
What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

author:The breeze is a little sweet

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What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Today's topic: What's the most incredible thing you've ever done?

The breeze is a little sweet

Edit|The breeze is a little sweet

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now


Speaking of this topic, I suddenly remembered that when I was in junior high school, the classroom was on the sixth floor, next to the teacher's office, and I went to hand in my homework after school in the afternoon

The school immediately installed a fence the next day

Thinking about it now, I'm really scared, I don't know what I thought at the time

The rest of the bunch of people looked at each other, and by the way, everyone made a statement to sum up their own failures

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Fortunately, you didn't close the PPT haha

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

You are really a large-scale social death scene, and your life will be very fast

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Not only you, but I feel that the behavior of your friends is also quite unbelievable

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

When I saw this, I was directly embarrassed

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

This is the origin of "waiting for the rabbit".

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

It's really annoying this.,I don't know how to take my own express.

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Haha think about singing with headphones on while riding an electric car, it feels really cool

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

It's hard to imagine how you spent your later years in school

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

I can see it, it's an e person, a good company cow haha

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Hahaha stop quibbling, whether it was intentional or not

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Good guys, are your car keys made of ice

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

It's outrageous, I want to know what you were thinking at the time

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Nan Nan is very good, you are too cute, haha

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Didn't the school leaders talk to you two in the afternoon?

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

1 So, the eyes of the senior students shift to you

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

It must have been very difficult for your neighbor to hold back his laughter at that time, haha

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

Stunned, you three have such guts

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

You still have to pay attention to safety, and you won't do this kind of thing in the future

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

More than 100 people, which one are you calling?

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now

I've done a lot of things before, and it's still a bit unbelievable to look back now, but when I encounter the same thing in the future, I must remember to think twice~

Finally, thank you for reading, I hope to get your likes, attention, and comments!

Welcome all the little masters to pay attention to @Breeze is a little sweet, the editor will bring more joy to everyone~

What's the most incredible thing you've ever done? Netizen: I still have palpitations when I talk about it now