
In an election debate, the United States had 3 more unexpectedly, and what Biden was most afraid of still happened

In an election debate, the United States had 3 more unexpectedly, and what Biden was most afraid of still happened

A few days ago, it was the first round of "televised debates on candidates" in this year's presidential election in the United States. Although in advance, the outside world thought that this head-to-head showdown between Biden and Trump after 4 years would be inextricably linked. However, the results were shocking.

Let's talk about the process first. According to Western media reports, theoretically, the first round of the "candidate TV debate" will each explain its own development strategy, diplomatic strategy and even domestic governance plan, but the result is that Biden and Trump personally attack each other and expose each other's shortcomings. More critically, in the middle of speaking, Trump found that there was something wrong with Biden's spirit, and began to lead the topic to "Alzheimer's". Sure enough, Trump's instincts were sharp, or rather, from the very beginning, Trump had a strategy in mind. As a result, Biden's worst fears began to happen, and in the middle and late stages of the debate, Biden began to frequently make slips of the tongue, slow reactions, and inability to concentrate. Even CNN, which has always supported the Democratic Party, admitted in the report that Biden is getting old and getting older, which is a sad appearance. Everyone in the White House is deflated.

In an election debate, the United States had 3 more unexpectedly, and what Biden was most afraid of still happened

Before the debate, Trump and Biden had comparable approval ratings. However, after the debate, public opinion gradually began to be one-sided. In the polls, Trump's support has reached 67%, while Biden's support is only 33%.

In this debate, the United States appeared three unexpectedly. The first thing I didn't expect was that the situation was no longer balanced. Further, at the beginning, the two sides were in an equilibrium, and the choice of means of infighting may be somewhat restrained. But Biden directly "exploded" and tilted the development of the situation. If the Democrats want to win again, they may be unusually aggressive.

The second did not expect that the candidates put forward by the Democratic Party are likely to change. Because the core of the two-party system is actually to serve the party, not the individual. Especially in this round of debate, the Democratic Party is very panicked, afraid that if Biden continues to do this, this election may be completely out of play. Therefore, in the next Democratic Party, it is likely that there will be a new candidate, but this person does not have enough prestige. In terms of international strategy, the United States is likely to create some major events to "push" this new candidate.

In an election debate, the United States had 3 more unexpectedly, and what Biden was most afraid of still happened

The third thing I didn't expect was that with the change in the election situation, the political and social divisions in the United States are intensifying. What worries the outside world even more is that because of the US hegemony system in the global economy and politics, the internal division of the United States is constantly affecting the geopolitics of the Middle East, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

Frankly, with Biden's performance this time, the support of the Democratic Party has been hit hard. The next debate is on September 10, and I personally feel that in the next month or so, the party battle around the election in the United States will become more intense. Don't forget, Trump still has a lawsuit on him. Maybe the Democrats will do something extreme around these things.

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