
Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

author:The history of the Spring and Autumn Period of Eastern Wu

In Three Kingdoms Heroes 2, in addition to those super powerful generals with 8 martial arts skills, I have already said in detail last time, there are also some generals who are very garbage waste, in stark contrast to super powerful generals, they are super garbage waste generals, not only the force value intelligence value is not high, but the military skills are also garbage and waste, and they have only learned 2 kinds of martial arts skills, which is the lowest standard for the number of martial arts skills, and there is no less.

These garbage and waste generals are really annoying, they have no use value at all, every time they are caught, they can't wait to be beheaded immediately, even if they belong to their own camp, they will not focus on training, they can only do some porter and cannon fodder work.

There are 16 people in this camp, most of whom are civil officials.

1. Cao Fang: Cao Wei's first puppet

Cao Fang's martial arts skills are: Falling Moon Bow and Fu Yan

Every martial arts skill is rubbish, it is impossible to expect Cao Fang to charge into battle, it is said that Cao Fang himself is indeed rubbish, and the force is super low, otherwise he will not be easily controlled by Sima Yi. The Cao family's number one rice bucket

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

2. Cai Zhong: One of the members of the Jingzhou Cai's Green Hat Parallel Goods Group

Cai Zhong, Cai Mao's younger brother, has martial arts skills: Spinning Dragon, Eight-sided Fire, all of which are useless, and Cai's Group No. 1 is a big parallel import.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

3. Cai He: The second member of the Jingzhou Cai's Green Hat Parallel Goods Group

Cai He, Cai Mao's younger brother, has martial arts skills: turbulent stones, spinning lights.

Although there are only 2 martial arts skills, it is really strange that there is still a sharp weapon of the Spiral Light, Cai He is also the best among the 16 people, slightly stronger than Cai Zhong.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

4. Fan Jiang: I killed Zhang Fei, who is better than me?

Fan Jiang, the general's skills are: Turbulence, Spiral Light, and Cai He's exactly the same skills, which can be regarded as a fighter among the garbage generals. If you dare to kill Zhang Fei, then you can only be classified as garbage.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

5. Liu Chan: Happy here, don't think about it?

Liu Chan, the martial arts skills are: Falling Moon Bow, Rocket Lie, all of them are garbage, every time you catch Liu Chan, you want to behead directly, if it belongs to your own side, then send him to battle, let the enemy kill him, upset to see, not to mention the low force, even the IQ was broken by Liu Bei, and the internal affairs are not good.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

6. Liu Du: I am the boss of General Xing Daorong

Liu Du's martial arts skills: falling rocks, ground thorns,

As soon as you look at your appearance, you know it's parallel garbage, so let's behead it

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

7. Liu Xian: I am the son of the boss of General Xing Daorong

Liu Xian's martial arts skills: Flying Arrow, Turbulent Stone Sword, and his father Liu Du are a combination of garbage parallel goods

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

8. Liu Miao: Tai Shici can't be used, he deserves to be killed?

Liu Xuan's martial arts skills include: Diquan Chong, Fu Yan.

A garbage can be beheaded directly, since Liu Miao is one of the monarchs, if you choose him, then there is no way, you can only eat and drink to support him, if you want him to upgrade to more than 40, it is too tiring.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

9. Pang Yi: Why do I have so few skills?

Pang Yi's martial arts: rocket, Fu Yan

Pang Yi is an important strategist of Liu Zhang's group, even if the force is not high, his intelligence can set a high point, but he is set as a garbage waste, he is really unwilling!

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

10. Qiao Xuan: I am also a prince of the Eighteenth Road

Qiao Xuan's martial arts skills: wooden wheel attack, rocket spirit

Standard garbage waste, and the intelligence of force is very low, and it is enough to engage in internal affairs, and it is better to behead.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

11. Sun Lang: The Sun family is the most parallel import?

Sun Lang's martial arts: flying arrows, ground spurs

Among all the members of the Sun Group, Sun Lang is the most parallel trade, with low force and low intelligence, and can only be used as cannon fodder.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

12. Wu Gang: Who is Wu Gang? The one who cut down the tree on the moon?

Wu Gang's martial arts skills: Rockets, Fu Yan, I haven't even heard of the name, it must be a garbage parallel import.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

13. Yang Song: Ma Chao and Pang De have all been rectified by me!

Yang Song's martial arts skills: Xuanlong, Taijimen, garbage and waste, greedy for money, traitorous villain, this kind of person, it is impossible to give him too many martial arts skills

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

14. Zhang Da: The duo who assassinated Zhang Fei

Zhang Dawu's skills: falling stones, assault stones

Maybe it was because he killed Zhang Fei, his reputation was too stinky, and even his skills were seriously lowered, so he could only be used as garbage, but the force was not too low.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

Fifteen, Zhu Zhi: Without me, can the little overlord Sun Ce escape from Yuan Shu and do it alone?

Zhu Zhi's martial arts skills: Turquoise stone, turquoise sword

As an important strategist when Sun Ce started his business, he once persuaded Sun Ce to break away from Yuan Shu and start his own business, and he was the patriarch of the Soochow Group, but it was set as garbage waste, which is indeed a bit unfair!

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

16. Zhu Yi:

Zhu Yi's martial arts skills: falling rocks, ground thorns

Father Zhu Zhi was classified as garbage, and son Zhu Yi was also unlucky to be implicated and became garbage.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2: Super Garbage Waste Parallel Goods Warrior Series

I don't think any of the above 16 benevolent brothers will be reused, and they are generally directly beheaded or used as cannon fodder

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