
25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

author:Liangdu High-tech City Supervisor
25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

Tea, as one of the seven things to open the door, has been an indispensable part of Chinese life since ancient times. Beijing people like to drink gaiwan tea, Hangzhou people "a pot of tea, a book", Suzhou people still drink tea to listen to the commentary, Guangzhou people's day starts with morning tea, Guizhou people treat guests with tea, and so on. Drinking tea is like something innate in the bones of Chinese, and it is a part of the bones and blood of Chinese people.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

Mr. Lu Xun said: There is good tea to drink, and it is a kind of blessing to drink tea. Yes, regardless of men and women, young and old, as long as there is a pot of tea in hand, it is a happy and leisurely day.

When drinking tea, I often hear that the layering, astringency, and tea separation sound very "lofty", so what do they all mean?

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

Today, I will sort out 25 professional terms for tea tasting, so that you can drink tea from now on!


It refers to the irritation of the taste of the tea soup after entering the mouth, including the aroma and bitterness, and is often described as "strong and weak".

02 Tea quality

It refers to the fullness of the soup in the mouth after the tea soup is entered. Including smoothness, sweetness, sweetness, foundation and foam resistance, it is often described as "thick and thin" and "heavy and light".

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

03 Aroma

Fresh leaves are produced in the production process, mainly from the free catechins in the tea leaves. In the oral cavity, sensations are evident in the palate, tongue, tongue, cheeks, and throat.

04 Agony

Bitterness is a taste, and astringency is a feeling. Bitterness is produced by theophylline in tea inclusions, and astringency is a manifestation of the astringency of delicate tissues in the mouth.

05 Convergence

After tasting tea, the tightness that appears on the tongue and around the mouth is mostly a manifestation of astringency.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

06 watery taste

The taste of tea soup is very weak, and the sweetness of the water has been drunk instead of the sweetness of the tea itself, which is called the taste of water. Basically, it is normal for the water smell to appear at the last stage of drinking tea.

07 times sweet

Refers to the process by which bitter tastes are transformed in the mouth to produce sweetness.

08 Ikutsu

Refers to the cheeks, the surface of the tongue, and the bottom of the tongue, and there is a constant gushing of saliva.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

09 Layering

Layers refer to overlapping images, and secondary refers to the order of precedence. Refers to the sensation of the aroma and taste of the tea soup changing in the mouth.

10 guttural rhyme

After tasting tea, the tea soup brings a feeling to the throat, such as sweet, moist and dry.

11. Full

It refers to a sense of fullness brought to the mouth by the abundance of tea soup.

12. Fruity sourness

When tasting the tea soup, it has an umami taste, like a fresh sour fruit.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

13 Chen Yun

The flavor produced by aging over time is often felt in old tea of a certain age.

14. The aroma is restrained

The fragrance is not publicized, its fragrance is in the water, and there is no heart if you don't care.

15. Melt in your mouth

The entrance of the tea soup does not need to be consciously swallowed, and it naturally enters the throat. Especially for aged tea, people say that "it melts in the mouth, and you don't drink it", which is the praise of people at the highest level of water in tea soup when tasting Pu'er tea.

16 Refreshing

After years of aging and storage, the excellent tea soup enters the throat, the mouth is refreshing, and the teeth have a clear feeling.

17 Tongue springs

The highest state of Shengjin focuses on the word "Ming", which means continuously.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

18 medicinal incense

A common feature of aged old teas, the strong medicinal aroma is often a way to praise the aroma of old tea.

19 sour taste

It is not dried after rolling, and the moisture content is too high when pressing.

20 blue tint

If the finishing temperature is not enough or the time is insufficient, there will be a "green smell" in severe cases.

21 lock throat

After tasting tea, the throat is too dry, swallowing is difficult, tight and itchy and other discomforts, and people will feel slightly restless and irritable.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

22. Tea separation

When the tea soup enters the throat, what is left in the mouth is not the taste of tea, but the moisture.

23. Smoky flavor

Smoky smell produced in tea processing. It does not mean that it smells bad, and the judgment of whether it is good or bad varies depending on the tea. For the most part, tea should not have a smoky taste. A small number of special varieties such as Wuyi Zhengshan small species, Hunan Weishan Maojian and other special varieties will have a smoking process in the processing to form the corresponding quality.

24 tea gas

It is produced by the combination of organic germanium and polysaccharides in tea and dissolved in water. Tea gas is easy to appear in old tea, and often manifests as hiccups, body warmth, fever, and light sweating.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

25 water-based

It refers to the different sensations that tea soup brings to the oral cavity, such as slippery, chemical, lively, sandy, thick, thin, and profitable, which are mostly used to judge the quality of Pu'er tea. Among them, slippery, chemical, lively, sandy, and thick are the positive characteristics of Pu'er tea, while thin and profitable are negative characteristics, which can affect the tea tasting situation. It is mostly used when tasting Pu'er tea.

The peace of mind brought by tea tasting is irreplaceable by other things. The longer you taste tea, the more peaceful your heart is, the more elegant your temperament is, and the joy of tea can be seen.

For the Chinese, tea is the national drink. Drinking tea is health, pleasantness, and elegance. For Chinese, drinking tea is a happy thing.

25 tea tasting terms, worth collecting!

Source: Chinese tea ceremony culture and tea art knowledge

Editor: Huang Keshu

First Trial: Jiang Hao

Reviewer: Gu Yan

Final review: Yang Hong

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