
Yuwang Street in Huangzhou District has a new look, and residents are happy to see the quality of life greatly improved

author:Huanggang observation

Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily) News (Correspondent Luo Dong) The morning dawn appeared, and the summer sky was dyed into a gentle blue, quiet and beautiful. Walking into Bangyue Lane, Yuwang Street, Huangzhou District, the renovated building façade, neat car parking spaces, and beautiful alley environment are impressive.

"We used to be old and old here. After the renovation, it feels like living in a new community. On the morning of June 25, Lin Pengfei, a community resident who was exercising in the square, said.

Since the construction of beautiful urban and rural areas in Huangzhou District, party members and cadres of Yuwang Street and the community have gone into battle to solve doubts and solve "zero distance", work together to tackle "heart to heart", focus on demand for "excellent service", and create a new atmosphere of "beautiful Yuwang".

Yuwang Street in Huangzhou District has a new look, and residents are happy to see the quality of life greatly improved

Gather the hearts of the people: activate the endogenous power of co-construction

Since the 80s of the last century, residents have built courtyard walls in front of their homes, which are connected by nearly 300 meters, which not only leads to the narrowing of public roads, but also affects the environment of the area, and has become the focus of the transformation of the old area.

In order to smoothly carry out the transformation of the area, two problems must be solved: unifying the opinions of residents and raising funds for the renovation.

The residents did not agree, and the renovation was not started. The community fully listens to the opinions of the masses in the form of household and bench meetings, where to demolish and how to build? Everyone has a common idea.

"Small repairs and small repairs will not achieve the transformation effect. In order to completely change the overall appearance of this area, it is necessary to tear down the walls and merge the courtyards, and promote the overall improvement of the environment of the area through the transformation of the area. When Pi Gaoxin, a cadre of Yuwang Street, entered the house, he patiently reasoned with the residents.

"The alley is too narrow for the children to come and see me and the car can't get in" "After dinner, we want to find a place to square dance"..... At the bench meeting, the residents spoke freely.

The first difficulty in the renovation of old communities is to demolish violations. Everyone generally thinks that the small courtyard that they have built with their own money and has lived in for many years has not been compensated for demolishing it?

"By tearing down the wall and accessing the road, big cars and small cars can pass, it will become brighter, and it will benefit our residents." Yi Baoming, who lives in the alley, said.

In March 2023, Yi Baoming took the initiative to demolish the small courtyard that he had built for nearly 30 years.

With the efforts of party members and cadres and the influence of the leading masses, within two months, the walls of 64 residents' courtyards were demolished, and 8 passages were opened, and the residents did not ask for any compensation.

The community also took the initiative to raise funds, and the township talents actively sponsored, raising a total of 61,750 yuan for renovation.

"In this renovation of Bangyue Lane, some excavators were dispatched to tear down the wall, and some participated in the laying of drainage pipes, and everyone was very motivated." Zhang Ping, secretary of the Party branch and director of the neighborhood committee of the Wangyuedi community, said.

In accordance with the principle of "creating and shaping the style together; demolition of illegal buildings and smooth traffic; Gathering popularity and showing characteristics", today's Bangyue Lane area has a new look, the courtyard wall becomes transparent, the main road is blackened, the leisure pavilion is created, and the roof wall is beautified; There is a pension service center to solve the problems of parking, fitness and entertainment venues for residents, and effectively improve the happiness of residents.

Yuwang Street in Huangzhou District has a new look, and residents are happy to see the quality of life greatly improved

Warm people's hearts: optimize the service needs of the masses

Wanfu Community is a rebuilt community built in 2017, and the residents are mainly from the relocated households in the surrounding villages of the community, with a permanent population of nearly 2,000 people.

Providing diversified services is not only the demand of people's livelihood, but also the key to grassroots governance.

Wanfu community continues to mobilize party members and cadres to go into Wanfu community, listen to the voices of the masses, and widely collect public opinions. Residents generally reported problems such as the lack of electric vehicle charging piles and the need for event venues and health service stations.

In response to the problem of few charging piles, where to build in the community and how many are appropriate? After understanding the needs of residents, 11 electric carports and 500 charging piles will be built in early 2024.

In response to the problem of the activity position, the community actively coordinated with the Huanggang Industrial Park to strive for land for public service facilities and build a residents' activity center.

With the focus on "making up for shortcomings, excellent service, and strong functions", Wanfu Community has effectively built a 15-minute convenient service circle.

In April 2023, a comprehensive community service station integrating day care for the elderly, activities for minors, and recreational activities will be completed. The community is also gradually equipped with commercial outlets such as health service stations, canteens, convenience stores, barber shops, and express stations; improve water, electricity, gas, network and other service facilities; create public green space activity space, etc.

"Taking the opportunity of beautiful urban and rural construction, the community should not only be updated and upgraded, but also enrich service functions to further improve the living standards of residents." Lu Ying, secretary of the general party branch of Wanfu community and director of the neighborhood committee, said.

Yuwang Street in Huangzhou District has a new look, and residents are happy to see the quality of life greatly improved

Building concentricity: linking resources to solve problems

Walking into the Wangjiachong community, the residents are tidying up the front and back of their houses, the roadside osmanthus trees are verdant and quiet, and the small black brick and tile walls in a unified style contain Zen style and charm, which is particularly moving.

Since the implementation of the transformation of Wangjiachong Community, the organization departments of Huanggang City and Huangzhou District have joined forces with the Urban Self-Planning Bureau, the stationed community units, and the Yuwang Street Office to set up a special team for demolition and relocation; The community party committee and the main co-creation unit normalized sinking group solicited the opinions of the masses.

Before the construction of the project, the residents were more resistant, and the work team came to talk about the policy to guide the residents from "passive demolition" to "active demolition", and it took less than 2 months to demolish the main houses involving 45 residents, a total of 29,576 square meters, and demolish 2,550 square meters of auxiliary houses in the old Tuanhuang Road section.

During the construction of the project, the main co-creation unit in the urban area invested a total of 100,000 yuan for the project construction; carried out 6 consultations and deliberations of community party committees, and organized the masses to hold more than 10 group meetings; More than 1,900 questionnaires were distributed and 73 suggestions were solicited from residents. Up to now, comprehensive service stations, pocket parks, cultural squares, and activity centers with high demand from the masses have been built.

Xu Feng, a resident who was walking in Yuwangcheng Park, couldn't help but sigh, "In the past, when I took a walk after dinner, I either went to the Yangtze River embankment or walked around my home. Now that the park has been built, there is a place to go. ”

Combined with the planning of Yuwangcheng ruins, the culture of Yuwangcheng ruins was implanted, and a 20-acre Yuwangcheng ruins park was built in Wangjiachong community. In the park, ginkgo trees, osmanthus trees, azaleas, and stone orchids complement each other, building a humanistic and ecological green belt.

In accordance with the complete community construction standards, the community revitalized idle resources, transformed the original Wangjiachong Primary School into a comprehensive service station of nearly 2,000 square meters, built a convenient service hall, and set up an elderly activity center, a health service center, and an activity room for minors. The Spark Auditorium of Yuwang Commune will be built into the main front for the masses to carry out literary and artistic activities.

The community will also adjust the original 9 resident groups to 4 three-no communities and 2 property-based communities, and introduce Hongfu Property Company, the main body of the market, to the four three-no communities to provide environmental clean-up, public security maintenance and other services.

"In the past, garbage could be seen everywhere, but now there are special people to clean it up, the environment has improved, and everyone's mood has improved." Lin Youan, a resident of the community, said that he enjoyed high-quality inclusive services nearby and felt that the quality of life had been significantly improved.

The construction of beautiful urban and rural areas should not only "renovate" infrastructure and old buildings, but also pay attention to accurately meeting the needs of the masses, so that everyone can enjoy the sense of gain and happiness brought by urban renewal. Refurbished walls, smooth pavement, improved greenery, convenient service ...... These visible and usable "benefits" are a people's livelihood project full of temperature for Yuwang Street to carry out beautiful urban and rural construction.

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