
Send care and warm the hearts of the people Zhangzhi community in Guazhou carried out a series of activities to celebrate the party's birthday

author:Present-day Guazhou

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, stimulate the new vitality of the co-construction units to serve the residents and do practical things for the people, and effectively enhance the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress. Recently, the Party Committee of Zhangzhi Community, Yuanquan Town, Guazhou County, together with the co-construction units under its jurisdiction, carried out a series of activities of "Strengthening the Original Heart, Undertaking the Mission, Cohesion and Cohesion to Write a New Chapter".

Send school to "run" the party's heart

Send care and warm the hearts of the people Zhangzhi community in Guazhou carried out a series of activities to celebrate the party's birthday

In order to guide the majority of party members to further learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, and ensure that the old party members in the jurisdiction "do not fall behind" in learning and education, the party committee of Zhangzhi community in Yuanquan Town, together with the party organization of the co-construction unit, adopted the form of sending students to school and giving lectures to their homes, and passed the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and "Guidelines for Integrity and Self-discipline of the Communist Party of China" and other learning materials to the hands of party members in a face-to-face and home-style teaching method for more than 30 elderly and infirm party members in the building. The new policies, new principles and new requirements of the party were explained to 6 party members with reduced mobility in the form of one-on-one door-to-door lectures, which was highly recognized by the old party members, narrowed the distance between the party organization and the old party members, and enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the grassroots party organizations.

"Now my physical condition is not very good, I feel out of breath after walking a few steps, and I am very happy to receive the learning materials sent by the community party members and cadres at the 'doorstep' today." Pang Youxue, an old party member of Zhangzhi Community, Yuanquan Town, Guazhou County.

Care and care for the "warm" hearts of the people

Send care and warm the hearts of the people Zhangzhi community in Guazhou carried out a series of activities to celebrate the party's birthday

In order to enhance the sense of belonging and happiness of disadvantaged party members in the jurisdiction, and create a beautiful atmosphere of community civilization, harmony, friendship and mutual assistance. The in-service party members of the co-construction unit and the members of the community party committee carried out the activity of "visiting and caring for the party members in difficulty and collecting wishes", and the party members and the party members in difficulty had a detailed understanding of their physical conditions and needs, and listened to their demands and voices. In this visit, a total of 3 party members in difficulty were visited, about 900 yuan of living materials were sent to them, 4 micro-wishes were collected, and a wish ledger was formed.

Build a home and "beautiful" people's hearts

Send care and warm the hearts of the people Zhangzhi community in Guazhou carried out a series of activities to celebrate the party's birthday

"The community is my home, and it depends on everyone to take care of it", create a good atmosphere of "household participation, everyone hands-on", improve the quality of residents' living environment and understanding of the potential safety hazards of flying wire charging, and advocate that every resident should take the lead, take the initiative, and actively participate in the construction of "beautiful homes" with a master's attitude. In-service party members and community volunteers have carried out centralized rectification of the four communities with dirty and messy areas of community hygiene, flying wire charging and potential safety hazards, and posted more than 40 warm tips for the unified charging and parking of non-motor vehicles in designated areas and prohibiting flying wire charging, so as to create a safe, clean and orderly living environment and eliminate all potential safety hazards.

Celebrate the birthday with the "chill" people's hearts

Send care and warm the hearts of the people Zhangzhi community in Guazhou carried out a series of activities to celebrate the party's birthday

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program ......", all party members and comrades wore bright red "party emblems", and under the leadership of community workers, everyone raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath. During the event, the party members collectively celebrated the "political birthday", and sent them a delicate "political birthday" greeting card, the heartfelt blessings and ardent hopes of the party organization were printed on this special birthday card, so that the party members remembered the original intention of the party, and effectively enhanced the sense of honor, responsibility and belonging of the party members.

"I am very grateful to the organization for its care, which allowed me to spend an unforgettable 'political birthday', and I will never forget the responsibilities and obligations shouldered by a Communist Party member, and I will dedicate my residual heat to the best of my ability and never fade." Li Chunyuan, a 78-year-old veteran party member in Zhangzhi community, said excitedly when he got the political birthday card.

In the next step, Zhangzhi Community of Yuanquan Town will be based on reality, gather resources, create a community atmosphere of "party building leading, demonstration driven, resource sharing, and complementary advantages", serve residents with true feelings, effectively enhance the sense of gain and happiness of residents in the jurisdiction, and make every effort to create a "warm-hearted community" with "warmth and vitality".

(Author: Correspondent Li Jianmei)

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