
6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

author:Dressed Beauty Girl
6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

In the era of science and technology, all kinds of "artifacts" around us are rampant, and many people are also keen to buy this kind of home artifact to solve life problems, in fact, some small troubles in life can be solved without spending money.

Today, I will sort out 6 life tips for you without money, quickly solve the pain points of life, and I really regret that I only know now.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

In summer, the weather is hot, and the indoor is even hotter, and only by turning on the air conditioner to cool down can you enjoy a coolness, but the air conditioner is also a household appliance that consumes more electricity.

If you don't use it properly, then the electricity bill will rise in the summer, in fact, if you want to turn on the air conditioner to enjoy the coolness, and you don't want to pay too much electricity bill, there is a little trick to save electricity.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

Turn on the air conditioner to 26 degrees and adjust the wind speed to two gears, and then press the refrigeration for 5 seconds to operate a set, and the air conditioner will turn on the power-saving mode, one kilowatt-hour of electricity a day, which is very practical.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

Mosquitoes in summer are a nightmare for many people, mosquito bites are not only itchy and unbearable, but the most important thing is that mosquitoes will carry some viruses and bacteria, which will harm health when they enter the human body, so mosquito repellent in summer is the top priority.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

There are many ways to repel mosquitoes, some people like to use mosquito coils, but some people can't stand the smell of his smoke and feel choked, and some people will buy mosquito repellent toilet water, but the effect is average, and the price of toilet water is still very expensive.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

Today I will teach you an effective and cheap way to repel mosquitoes, that is, to use DEET plus water marbles, DEET is something that many people don't know,

However, the DEET in the toilet water you buy contains 7%, and we can directly buy DEET stock solution online and use it with alcohol, which not only has a good mosquito repellent effect, but also is cheaper.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

In order to prevent him from volatilizing quickly, you can mix alcohol and DEET and put it into the water marble, the purpose of this is to let him volatilize slowly, basically volatilize for about half a month, and put it at home to effectively repel mosquitoes.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

It is extremely cool to be able to drink an ice-cold drink on a hot summer, but it takes a long time to cool the drink that you buy at home and put it in the refrigerator, and most people can't wait.

In fact, there is a little trick that does not cost money, and it can quickly cool the drink, just wrap a layer of wet paper towels on top of the drink.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

Then place in the freezer layer of the refrigerator. In about five or six minutes, the drink was already cold, which was cut in half.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

Many people don't know how this works, but it's because air and water have different thermal conductivity, and water has 20 times the thermal conductivity of air, so it can be frozen quickly.

With this trick, you can enjoy a cold drink anytime and anywhere in the summer.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

The scissors at home are not sharp after a long time, they are very stuck, and they can't be cut apart. I just want to throw it away, in fact, I don't have to waste it like this, teach you a little trick,

can make the scissors instantly sharp, that is, use scissors to pick up aluminum products, such as cans at home, and the effect of sharpening the knife can be achieved in the process of cutting, so that the scissors are sharper and sharper.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

Every time I go to the toilet after going to the toilet, I feel very dirty and will be stained with bacteria, although there are many small items on the Internet, but I can use the handle on the milk crate without spending money.

Cut off the handle and stick it directly to the toilet seat, which is not only beautiful and easy to use, as long as you use hot melt adhesive to glue it on, it is very strong and much more convenient for hygiene.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

Don't throw away the bra that you don't wear, cut the buttons and have a lot of use, if the child's pants are bought big, the pants will always drop, you can sew the bra buttons on the waistband of the pants so that you can tighten the waistband, and wait until the child is older and then open it and continue to wear it for a long time.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life

If you don't like to wear your fat-legged pants anymore, you can also sew these buttons on the side of the trouser leg if you want to turn them into small-legged pants.

6 "life tips" that don't need money to solve the "pain points" of life


There are some "home artifacts" that don't need to spend money to buy, use your brains, and solve problems without spending money, have you learned these 6 tips for life without spending money?

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