, and his wife was forced to remarry.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he launched the Battle of the Hundred Regiments and wiped out more than 20,000 Japanese puppet troops, but this battle was deducted by some people, saying that it exposed the strength of our army in advance, and one person criticized the Battle of the Hundred Regiments. Peng Dehuai felt greatly wronged, but for the sake of the overall situation, Peng Dehuai could only endure humiliation.

The two most aggrieved founding marshals

At the beginning of the Liberation War, Peng Dehuai only commanded more than 20,000 people, and you must know that he was the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army. He still leads 20,000 people in the northwest.

At the end of the 50s, he asked for the people's life, but was framed by Lin Biao and his gang, and his fate was even more tragic later.

This is why the two marshals Peng Xu are the two most aggrieved of the top ten marshals