
I am 56 years old, I am still charming, I am a 63-year-old farmer, I said that I will manage the money in the future, and he said that he will listen to you

author:Happy wind chimes

All my articles are original and first published, and they are only posted on today's headlines, and the whole network has been opened to protect rights, and plagiarism and handling must be chased to the end)

The story in this article comes from fan contributions, the names in the article are pseudonyms, the picture is from the Internet, if the plot is similar, it is purely a coincidence, please do not sit in the opposite number!

Dictation: Chen Meiting

Text arrangement: wind chimes

My name is Chen Meiting, I am 56 years old this year, and whenever people mention the word "widowed", my heart can't help but tremble. Ten years ago, my husband was in an accident due to drunk driving and left me and my son, who was only 10 years old at the time, forever.

At that moment, my world seemed to fall apart, especially when I knew that we couldn't get even a single amount of compensation because of drunk driving, and my heart fell to the bottom.

I remember after my husband left, I asked myself every day, how should I live my life in the future? Later I told myself that I had to be strong for the sake of my son.

I raised my son alone. He is becoming more and more sensible and better. I know it's worth it. But in the dead of night, I still think of my husband and the times we spent together.

Now, my son is an adult and has a family. Every time I see him smiling and picking up his child, I know that all the hard work and dedication I have put in is worth it. However, as his world became more and more complete, I also began to think, where is my happiness?

I decided it was time to find happiness for myself. Later, I met Xie Jinzhu on a blind date, he is 63 years old, with a muscular body and dark skin due to years of working in the fields. He told me that he was also a widow and that after his wife died of illness, he was left alone to farm his family's fields.

I am 56 years old, I am still charming, I am a 63-year-old farmer, I said that I will manage the money in the future, and he said that he will listen to you

"Meiting, although I am only a farmer, I can grow a lot of grain, vegetables and fruits every year, although the income is not high, about 100,000 yuan a year, enough for me to live." He said to me with a smile and a glint of love and satisfaction for life in his eyes.

I nodded in understanding. He continued: "In addition to farming, I also have 4 cows and 3 pigs, and I plan to expand to 100 cows in the future!" His eyes sparkled with longing and anticipation for the future.

I was so impressed by his optimism and hard work that we talked more and more. He told me that he got up early in the morning to work in the fields, and in the evening he would be at home watching TV or chatting with his neighbors. Although life is simple, he feels fulfilled.

"Meiting, I think you are a very kind and strong person." He suddenly looked at me seriously and said, "If you want, we can try to get along." Although I may not be able to give you a rich life, I will do my best to make you feel happy and satisfied. ”

I listened to his words, and my heart warmed. I know that happiness is not measured by money, but by whether two people can understand and support each other. So, I smiled and nodded, and said, "Jin Zhu, I am also willing to give you a chance, let's see what the future holds." ”

In this way, Mr. Xie and I began our journey of getting along. We work in the fields together, take care of the cows, sheep and pigs together, and plan our future life together. Although our lives are not rich, our hearts are getting closer.

I am 56 years old, I am still charming, I am a 63-year-old farmer, I said that I will manage the money in the future, and he said that he will listen to you

In the process of in-depth communication with Mr. Xie, I heard his motivation for choosing to start a business. It was a sunny afternoon, and we were drinking tea in the courtyard of his self-built house, chatting about our lives.

I was curious to ask him why he chose to start his business at this time, after all, many people choose to spend their old age comfortably at this age.

He put down the teacup, and his eyes revealed firmness: "Meiting, I chose to start a business for two reasons. The first one is that I want to earn more pension money while I am still in good health. You know, life in the countryside is comfortable, but the cost is not small.

Especially now that prices are rising, I don't want to reach out to my children for money when I get old. I want to save more money through my own efforts, so that I can afford any illness in the future. ”

I nodded in understanding. He continued: "The second reason, which is actually more difficult to say. After the death of my ex-wife, I often felt lonely. In the dead of night, there is only your own voice at home, which is really uncomfortable.

So, I chose to fill this loneliness with a busy job. Get up early every day to feed the cows and pigs, and come back in the evening to tidy up the day's things, although tired, but very fulfilling. ”

Hearing this, my heart was touched a little. I could feel the helplessness and strength in his words. I gently shook his hand and said, "Jin Zhu, I understand your feelings. But you know what? Loneliness is not something that can only be filled by being busy. Sometimes, a bosom companion and a warm home can bring you happiness and satisfaction. ”

He was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "Meiting, my ex-wife is a gentle and kind woman. We've lived together for decades and we've been through ups and downs together. But fate was so unfair, she died suddenly due to illness, which caught me off guard. ”

I am 56 years old, I am still charming, I am a 63-year-old farmer, I said that I will manage the money in the future, and he said that he will listen to you

He took a deep breath and continued, "That day, she was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner for us when she suddenly collapsed. I rushed her to the hospital, but it was too late. The doctor told me that she had a terminal illness that had spread throughout her body. ”

I listened to it tightly, and I could feel the pain and helplessness in his heart. He continued: "I couldn't believe it was all real, it felt like the sky was falling. I think every day that if I had caught her abnormality sooner, if I had spent more time with her, maybe this wouldn't have happened. ”

He lowered his head, his voice a little choked: "After she left, I felt empty every day, and there was no longer her laughter and busy figure at home." I often think about the bits and pieces of our past, and those warm images make me feel heartache and helplessness. ”

Just when we were chatting happily, he suddenly stopped, looked at me and said seriously, "Meiting, I think you are very special." From the first time I met you, I developed a crush on you. I was stunned, and my heart beat faster as if it was about to jump out of my chest. I swallowed nervously, not knowing how to respond.

He saw my nervousness and smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I just want to say that I am willing to continue to associate with you." I feel that we have a lot of common topics and interests, and we can support and understand each other. ”

I breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension in my heart slowly dissipated. I raised my head and looked at his sincere eyes, and a warm current welled up in my heart. I smiled and replied, "Mr. Xie, I'm also glad to meet you." I think you are a very responsible and self-motivated person, and I would love to continue to get along with you. ”

I took a deep breath and whispered, "Jin Zhu, if we really decide to be together, I hope ...... Can you give me a ring. When I said this, my heart raced, as if I could hear my own heartbeat. I'm a little embarrassed, but I think it's necessary, after all, the ring is a symbol of marriage.

I am 56 years old, I am still charming, I am a 63-year-old farmer, I said that I will manage the money in the future, and he said that he will listen to you

He was stunned for a moment, then looked at me gently, his eyes full of determination: "Meiting, this is no problem at all. The ring is just the beginning, and if we get the certificate, I am even willing to buy you a bracelet and other jewelry that you like. His words warmed my heart and gave me hope for the future.

I smiled and continued, "Also, I hope that in the future, I will be able to control the financial power of my family. Of course, this doesn't mean that I'm going to spend money heavily, but I want to make our home more stable and planned. I explained, hoping he would understand what I was thinking.

He nodded, smiled and said, "Meiting, I completely understand your thoughts. I can rest assured that the economic power will be handed over to you. I believe in your ability and wisdom to make our home a better place. His words reassured me and strengthened my resolve to be with him.

We looked at each other and smiled, and at that moment, I felt his sincerity and commitment. I knew that if he could do that, then our marriage would be very happy.

I looked at him seriously and said, "Jin Zhu, I know that you are now in the entrepreneurial stage and may encounter a lot of financial difficulties. But please believe that if you really need me, I am willing to provide financial support at the stage of your start-up. I was actually a little nervous when I said this, after all, it was also a big decision for me.

I am 56 years old, I am still charming, I am a 63-year-old farmer, I said that I will manage the money in the future, and he said that he will listen to you

He looked at me with a flash of surprise in his eyes, followed by deep gratitude. He shook my hand and said excitedly, "Meiting, thank you." Your support is really important to me. I know that the road to entrepreneurship will not be easy, but with your help, I believe that I will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve my dream. ”

I looked at him with a smile and a warm heart. I know that this sentence is not only a support for him, but also a commitment to my own future. I told him, "Jin Zhu, I believe in your abilities. I am confident that your business plan will be successful. I am willing to work hard with you, struggle together, and create our better future together. ”

He held my hand tightly, and his eyes flashed with determination: "Meiting, thank you for believing in me." I will definitely work hard and I will not let you down. We looked at each other and smiled, and at that moment, I felt a deep understanding and trust between us.

On the way home, my heart was full of anticipation and excitement. I know that there is still a long way to go, but as long as we support and trust each other, we will be able to go through all the ups and downs and usher in our own happy time.

Do you think I made the right decision?#头条创作挑战赛#