
Diagram | Party members and cadres' network "e-words and e-deeds" (1)

author:Liangdu High-tech City Supervisor
Diagram | Party members and cadres' network "e-words and e-deeds" (1)

Online behavior is an important part of the words and deeds of Party members and cadres. To this end, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, and the Cyberspace Administration of the CPC Central Committee jointly issued the "Opinions on Regulating the Online Behavior of Party Members and Cadres". Party members and cadres should play an exemplary and leading role, follow the online mass line, standardize online behavior, and promote the formation of a healthy, uplifting, and upright online environment.

Below, let's take stock of one of the eight "wrong opening methods" when party members and cadres use WeChat - vainly discussing the major policies of the Central Committee.

1. Discuss the major policies of the central government in vain

The newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China" conform to the new background of the times and add some new forms of expression of violations of political discipline in a timely manner. For example, if the central government's major policies are discussed in vain through information networks, radio, television, newspapers and periodicals, books, lectures, forums, report meetings, forums, forums, forums, forums, etc., and the party's centralization and unity are undermined, party discipline sanctions should be imposed.

Let's review typical cases, be vigilant, apply what we have learned, consciously improve network literacy, and standardize network behavior.

Diagram | Party members and cadres' network "e-words and e-deeds" (1)
Diagram | Party members and cadres' network "e-words and e-deeds" (1)
Diagram | Party members and cadres' network "e-words and e-deeds" (1)

Source: "Social Science 5 Minutes" WeChat public account 2024-06-14

Editor: Huang Keshu

First Trial: Jiang Hao

Reviewer: Gu Yan

Final review: Yang Hong

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