
Guazhou: Flash flood disaster prevention shows the power of early warning and governance

author:Present-day Guazhou

Since the beginning of this year, Guazhou County has strengthened the guarantee of project elements, accelerated the construction progress of flash flood disaster prevention and control projects, continuously improved the flash flood disaster monitoring and early warning system, effectively improved the people's awareness of disaster prevention and avoidance and self-help and mutual rescue capabilities, and further improved the county's water governance capacity and modernization level.

Guazhou: Flash flood disaster prevention shows the power of early warning and governance

Layer upon layer of compacted responsibilities to form a defensive joint force

Guazhou County has improved the working mechanism, working procedures, functions and responsibilities of flash flood disaster prevention, signed a letter of responsibility, clearly implemented the main responsibilities of relevant enterprises and units and the regulatory responsibilities of industry authorities, and realized the full coverage of flash flood disaster prevention responsibilities "horizontally to the edge and vertically to the end". Combined with the existing social management system, enrich the grassroots defense forces, professional and technical personnel increase operation and maintenance, carry out daily inspections, carry out grid management, ensure that there are people to take responsibility and do things, and effectively implement the responsibility for flash flood prevention. At present, 15 townships and 75 administrative villages in the county have been equipped with more than 90 village-level early warning information personnel for flash flood prevention.

Guazhou: Flash flood disaster prevention shows the power of early warning and governance

Promote project construction and demonstrate governance capabilities

In order to effectively improve the accuracy of flash flood disaster monitoring, Guazhou County has actively organized and implemented key governance and defense projects, with a total investment of more than 800 yuan to build 15 automatic rainfall monitoring stations, 4 automatic water level stations, 20 reservoir video stations, 45 early warning broadcasting stations and 45 simple rainfall stations. At the same time, combined with the results of flash flood disaster investigation and evaluation, a comprehensive check was carried out on the county's flash flood disaster risk areas, the list of important villages for flash flood disaster was adjusted and determined, and a list of flash flood disaster prevention objects was established, which was all adjusted in place on the flash flood disaster monitoring, forecasting and early warning platform in Gansu Province, laying a solid foundation for doing a solid job in flash flood disaster prevention.

Guazhou: Flash flood disaster prevention shows the power of early warning and governance

Strengthen early warning and monitoring to ensure the safety of the masses

In strict accordance with the principle of "hierarchical management and hierarchical responsibility", Guazhou County will move the early warning gate forward, establish a "call-response-feedback" mechanism for flash flood early warning, and an early warning information sending mechanism for the public, expand the coverage of early warning information, and realize the closed-loop management of early warning response actions. Usually carry out irregular maintenance and equipment repair and debugging of all monitoring sites and early warning broadcasting stations, strengthen the network system upgrade software repair, monitoring and early warning platform facilities and equipment maintenance, and do a good job of coordinating and contacting communication network companies to ensure the normal use of the monitoring sites, early warning monitoring platforms and video station networks, and the online rate of 19 automatic monitoring sites in the county has reached 100%. Since the beginning of the flood season in 2024, a total of 2 early warnings have been issued, and a total of 90 early warning messages have been sent to responsible persons at all levels.

Guazhou: Flash flood disaster prevention shows the power of early warning and governance

Consolidate basic management and build a solid foundation for security

In view of the needs of flash flood disaster prevention and control, Guazhou County organized all towns and towns to revise the flash flood disaster prevention plan according to the actual situation, supervised and organized all towns and towns to carry out flash flood disaster prevention emergency drills, and improved the guidance of the plan and emergency response capabilities. With the advent of the flood season, the county water affairs department planned and deployed early, fully implemented various measures for flood prevention and preparedness, and stockpiled all kinds of disaster relief and relief materials in a timely manner to ensure that flood prevention and flood control work could be organized in a timely and effective manner in the event of a sudden flood situation, and the losses caused by disasters would be minimized.

(Author: Correspondent Wang Lirong)

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