
Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party! Guazhou Liuyuan carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

author:Present-day Guazhou

Recently, Liuyuan Town, Guazhou County, held a party day to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, with the theme of "recalling the history of the party, lecturing the party and abiding by the party discipline", so that the party members and the masses can understand the power of red in learning and practice, inherit the red gene, gather the joint force of red, further enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the party organization, stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of party members to love the party and the country, unswervingly feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, and work hard to build a beautiful new willow garden.

Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party! Guazhou Liuyuan carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

During the activity, all the party members and cadres of Liuyuan Town came to the Anxi Battle Memorial Hall of the Red West Road Army, listened to the on-site explanation of the staff, and recalled the eventful years of the Jin Ge Iron Horse of the Red West Road Army through a piece of physical objects, pictures, and videos, and remembered the great achievements of the Red Army martyrs, and learned to inherit the hard work spirit of the Red West Road Army in climbing ice and snow, freezing and starving.

"Inherit the 'spirit of the Red West Route Army', work hard, move forward bravely, and make unremitting efforts for the high-quality development of the town's economic and social undertakings with a more energetic and promising mental state and pragmatic work style." Bai Wenjie, a member of the organization committee of Liuyuan Town, Guazhou County, said.

Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party! Guazhou Liuyuan carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, and implement the party's decisions......" After the visit, more than 50 party members in Liuyuan Town faced the party flag, solemnly raised their right fists, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and received a political birthday card issued by the members of the party committee. The sonorous and powerful oaths condensed into a red warm current fluttering over the Anxi Battle Memorial Hall of the Red West Route Army. All party members and cadres have strengthened their original intention of struggle, and made it more clear that they must always strictly demand themselves with the standards of party members, spur and inspire themselves with the advanced nature of party members, fulfill their solemn commitments to the party with practical actions, and always maintain the vanguard nature of communists.

Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party! Guazhou Liuyuan carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

In the Red Gene Inheritance Hall of Chengbei Village, Xihu Town, all party members followed the explanations of the commentators, and through the four chapters of recalling the past, daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky, reform and opening up like a rainbow, and continuing to move forward to build a dream together, remember the martyrs, look back on history, and guide party members and cadres to improve their party spirit in remembrance and take responsibility in inheritance.

"Today, this form of relying on red culture to make learning and education 'flow' outdoors really makes red learning and education 'more colorful', and also allows our party members to understand and learn." Zhang Julan, a community party member in Liuyuan Town, Guazhou County, said.

Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party! Guazhou Liuyuan carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

Through the theme party day of "recalling the history of the party, lecturing the party class, and abiding by the party discipline", the party members and cadres have received a profound party spirit education and patriotism education, which is a spiritual baptism of ideals and beliefs, which further strengthens the ideals and beliefs of party members, gathers the strength to forge ahead, and consolidates the original mission.

"Carry out learning and education in the form of listening to the history of the party, recalling the history of the party, and calling the original intention, so that everyone can be educated, inspired, and gather consensus in vivid deeds and personal experience. Next, we will keep in mind the original intention to strengthen the party spirit, strengthen the belief and make new contributions, continue to forge ahead with a fuller mental state, and be determined to work hard to contribute to the struggle to write a new chapter in Liuyuan. Bai Wenjie, a member of the organization committee of Liuyuan Town, Guazhou County, said.

(Author: Correspondent Zhang Wei)

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