
Someone "disguised" to change his face to commit a crime? No matter how realistic the mask is, it will eventually be torn off!

author:Present-day Guazhou

"The market supervision department and the public security organs must also pay more attention to it, strengthen supervision, and investigate and punish the illegal acts of using face masks in accordance with the law."

"Human Skin Mask"

It is a very common prop in many movies

The ups and downs of the plot, the reversal of the plot

A lot of it depends on a thin "human skin mask"

Nowadays, the bridge in the movie

It turned out to be staged in reality

According to reports

A man wears a silicone face mask

Disguised as an elderly man, he infiltrated the homes of 4 residents

A total of more than 100,000 yuan of property was stolen

After receiving a call from a resident

Shanghai Minhang police acted quickly

The next day, the suspect Tong was arrested in other provinces

and recover all the stolen goods

As soon as the news came out

Attracted the attention of netizens

Related topics have been on the hot list of major platforms

Someone "disguised" to change his face to commit a crime? No matter how realistic the mask is, it will eventually be torn off!

Just provide a photo

You can customize a "silicone mask" online

Public information shows

Silicone face mask made of special silicone

or similar materials

It is usually used in movies and TV series

or stage play makeup

Police reminded in many places

Take a silicone face mask

Disguise yourself as a new face to commit crimes

It is becoming a new modus operandi for some lawbreakers

Reporter on multiple e-commerce platforms

Take "human skin mask" as the keyword

Search discovery

The term has been blocked by the system

But change the keyword, such as "silicone mask"

You can see a lot of businesses

The price of the products sold ranges from a few yuan to tens of thousands of yuan

It's not just a lot of variety

And the designs vary

Customers only need to provide photos

Or through 3D scanning technology to obtain face images

Merchants will be able to rely on this information

Craft a face mask

Some merchants also launch

Celebrity face simulation mask

claims to be able to highly restore the facial features of celebrities

The core selling point is "ultra-realistic" and "simulation customization"

Depending on the complexity and fineness of the mask

The price is between 3,000 yuan and 25,000 yuan

From the order to the completion of the production

It takes about 1 month

The reporter consulted six businesses that sell such masks

Whether or not it is necessary to provide personal information

The other party unanimously replied "no"

And they didn't ask about the purpose and use of the purchase

In the comment section of such products

Some buyers said that they were wearing silicone masks

You can clock in and out with face detection at work

Merchants also call custom silicone masks

It has more than 90% similarity with real people

There is no problem with clocking in and out

Netizens are hotly discussed

In this regard, some netizens said

There is no problem with the "human skin mask" itself

Someone "disguised" to change his face to commit a crime? No matter how realistic the mask is, it will eventually be torn off!

Some netizens think

"Human skin masks" are easy for bad guys to take advantage of

It should be strictly prohibited

Someone "disguised" to change his face to commit a crime? No matter how realistic the mask is, it will eventually be torn off!

Some netizens said

Regulation should keep up

Someone "disguised" to change his face to commit a crime? No matter how realistic the mask is, it will eventually be torn off!

Is it illegal to make and sell silicone face masks?

The Civil Code of the Mainland strictly protects the personality rights of citizens

Specifically, it includes portrait rights

Privacy and other sub-rights

If you imitate someone else's physiognomy

Make a human skin mask

And sell to the outside world

It is a blatant violation of the red line of the law

shall bear corresponding civil liability

Liu Jiong, associate professor of criminal law at Xiamen University Law School, pointed out

The mask of the human face is to a certain extent

Mimicking the biological characteristics of a natural person

Such as identity, uniqueness and uniqueness

"The purchaser uses a face mask

May evade surveillance identification

Increase the number of criminal suspects and offenders

Difficulty in identifying people

Face masks are also possible

It is used to bypass facial recognition technology

Committing theft by impersonating someone else's identity

or other illegal acts

Whether in the civil, administrative or criminal spheres

There are certain legal risks"

Meng Qiang, a professor at the Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology, said

If the face mask is

Made to mimic the facial features of a specific person

may belong

Production or use without the consent of the portrait rights holder

This may lead to infringement of the right to reputation of others

Therefore without permission

The perpetrator of the use of such face masks

shall bear civil liability for infringement of the right to reputation

Put an end to the proliferation of face masks

Beware of becoming an accomplice to wrongdoing

It's easy to customize a "super realistic" silicone face mask

The risks behind it are significant

This will not only be used:

Infringing on the portrait rights and privacy rights of others

It may also become a criminal offense for criminals

Tools to evade surveillance identification

Faced with the chaos of silicone face masks

Market regulation departments and public security organs

It is also necessary to pay more attention and strengthen supervision

Investigate and deal with illegal acts of using face masks in accordance with law

Put an end to the proliferation of face masks

Beware of becoming an accomplice to wrongdoing

No matter how realistic the mask is, it is also fake

Illegal acts cannot be covered up

Even if you get confused for a while

Eventually, it will be torn off

What do you think about this?

Let's talk about it in the comment area~

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Source: CCTV Comprehensive

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