
17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

author:Robinson's Diary

Robinson's diary

Editor丨Robinson's diary

On July 1, 2024, the heartbreaking news shocked the entire badminton world - 17-year-old Chinese badminton rookie Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the Asian Youth Badminton Championships and eventually passed away.

The Chinese Badminton Association quickly issued a statement expressing deep condolences over Zhang's passing, while noting that the hospital has not yet identified the specific cause, a statement that both pays tribute to the deceased and suggests that there may be more details behind the incident that have not yet been revealed.

What caused the young player's sudden death? Can we do more to keep athletes safe at high-level sporting events?

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

All the content of the text statement has reliable information sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article.

The death of the hero is regrettable

On July 1, 2024, a shocking tragedy unfolded on the field of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships.

The match is in full swing, and Zhang Zhijie is showing his young and energetic skills.

However, during a fierce confrontation, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

The scene was suddenly in a panic, and the audience held their breath, hoping that it was just a brief accident.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

What is even more worrying is that the situation at the scene is far more serious than imagined.

The on-site staff responded quickly, and the medical team rushed to the scene, who worked hard to rescue the young athlete in an attempt to wake up the young athlete.

The sound of an ambulance's siren pierced the silence of the gymnasium, and Zhang Zhijie was rushed to the hospital.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

In the hospital, medical staff launched a race against time to rescue.

However, despite his best efforts, the sad news of Zhang Zhijie's death finally came.

The incident quickly became the focus of social media and news headlines, with the public questioning the timeliness and effectiveness of the emergency measures at the scene.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

In the process of on-site rescue, mistakes occurred frequently

According to eyewitness accounts at the scene, the medical team arrived at the scene about 30 seconds after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground.

This 30-second delay is especially long in a life-and-death emergency.

Doctors specialists point out that in the case of non-contact syncope and collapse, the possibility of cardiac arrest should be considered first.

However, rescue workers at the scene appear to have failed to identify the critical situation in time.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

What is even more shocking is that in these critical minutes, no one was seen at the scene to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other first aid measures on Zhang Zhijie, and the use of external defibrillators was not carried out in time.

These measures, widely considered critical to saving the lives of cardiac arrest patients, are absent at this moment.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

Medical experts have expressed shock and bewilderment, emphasizing that in similar situations, every second can be the difference between life and death.

At the same time, this unfortunate incident quickly became the focus of national attention, sparking a wide and in-depth discussion.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

Public concern continues, and the incident continues to ferment

After the news broke, people in the sports world expressed their grief.

Olympic champion Cai Yun posted a heartbreaking message of condolences on social media, expressing regret for the young athlete and deep sympathy for his family.

Cai Yun's remarks struck a chord with more athletes and coaches, who called on relevant authorities to pay attention to the safety of the event to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

At the same time, the public's attention quickly turned to the aftermath of the incident, and many began to discuss whether the AFC would face huge compensation.

This discussion reflects the focus on the responsibilities of sports event organizers and highlights the importance that the public attaches to the protection of athletes' rights.

However, the most heart-wrenching thing is the reaction of Zhang Zhijie's family.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

Zhang Zhijie's sister expressed strong dissatisfaction and anger at the first aid method at the scene on her personal social media.

She questioned why effective first aid was not taken in time after her brother fell to the ground.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

What is even more regrettable is that the hospital has not yet found out the cause of Zhang Zhijie's sudden condition.

Spectators and netizens also expressed great anger and disappointment at the medical team's reaction, and social media was flooded with critical voices of criticism of the delay in the rescue at the scene.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

In the face of the surging tide of public opinion, the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association quickly responded, saying that they were conducting an in-depth investigation into the incident and promised to announce the results after the investigation was completed.

The move has somewhat calmed some public outrage, but people are still closely watching the progress and final outcome of the investigation.

At the same time, there are also voices saying that Zhang Zhijie's family can claim compensation from the organizer through these mistakes.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

But at this time, the organizers have a more important thing, that is, they realize what is lacking from this incident, and change to prevent similar things from happening next time.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

Keep learning, keep improving

This incident first triggered a reflection on the medical security measures for the event.

Many experts point out that high-level sports events require not only perfect rules and technical skills, but also strong medical support.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

They called on tournament organizers to equip future competitions with more advanced medical equipment, such as automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and other first-aid equipment, and ensure that these devices can be quickly put in place in case of emergency.

At the same time, improving the emergency response capacity of the on-site medical team has also become the focus of attention.

Medical experts emphasized that in high-intensity sports competitions, medical teams must not only have professional medical knowledge, but also have the ability to react quickly and respond on the spot.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

They recommend regular professional training and emergency drills for event medical staff to ensure that they can respond correctly and quickly in times of crisis.

The incident also reminded athletes to pay more attention to their health.

Many retired athletes and coaches have begun to share their experiences on social media, calling on young athletes to pay attention to their physical indicators while pursuing excellent results, and have regular medical check-ups to detect potential health problems in time.

Some sports organizations are even starting to consider adding more health education to their training routines.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

At the same time, this incident has also triggered people's thinking about the career planning of athletes.

Some sports commentators have pointed out that athletes tend to have a shorter professional lifespan, while health risks can be lifelong.

They called on relevant departments and sports organizations to provide athletes with more comprehensive occupational protection, including comprehensive medical insurance, vocational training after retirement, etc., to ensure that athletes can receive due protection and rewards while dedicating their youth to the country and the people.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

Although this tragedy is heartbreaking, it has also awakened the importance of sports safety in society to a certain extent.

Everyone from the general public to professionals is calling for change in their own way to create a safer and healthier competitive environment for the athletes of tomorrow.

17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie passed away, Chinese Badminton Association: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet identified the cause

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[1]-Daily Economic News 2024.7.1 (17-year-old national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, the Chinese Badminton Association voiced: deep condolences, the hospital has not yet clarified the cause)

[2] News 2024.7.2 (Lawyer: Zhang Zhijie's family may claim compensation from the organizer for on-site rescue delays)

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