
Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

author:Present-day Guazhou

It's a long way to study

Author: Su Yunxia

In the past few days, the top students in the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination have been released one after another, and my thoughts have been slowly pulled back to my past study experience. The primary school I attended, Subao Primary School in Laojunpo Town, Huining County, in the process of building a demonstration site for rural cultural revitalization and creating a beautiful countryside in recent years, will be used as a provincial-level rural cultural revitalization demonstration site in 2021, Jinshi's hometown - Sujiabao. It was in this culturally rich village that I spent a wonderful childhood and left behind good memories of my life and upbringing.

Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

At that time, due to the backward economic conditions, most of the places where rural children played were natural places, and toys were also made by simple polishing, folding, and sewing, and with the change of seasons, the play in spring, summer, autumn and winter was also constantly changing. Girls kick shuttlecocks, skip ropes, and play with grabbing stones; Boys play marbles, break corners, pick straws, and blow cardboard to play. Left traces of a special era that I will never forget. Even now, what appears in my dreams are the mountains and rivers of my hometown, my childhood playmates, and my father's figures.

Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

When I went to school, there was no kindergarten or preschool in the village, and it started in the first grade. At that time, there was no professional teacher to teach us Mandarin, we were basically singing and reading, after the teacher explained in class, because there were no more pens and books for us to write and draw, we scattered and sat in the courtyard of the fort, holding the black carbon rod of the waste battery to sing and read, draw (I still remember my father said that I was studious, so I gave me a horn that I had collected for a long time to draw words, and because of this, my brother was very unconvinced, and there was also a factor that did not eat grapes and thought that grapes were sour. He laughed at the red scarf I was wearing as a yoke (a bently wooden piece around the neck of an ox when ploughing the land), and this was how we deepened our memory. "Autumn has arrived, the weather is cool, and yellow leaves are falling from the trees. A flock of geese flew south, ...... "The content of the texts in dialects flew everywhere in the sky of the fort. In the words of Wu Jianlie, a senior teacher at Huining County Middle School, it is these teachers with low academic qualifications who "hold chicken babies and hold chicken babies" that insist on sending students out of the "folds of the mountains". Yes, we came out of the folds of the mountains, but our roots are deep in that barren yellow earth.

Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

I remember when I was promoted to the third grade, I was facing the situation of repeating a grade because my math test score was still 2 points away from the passing line, and my father bought eight taels of sugar and put it on to our homeroom teacher to "go through the back door". It was precisely because of the repetition that I was also encouraged to be bold. There was a cherry tree growing in the courtyard in front of the head teacher's room, and in those days, the ripe cherries hung on the branches like small lanterns, crystal clear, and very attractive, attracting the covetousness of several students in the same class. One day at noon, while the teachers and classmates were all home, we secretly picked all the ripe cherries. At the end of school in the afternoon, the head teacher promised in front of all the teachers and students of the school: to find out our "thieves". It turned out that the head teacher was using cherries as bait, and in this way, several of us were forced to subscribe to an issue of "Student World". Although it cost my parents a sum of money (I remember 6 cents and 5 cents), for me, who had difficulty getting extracurricular books at that time, I felt that it was still a blessing in disguise, and I read the "Student World" several times, word by word.

When I was in the fifth grade, because I couldn't afford to pay the 70 yuan tuition, I stayed at home to follow my parents to do farm work and herd donkeys. At that time, I didn't feel bitter, I just felt that I was more determined and confident than I had ever been. In the sixth grade, I went to school in a neighboring village, and I had to climb two mountains. That year, my father fell ill, and my mother went out to work to earn tuition for us. I reminisce about my mother's housework, laundry, cooking, steaming buns. In the morning, after I finished cooking, my classmates had already crossed the mountain, and I trotted all the way to catch up with them, and I had already arrived at the school gate.

Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

The hardest years of my education were junior high school. The dormitory is a large shop that can accommodate about 40 people, and there are paving boards on knee-high cement piers, which occupy the places on both walls, leaving an open space in the middle for us to wash, cook and eat. Put a wooden box in front of the board, which contains a week's ingredients, more people and less boards, it is impossible for one person to monopolize a piece, everyone can only press each other's mattresses to one side, each person's position is the width of a quilt, people who go to bed later will not be able to sleep directly, everyone has to sleep on the side, in order to accommodate everyone, but you have to ensure that you can't afford to stay overnight, otherwise the roommate's sleeping position will change, and you can only sit behind the bed. At that time, it became our nightmare to grab a bed at the beginning of school, I remember that it was the third year of junior high school, the lights had been turned off, everyone was shouting because some students had not fallen asleep, and suddenly a voice came from the door of the dormitory: you sleep on your side, and then squeeze together, those students can sleep, this dormitory, when we go to school, there are more students than you now, and they can sleep. A dissatisfied voice came out in the clinic, "That person also has a difference between fat and thin." "We will all be junior high school students, and we can still be thinner than you." When we learned that it was the principal who was in the back, we were all scared into a cold sweat.

Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

There were two tiles on the roof of the dormitory, and the rain washed away the dirt on it, and when we looked out through the roof, we could see the light outside, and when it rained, it would leak, so we covered ourselves with plastic and let the raindrops hit the plastic and splash on our faces. In winter, there is only one stove in a dormitory, or the kind of stove that can hardly be lit, occasionally the fire is not extinguished one day, after dinner, everyone rushes to bury a brick in the charcoal ash, and wait for self-study to take it out and cover the soles of the feet. Usually the fire is extinguished in class, and there is no fire before the lights go out at night, it is very cold, most of the students have chilblains on their hands and feet, and the skin often appears purple blood blisters necrosis, ulceration and pus.

As for the food, since I live on campus, I will go back on the weekends with the dry food that my mother had spent a day preparing for us sisters, including cakes, hand-rolled noodles to dry (otherwise they will be spoiled if we don't last until the weekend in the summer), pickles, and potatoes. My younger brother is responsible for queuing up for water after class, I cut the artichoke, and waited for my brother's warm boiled water to come, the artichoke and the water went into the pot together, in order to save time, the water was boiled and the noodles were boiled, and many students had stomach problems after eating. The kerosene stove is smoky and smoky, and as long as the leftover buns are taken out of the dormitory, the smell of kerosene is so smoky that people can no longer swallow it.

Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

40 people eat and live in this dormitory, the smell of mold, stinky feet, and bedding are intertwined, and the degree of hygiene and cleanliness of the dormitory can be imagined. Standing at the door of the dormitory, I often hear the sound of Ding Ling squeezing inside, and following the sound from the crack in the door, it turns out that the rat has jumped through the lid of the pot. Once, as soon as we fell asleep, a cold, soft thing stepped past my ear, I subconsciously dodged for a while, and my roommate screamed in fright: "Huh? Mouse! "It turned out that the rat had stepped on her after stepping through my ear.

In order to free up more time to study, I went to the canteen if I could, and those with poor family conditions continued to cook on a kerosene stove, and occasionally went to the cafeteria to eat a bun to satisfy my hunger. In the morning, the sky was bright and bright, with the lights of the corridor and the street lamps in the playground to endorse the book, after eating at noon, an arrow rushed into the classroom, plunged into the pile of books, and when he couldn't hold on to sleepiness, he called the same table to help pinch his arms and thighs, stimulated him to wake up and continue to study, and he was really sleepy and lay on the table for 5 minutes.

The third year of high school and the first person in the class lived in a dormitory, at breakfast time, she took two bites of dry steamed buns, drank some water and went to endorse, and ate instant noodles or steamed buns for dinner and went to study at once, which made us more urgent, I also followed suit and studied for a while, and then fainted because of malnutrition, and was infused in a clinic near the school, and the head teacher called my mother from the township, and my mother took me into her arms and cried distressed for a long time. In this way, under the pressure of high-intensity study, I finally ended my three-year high school study career with firm belief and unremitting pursuit.

Guazhou Wenyuan | It's a long way to study

As the saying goes, if you can't endure the hardships of studying, you have to endure the hardships of life. It is precisely because of the hardships of life that the "three hardships" spirit of Huining education has been created, and we are very clear when we are young: only learning can change our fate. Looking back on the bits and pieces on the road to study, this road is full of thorns and difficulties, which not only requires us to pay a lot of sweat and tears, but also requires us to have a firmer belief and unyielding fighting spirit, and constantly spur ourselves and break through ourselves. I am grateful for the years of ups and downs, rough and bumpy all the way, and I have never given up, and I need to be grateful for the teachers, parents and classmates who have accompanied me through the hard years in those years.