
Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

author:Wonders of History

Friends who pay attention to military affairs must still remember a piece of news: the fifth-generation aircraft of Western countries, the F35 fighter followed Lao Maozi's Tu-160 bomber, but was tragically teased by the other party.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

As one of the most advanced fighters in the world, it cannot catch up with the bombers produced by the former Soviet Union decades ago, and can only watch the other side fly farther and farther.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

As an old thing from a few decades ago, it has a speed far exceeding that of fifth-generation fighters, and even now it is an important strategic force for Russia, and it is still a dream of many countries.

It was such a fighter plane that the mainland almost got its hands on back then, but in the end it died without a problem because of the United States and Russia's great efforts to obstruct it.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

So how powerful is Figure 160? Let us once want to get it?

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Extra-large weight

Although the Tu-160 is a bomber designed and produced by the former Soviet Union, even now, it is still the heaviest strategic bomber in service in the world.

Its maximum take-off weight reached a staggering 285 tons, and for a bomber, tonnage and combat effectiveness were directly proportional, and the greater the tonnage, the more ammunition could be carried.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

The maximum bomb load of the Tu-160 can be described as blinding, it can carry 40 tons of ammunition, and in its fuselage, there is also a rotating pylon, which can carry 12 cruise missiles at a time.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

And it also has two magazines, each of which can hold 20 tons of ammunition, so you can imagine how much damage a 40-ton bomb can do when it passes over the head of a city.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Super flight ability

The flight capability of the Tu-160 should not be underestimated, and the Soviet Union designed it to have supersonic flight capabilities, and it can reach a maximum flight speed of Mach 2.05.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Today, there are many other aircraft that can achieve this speed, but remember that the Tu-160 was a product of decades ago, and even now, it can be unbeatable.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Many of today's fighter jets are still not as fast as the Tu-160, let alone the much larger bombers.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Long battery life

In addition to the above two advantages, the Tu-160 also has another advantage that cannot be ignored, that is, its extremely strong endurance, it can reach a single range of 15,000 kilometers.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

This is still without the need to refuel, and such an ultra-long range gives the Tu-160 a great advantage, that is, the ability to strike the enemy across continents.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

It can be said that as long as you find your own target, the Tu-160 can achieve a strike against it, such a powerful ability, even Lao Mei has a headache.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

In addition to these advantages, the Tu-160 also has a very good penetration capability, thanks to its variable swept wing design, the Tu-160 can greatly increase the flight speed in a short time, with four engines with a thrust of up to 25 tons, the Tu-160 penetration speed is no less than that of a supersonic fighter.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

However, this is also very damaging to the aircraft, not only reducing the range, but also affecting the life of the engine.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Even so, the advantages of the Tu-160 are very powerful now, otherwise Russia would not have used this combat platform all the time and upgraded it.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

At this stage, Russia is making improvements to the Tu-160, first of all, they have comprehensively upgraded the Tu-160 that is still in service to become the Tu-160M, and secondly, Russia is still producing the improved Tu-160M2, it is understood that the new model of the Tu-160M2 has improved its endurance, combat effectiveness and the protection level of the aircraft itself.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Knowing this, everyone should know why the United States and Russia didn't want us to get this plane back then.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Not to mention the United States, they have always wanted to suppress us, and if we get the Figure 160, it will be very detrimental for the United States to maintain its position in the world.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Russia's approach is also very understandable, although we have a cooperative relationship with them, but the Tu-160 is the core strategic force of Lao Maozi, and of course they are not willing to let us have such technology.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

For example, if Russia wants to buy the J-20 now, will we take it out and sell it?

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Then the question arises, since neither Russia nor the United States wants us to buy the Tu-160, where did we find the channel back then?

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

This is related to our "big brother" the Soviet Union, which collapsed at the end of the last century, and the huge country fell apart in an instant, but according to the previous plans of the Soviet Union, the Tu-160 was to produce 100 aircraft.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

At that time, the Tu-160 was produced in Ukraine, and there were many Tu-160s that had already been produced in the hangar.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

On the one hand, because of the pressure from the United States and Russia, Ukraine naturally has no room for resistance in the face of these two behemoths.

On the other hand, the cost of manufacturing and maintenance of the Tu-160 can be described as spending money, and Ukraine's national strength simply cannot support such a huge military expenditure.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

So Ukraine sent the Tu-160 that had been produced to Russia in the form of debt payment, and the rest were dismantled on the spot, but there were still a few of them, which were still well preserved for various reasons and placed in the hangar.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

We found Ukraine and wanted to buy a Tu-160 for research, but after the United States and Russia learned about this news, they naturally tried their best to obstruct it.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

In the face of the United States, which was in full swing at that time, and Russia, which inherited a large military legacy, we had no choice but to give up.

But this does not mean that our bomber business will stop moving, since others do not want to give, then we will build it ourselves.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

On the basis of Soviet fighters, we developed the mainland's famous H-6, which was nicknamed by the majority of military fans and friends: Sixth Master.

Today, the H-6 has extended to many models, although it still sounds like the H-6 and feels old-fashioned, but it is not the same thing at all.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Of course, in addition to the improvement of the H-6 platform, we are also working the new strategic bomber platform.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

In an interview, General Wang Wei, deputy commander of the mainland air force, openly stated: The mainland's research and development of a new generation of strategic bombers is progressing very smoothly, and there are no technical bottlenecks at present.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

It may not be long before the Air Force commander can openly say such a thing, and the "H-20" that we have in mind will meet with you.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

When the time comes, our nuclear strike capability will be raised to a higher level, and we will be more confident in the face of the US threat.

Figure 160 is indeed very strong, and it is indeed a pity that we could not get it back then, but with the rapid development of the Continental Army industry in recent years, the original very fragrant Figure 160 is slowly becoming "Mrs. Niu".

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Friends who often pay attention to this area must have discovered that in recent years, especially after the launch of the Fujian, the mainland's military strength even the United States does not dare to underestimate it.

Dignity is only above the edge of the sword, and the cannon of truth is only within range.

We believe that the mainland's national defense forces will achieve achievements that have attracted worldwide attention in the future, and we will not cause trouble, but we are still less afraid of things, and whoever wants to bully us will have to weigh it carefully.

Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?

Back then, we used millet plus rifles to beat the invincible US army back to the 38th parallel, and now we have stronger national defense forces, no matter who it is, don't want to bully China and the Chinese people!


Xinhuanet: Russia is considering deploying Tu-160 bombers in the Far East for the first time, who does it want to deter?
Soviet legacy, how good is the figure 160? Why do the United States and Russia have to do everything they can to prevent China from acquiring it?


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