
The service is constantly upgraded, convenience is everywhere, and Qingcheng Station makes the life of citizens easier

author:Blue-orange melter

In the streets and alleys of Hohhot, there are many Qingcheng post stations with different architectural shapes and various service functions. Qingcheng Station integrates a variety of public service functions such as public toilets, mother and baby rooms, outdoor worker service stations, and intelligent convenient waiting rooms to provide services for the general public.

The service is constantly upgraded, convenience is everywhere, and Qingcheng Station makes the life of citizens easier

Book bar

One stop and one rhyme add color to the street scene of Qingcheng

"It's so pretty! The scenic spot is good-looking, and the Qingcheng post stations around the scenic spot are also good-looking. The Qingcheng Post Station near the Dazhao Historical and Cultural Tourism Scenic Area is an antique building with blue bricks and tiles, highlighting the city's history and cultural origins; The Qingcheng Post Station in the grassland of Eilechuan is a national style building, like a dark green hillside integrated into the grassland landscape, and it is not abrupt to take pictures. Mr. Yang, who came to Hohhot to play, said that in the process of traveling, he was often attracted by the high-value Qingcheng Station.

According to the statistics of the Hohhot Environmental Sanitation Service Center, there are 560 Qingcheng post stations in the streets and alleys of Hohhot. Walking through the streets, Qingcheng Post Station with different design styles such as ethnic customs, classical style, and European architecture can be seen everywhere, and their design is integrated with the streetscape to become a scenery of the city, and provide a variety of convenient services for citizens and tourists.

The service is constantly upgraded, convenience is everywhere, and Qingcheng Station makes the life of citizens easier

Outdoor worker service sites

According to the Hohhot City Environmental Sanitation Service Center Publicity Section Chief Ge Rile Tuya introduced, in recent years, Hohhot City has vigorously promoted the service of people's livelihood projects related to the work requirements, Hohhot City Urban Management and Sanitation Department to build and improve the public toilet service function as a breakthrough, strengthen the deployment, overall promotion, maintain high standards of construction, refinement, long-term management, to create a number of Qingcheng stations, public toilets, so that the capital public toilet facilities are poor, seriously damaged, unreasonable layout, difficult to use the toilet and other phenomena have been fundamentally improved. At present, there are a total of 560 Qingcheng post stations and 1,522 public toilets in Hohhot, achieving the goal of configuring one Qingcheng post station or public toilet within an average of 500 meters of the eight horizontal and eight vertical main roads in the built-up area, and meeting the needs of the public to go to the toilet within 10 minutes in the central area.

The business is complete and the intimate service is well received

In the museum station next to the Inner Mongolia Art Museum, an electronic display screen is hanging on a loop, which is playing public service announcements and bus arrival information from nearby bus stops in a loop. This is the public service provided by the art museum station - the intelligent and convenient waiting room. Waiting for the bus here, warm in winter and cool in summer, it solves the safety and convenience problem of waiting for special needs passengers such as the elderly, children, sick, disabled, and pregnant. In this station, there are also service facilities such as mother and baby rooms and convenience stores to provide convenience for the masses.

The service is constantly upgraded, convenience is everywhere, and Qingcheng Station makes the life of citizens easier

Lounge area

There are many Qingcheng stations with rich business formats such as the Art Museum Station. Located opposite the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University on North Street, Tekeshi Station is one of them. The station cooperates with the well-known brand Tex fast food, and the income is used for the daily management of the station.

There are not only facilities to meet the needs of citizens in the Qingcheng Post Station in Hohhot, but also more beautiful in the appearance design and internal space layout, and some Qingcheng Post Station also has supermarkets, tea rooms, book houses, flower shops, bars, and fast food restaurants...... The space is practical, diverse, creative, easy to use, smart and more environmentally friendly.

The service is constantly upgraded, convenience is everywhere, and Qingcheng Station makes the life of citizens easier

Mother-and-baby room

On this basis, Hohhot also uses Qingcheng Post Station as a service platform to set up 236 outdoor worker service stations in the city, providing rest, heating, drinking water, charging, reading, hot meals and other services for outdoor workers such as taxis (online car-hailing) and express delivery, employees in the social service industry and citizens. And purchased a number of convenient service equipment, such as rest seats, microwave ovens, kettles, water dispensers, mobile phone charging stations, heaters, toolbox sets, non-slip mats, medicine boxes, etc. The staff of the Hohhot Environmental Sanitation Service Center said that this year, Hohhot plans to continue to build 34 service points for outdoor workers on the basis of the previous site to provide more convenient services for outdoor workers.

The service is constantly upgraded, convenience is everywhere, and Qingcheng Station makes the life of citizens easier

Construction can keep up, and management must also keep up. In March this year, the "Compilation of Management Rules and Regulations of Qingcheng Station in Hohhot City (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Compilation") was officially promulgated and implemented. Relying on the industry standard of the People's Republic of China "Design Standard for Urban Public Toilets CJJ14-2016" (Announcement No. 1298 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China), "Measures for the Management of Urban Public Toilets" and "Regulations on the Management of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation of Hohhot City" (October 2020), the "Compilation" has clarified the opening hours of Qingcheng Post Station through field exploration, in-depth research, extensive solicitation of opinions and suggestions, repeated demonstrations and full reference to the advanced experience and practices of other regions. There are 11 key contents such as perfect equipment operation, functional standards, service personnel work rules, operation and maintenance management assessment, operation and maintenance subsidy special fund management measures, and complaint and petition handling management measures, so that the management of Qingcheng Station (public toilet) in Hohhot City has rules to follow and rules to follow. In addition, the Hohhot Environmental Sanitation Service Center has taken measures such as refined management, normalized service and inclusion in the evaluation mechanism to manage the existing 560 Qingcheng post stations and 1,522 public toilets in the city, and has also established a problem feedback mechanism to supervise and rectify, follow up and inspect, feedback and report the exposure of problems, so as to improve the service level of Qingcheng post station (public toilet). According to the public opinion spot check and evaluation, the satisfaction rate of the masses with the service of Qingcheng Station (public toilet) reached 95.7%; The construction of barrier-free facilities should be set up as much as possible, with a comprehensive setting rate of 52% of barrier-free ramps (full coverage of Qingcheng Station), and an installation rate of 100% of barrier-free safety handles, help calls and signs, which not only meets the toilet needs of citizens and tourists, but also effectively meets the barrier-free toilet needs of special personnel.

The service is constantly upgraded, convenience is everywhere, and Qingcheng Station makes the life of citizens easier

In the next step, Hohhot will further optimize the measures, and realize the refined and long-term management of Qingcheng Post Station by taking continuous inspections, supervising rectification, tracking and review, and strengthening assessment management, so as to create a more comfortable toilet environment for the general public and further polish the service brand of Qingcheng Post Station in the capital.

(Text/Hohhot Evening News reporter Zhang Qiuyan Photo/Hohhot Evening News reporter Wang Shaokai)

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