
Our city carries out a variety of cultural activities to celebrate "July 1st"

author:Huanggang observation
Our city carries out a variety of cultural activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Our city carries out a variety of cultural activities to celebrate "July 1st"

The carol is dedicated to the party, and the mass singing exhibition sings the voice of the people in the old area

Huanggang Daily News (Reporter He Jiaoyue) Ode to the party, looking forward to the rejuvenation of a strong country with musical notes; Acura New Era, Record Happy Life with String Music. From June 20th to 28th, three celebrations of "July 1st" and the National Day - Huanggang City's "Ode to the Party" mass singing exhibition sang the voice of the people in the old area.

"Flowers Bloom in China", "My War Eagle Flying Around the Treasure Island", "Hymn to Heroes", ...... On June 20th, in the multi-functional hall of the Municipal Qunyi Museum, the "Ode to the Party" mass singing performance - a special theatrical performance of the Municipal University for the Elderly was held. More than 80 students expressed their deep feelings for the party and their good wishes to the motherland through chorus, solo singing, group singing, singing and dancing, opera, etc., and also showed the sunny attitude and positive spirit of the elderly students.

Clap, take pictures, take videos. On June 27, citizen Ma Shuangrong was very busy watching the "Ode to the Party" mass singing performance - Qinyun Music Studio. "In this performance, my friend Son So-jin participated in three choral performances." Ma Shuangrong introduced that she and her friend Sun Suzhen are both retired employees. When she was young, Sun Suzhen liked to sing and dance very much, but she never dared to go on stage because of her shy personality. After her retirement, she studied various musical knowledge with her friends and often participated in performances. "Under the correct leadership of the party, the people live a prosperous and happy life, and people are becoming more and more confident." Ma Shuangrong sighed while being happy for his friend. On that day, all 16 performances were rehearsed and performed by the public. In addition to red classic songs, there are also modern new songs such as "Beautiful Flowers in Huangzhou" and "Shangchun Mountain" that show a better life.

Our city carries out a variety of cultural activities to celebrate "July 1st"

(Photo by correspondent Chen Ming)

On June 28......, a song "Ten to the Red Army" opened the curtain of the third "Ode to the Party" mass singing performance. The Municipal Veteran Cadres Choir, the Municipal Xinyue Women's Choir, the Municipal Public Vocal Choir and other members of the social and artistic team in Huanggang City gathered at the Municipal Mass Art Museum to show their singing voices. "Desert Night", "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", "Goodbye Dabie Mountain" and other selected 6 classic songs are not only performed live, but also recorded by video. While singing about the beauty of the motherland, the performers also showed their pursuit of a better life.

The event was hosted by the Municipal Chuangwen Headquarters and the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, undertaken by the Municipal Mass Art Museum, and a number of social art teams in the urban area actively participated in the performance. During the event, more than 100 citizens celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with mass singing.

The purpose of this activity is to stimulate patriotic enthusiasm, motivate and mobilize the cadres and masses to contribute to Huanggang's efforts to accelerate the construction of a national pioneer area for building a new development pattern and strive to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Hubei.

Our city carries out a variety of cultural activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Hong'an: Red heart to the party, cultural activities to light up the countryside

Huanggang Daily News (correspondents Liu Sirui, Gao Xiang, Xia Li, Wu Na) sang praises to the party and the motherland. On the eve of July 1st, Hong'an set off a literary and artistic boom. The cultural activities have carried forward the spirit of red culture, stimulated people's patriotic enthusiasm and fighting spirit, and strengthened the belief of the masses in "listening to the party, feeling the party's kindness, and always following the party".

On the evening of June 26th, the "Women's Heart to the Party Forge Ahead and Show a New Look" art show was held in Hong'an Wanxingli. Performances and singing, waist encouragement, Henan opera, poetry recitation, Huangmei opera, square dance and other types of wonderful programs were staged in turn, and the actors sang praises to the party and conveyed happiness and joy with passionate singing and beautiful dancing.

On the evening of June 27, Baliwan Town, Hong'an County, held a "Always Follow the Party, Forge Ahead in the New Era" to celebrate the "July 1st" literary evening in the Humanities Bali Square. Through singing, dancing and other forms, the event relived the glorious history of the party, carried forward the red spirit, and celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The scene of the party was very lively, and the audience enjoyed a number of wonderful programs such as "Chinese Dragon", "Civilization Remembers" and red song joint singing, and felt the charm of red culture. Finally, the party came to an end with the inspiring performance of "Serving the Country with Loyalty", showing the patriotic feelings of the Chinese people.

On June 29, the "Enriching Cultural Life and Helping Rural Revitalization" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held in the small theater of the Xinfeng Art Troupe in Miersi Town, Hong'an County. Classic songs such as "Little Poplar" and "Ode to the Motherland", wonderful dances such as "Spring Breeze 100,000 Miles" and "Hello to the Motherland", performances with local characteristics of Hong'an singing "Hong'an Dialect", a series of wonderful programs were staged in turn, and the atmosphere was warm and applause continued.

Our city carries out a variety of cultural activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Luo Tian: Celebrate July 1st with one heart and create happiness together

Huanggang Daily News (Correspondent Li Xiaohong) On the evening of June 24, sponsored by the Luotian County Culture and Tourism Bureau and the People's Government of Fengshan Town, Luotian County, and undertaken by the Sanliqiao Community and the County Cultural Center, the "Celebrating July 1st Happiness Together" theatrical performance was held in the small square of the county's five halls and four centers.

Luotian County Culture and Tourism Bureau, County Public Security Bureau, County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, County Political and Digital Bureau, County Public Testing Center, County Petroleum Company, County Mobile Company, Yishui School and other co-construction units and residents gathered together to sing and dance to celebrate the party's birthday.

The performance kicked off with the beautiful dance "Shangchun Mountain" brought by the Qunxing Art Troupe of the County Cultural Center, and then all the party members of the Sanliqiao community performed the chorus "There is no New China without the Communist Party". Flying singing, singing unforgettable years, melodious melodies, interpreting the passion of the times; Dance "China Singing and Dancing", "Luo Tian Wine Song Hi Up", "China Fan", male and female duet "Communist Party Member", male solo "When That Day Comes", Peking Opera "Red Plum Praise", Huangmei Opera performance and singing "Spring Silkworm to Death", fighting performance "Special Police Capture", sketch "Love Turmoil", "Pension or Social Security" and other wonderful literary and artistic programs were staged in turn. The song and dance "Hometown, My Hometown" created by the county cultural center expressed people's love for their hometown and their yearning for a better life, and pushed the performance to a climax. This activity enhanced the cohesion and attractiveness of the community party organizations and enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses.

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