
An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

author:Wonders of History

When it comes to medical care, many people will start to brag about the American medical system, saying how good people's free medical care is, and today I will pour cold water on you.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

This is a real case in the United States, and it also vividly shows the irresponsible and casual attitude of American hospitals.

The word cancer doesn't feel good on anyone, even Americans.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

Ms. Lisa from Texas, USA, was informed of the sad news.

During an examination, she found that she had a tumor on her spleen, which is a very rare "aggressive vascular cancer".

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

This disease is not only rare, but also very difficult to cure, the origin of this cancer is a malignant hemangioma, there are no symptoms in the early stage, and the person is very healthy.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

However, if there is a problem such as pain or bleeding, it means that it has begun to spread, and it is too late to check it out.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

Not only is it difficult to detect, but it is also very difficult to treat, even if it is detected early, it is difficult to eradicate it, all doctors can do is to try to control the speed of its spread and let the patient live for a longer period of time.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

If it is found to be at an advanced stage, then even doctors have nothing to do, and even if all the treatment methods are used, the patient can only survive for about a year.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

At first, Ms. Lisa only felt some abdominal pain, the pain was around the kidneys, she thought she had kidney stones, so she rushed to the hospital to have a CT scan.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

The results showed that she did have two stones in her kidney, but in addition to that, there was a tumor in her spleen.

Because the pain was unbearable at that time, I decided to have lithotripsy surgery done first, and the tumor would wait until a while.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

It was the end of 2022, but Ms. Lisa was restless at the memory of another tumor in her body, so in January 2023, she went to the hospital for surgery to remove the lump.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

She thought this was over, but when she went to the hospital for a follow-up visit, the hospital told her the test results of the lump, which was an aggressive vascular cancer, and it was already in an advanced stage, and she only had about 15 months left to live.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

Ms. Lisa was shocked and very sad to get this result, she had a happy family and two lovely children, but the relentless illness wanted to take her away.

Instead of giving in, she decided to fight the disease, so she prepared and underwent chemotherapy in March.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

The chemotherapy was very painful, and Ms. Lisa's chemotherapy was very intensive, basically having to be completed in a month, which also caused her great sequelae.

The pain and vomiting were all mild, and her hair began to fall out a lot, and within a month, her hair fell out, which was very devastating for a woman.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

In addition, her skin began to change color, from the original white, gradually to a terrifying silver, all of which made Lady Lisa very painful, but she had no choice but to do so in order to survive.

Ms. Lisa spent a hellish month in extreme pain, and when she went to the hospital for a follow-up in April, she got the news that she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

After the chemotherapy, Ms. Lisa came to the hospital for a follow-up visit, and the nurse opened her report as usual, but soon her face showed a very surprised expression.

After reading the report, the nurse turned around and ran to the attending doctor, and Ms. Lisa was confused, but she didn't know what was going on, so she could only wait with trepidation.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

Soon, the doctor came back with the nurse, and the doctor said a lot of technical terms that Lisa didn't understand, and ordinary people could not understand these things, but Ms. Lisa could only listen patiently.

Fortunately, the doctor still told her the results, and the doctor first congratulated Ms. Lisa, and she thought that her condition had improved, but then the doctor went on to tell her that according to the test results, she actually did not have cancer at all, and the previous results were wrong.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

Angered by the result, Ms. Lisa said: "I was shocked and unbelievable that he congratulated me, because I felt that he should have said something sorry to me. ”

Lisa was calm at first, but soon she couldn't control her anger.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

Because after investigation, it was found that such a result was entirely due to the hospital's irresponsibility.

After Ms. Lisa was told she had cancer, the hospital told her to have another spleen test to avoid a mistake in judgment.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

In the end, she did the examination and the results came out, but the hospital staff directly ignored the test results, and still inferred that she was cancer, and gave her chemotherapy for a whole month.

It wasn't until I had a follow-up visit that the report was turned over and looked at it carefully, but it was too late, and the month-long chemotherapy not only brought endless pain to Lisa, but also seriously damaged her physical health.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

As a result, her hair fell out and her internal organs were damaged to varying degrees.

"They ruined my health, my internal organs were almost cooked (by chemotherapy)."
An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

But time did not end there, and more shameless operations in American hospitals followed.

Instead of compensating Ms. Lisa, the hospital continued to bill her and ask her to pay for her treatment.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

Ms. Lisa not only emptied her savings but also borrowed a lot of foreign debt because of the hospital's mistakes, but she had to pay for it because the hospital said that the cost of treating cancer was high and the hospital would not exempt Ms. Lisa from the fees.

I was speechless when I saw this, this is obviously a tragedy caused by the irresponsibility of the hospital, but they are justifiably demanding that patients pay for their actions, which is very different from our country.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

My family was sick before, and I went to the county hospital for a check-up, and the results showed a shadow in the lung, and the doctor told us that it might be lung cancer, but we couldn't be sure, and suggested that we go to a bigger hospital for a follow-up.

After getting this result, the family naturally did not dare to despise it, and hurriedly ran to the third-class hospital in the province to do another examination, and the doctor did a very detailed examination, and it took a long time to judge, and it turned out to be a false alarm.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

At that time, the family was still complaining that a little thing had been tossed for so long, but now it seems that the doctor is actually responsible for doing this.

The same is an examination, the same is a misdiagnosis, so that the comparison between the two can show how unreliable the medical treatment in the United States is.

An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain

They can be so careless about major events like cancer, not to mention some common diseases.

Just like Ms. Lisa, if the hospital is careful, she will not have to suffer this sin, now it is good, not only has to pay the bill, but her body is also a mess, I hope Ms. Lisa can get better and better in the future, and she will not have to suffer again.


Sing Tao Global Network: An American woman was diagnosed with ultra-rare cancer, and after chemotherapy tortured her bald hair, she was told that she had never got the disease
An American woman was diagnosed with rare cancer, lost her hair and was in debt after chemotherapy, only to find out that she had suffered in vain


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