
The worker was cut off by the owner when he was working at height, and the local responded: recognize the mistake and have reconciled!

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
The worker was cut off by the owner when he was working at height, and the local responded: recognize the mistake and have reconciled!

Sometimes it's quite shocking when I see some news, but we can often see this phenomenon on the Internet, where something happens, and in the end it all becomes reconciliation, confession and apology, and then the matter is over.

The fairness and justice of the law should be maintained, but sometimes we wonder why some things always turn into reconciliation in the end.

The three words and mud seem to have become embarrassing in the eyes of many netizens.

In the past few days, a video has been circulating on the Internet, a worker in a community in Chongqing was working at height, and the safety rope was cut by the owner.

It can be seen from the relevant video that the filmmaker is very angry, because the workers are cleaning the tiles on the exterior wall of the community.

Unexpectedly, at this time, an accident happened.

When the workers working outdoors climbed down the rope, one of the owners suddenly ran up for some reason, and cut the safety rope with a shovel without saying a word.

Fortunately, a two-rope structure was used at that time. The workers were still alive to climb up, and if it was a single-story structure, the result would have been clear to everyone, and the workers would have fallen from a great height.

The roof of the 32-story building, according to the three meters of the first floor, is more than 100 meters from the ground, if this falls, it is really miserable, I don't know why the owner did it.

The worker was cut off by the owner when he was working at height, and the local responded: recognize the mistake and have reconciled!

Sometimes I am also very emotional, some people's practices are too extreme, if there is a problem, talk about the problem, directly cut the safety rope, what do you want to do.

When the incident happened, because there was a worker still on the roof of the building, the owner who cut the safety rope had been scolding there, the worker did not talk nonsense with the owner, and directly chose to call the police, and the police took the owner away after they arrived.

The man who cut the safety rope said that he was the owner of the community, and the reason why he acted radically was because when the workers were repairing the exterior wall, they came across the green plants he had planted on the roof of the building, and he was dizzy for a while.

I don't know if you can accept this reason.

It's nothing more than finding a lame reason for his own approach, just touching the green plants he planted on the roof of the building, and cutting other people's safety ropes.

This approach is also too extreme, think about it from another angle, if you touch the green plant, you will cut the safety rope of others, if you touch some other items, then what should the owner do?

I remember seeing a news story before that a worker lost his life because an owner broke the safety rope, and sometimes some actions were particularly damaging.

To put it bluntly, the owner is unforgiving, there is a little sign of his own loss, and he wants to let everyone take responsibility, and this responsibility is unimaginable, after the incident, the local government also responded quickly, according to the media, criticism and education have been carried out.

The man involved knew that he was wrong and apologized, and the two parties reached a settlement under the mediation of the police.

The worker was cut off by the owner when he was working at height, and the local responded: recognize the mistake and have reconciled!

The matter got big, I started to apologize, I was on the hot search, and I began to regret it.

To put it bluntly, public opinion has formed a huge pressure, causing these people to apologize as a last resort, how arrogant the video is, how fast the apology is in reality, such a huge strong contrast, isn't it that their interests have been hurt before they start to apologize?

Acts like this have endangered public safety.

According to some lawyers, this is a criminal case that is prosecuted, not that it can be done privately unilaterally, and there is a lot of public opinion, and public opinion is also very large, and it is settled privately, so what do you want the law to do?

In many cases, some things that have a bad impact should be analyzed as a classic case, observed, and set an example.

The law should be dignified, violations must be caught, and laws must be followed, which is in line with the vision of all people. will overflow.

Some netizens also believe that things like this obviously belong to the adjustment of the mud method, and the cost of violating the law is too low, who will uphold justice in the future.

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