
A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

author:Actual combat dragon coach

"The Book of Rites: The Mean": Everything is prepared to stand, and if you don't prepare, you will be wasted! It means that anything that is prepared in advance will succeed, and unprepared will fail. Many people do not make a strict trading plan before entering the market, just by virtue of a hot head, or with a little superficial analytical reasoning and speculation, or by virtue of a certain gossip blindly buying, they do not know the stocks, due to the lack of understanding of the stocks, in the loss of trading principles, and eventually lead to losses!

——Encourage the veterans who are still fighting in the stock market!

Now the A disaster is no longer operable, more than 5,300 listed companies, only more than 600 billion daily turnover, what opportunity.

Today's total turnover of the two cities plus northbound funds is only 644.7 billion, 13.7 billion less than yesterday, the sluggish turnover of the entry, there is no chance at all, more than 2,400 in the two cities rose, more than 2,700 fell, but what rose today fell sharply yesterday, and what rose yesterday fell sharply today, and there is no money-making effect at all.

A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

Now, retail investors are paused in the short term, and the medium line is lying flat; A team buys trillion-dollar clubs, quantitatively borrows good money to pull it up, and then harvests it; And the short-selling funds use financial derivatives and securities lending to make profits, no, today domestic capital has smashed nearly 15 billion.

In this kind of market of demolishing the east wall to make up the west wall, as well as quantitative harvesting, it is too difficult to make a profit. No wonder some people say that A is a disaster: the boss goes in, and bie three comes out; Talent goes in, coffin comes out; The doctor goes in, and White C comes out; Yang Million went in, and Yang Bai came out; I want to get rich when I go in, and I want to go crazy when I come out; I want to learn from Warren Buffett to go in and peel the skin out; Slap your chest and go in, slap out; Zhou Libo rushed in, and Zhou Papi escaped.

Although it's a joke, the description of A disaster is really apt!

Now the A disaster is completely distorted, a team of four major banks, three barrels of oil, three major operators, coal leaders, look at the 2.1 trillion market value of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China continued to pull wildly, not only hit a new high in the year, is expected to hit a record high this week with the Agricultural Bank of China, China Mobile, the new group of varieties of relay liquor become YYDS, these are trillion market value, I can't imagine.

A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

These big guys are rising so much, who else dares to chase high, will there be a stampede like liquor and new energy? To be honest, China's future development cannot rely on banks, coal, and crude oil, right? Looking at the current A disaster from the perspective of the next 30 years, the rise of great powers must rely on scientific and technological innovation and artificial intelligence; If you look at the United States, 4% of publicly traded companies have contracted the growth of the past 200 years, and all of them are technology stocks. Only 2.2% of listed companies barely outperformed inflation.

The gap between the current A disaster and the U.S. stock market is as high as 81%, isn't it shocking!

Why doesn't a certain team pull up technology leaders and brokers? This can not only drive market sentiment but also push the stock market up, whether they think that there are no real technology companies in A, or they just don't want to boost investor confidence and don't want retail investors to make money.

Nowadays, all walks of life are very difficult, and they are getting more and more difficult month by month, and even the takeaway brother needs to leave one and join another; Online car-hailing is even more difficult, the original 2 million drivers had 500 million orders, and now 6 million people have less than 500 million orders, because more and more people are starting to ride.

If you want to change the status quo, China's stock market must be stronger, and the three positive candles must change faith! This is the magic of the stock market, except for the stock market, no industry can do it, and only the stock market can bring consumption back to life quickly.

Why are parents reluctant to ban securities lending and quantification? looked at the headlines posted by a self-media person, maybe the following screenshot can give the answer!

A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

It's useless to talk too much, since you can't change the facts, you either leave or change yourself!

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.08% to close at 2,997 points; The Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.97%, the ChiNext fell 1.05%, and the STAR 50 fell 1.48%; The live broadcast in the morning clearly reminded that the market will rise and fall, with strong pressure above 3005 points, and the Shanghai Composite Index reached a maximum of 3003.97 points today, which was blocked and fell.

Under the influence of the July meeting, the market still continues to rise, technically, MACD has formed a golden cross, tomorrow the 5th line will cross the 10-day line will also form a golden cross, the short-term will continue to rebound after the half-year line suppression shock, the next strong pressure on the annual line 3050 points.

A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

Unless you buy the "trillion club", it is meaningless to look at the market and speculate on stocks, and it is too late to start the trillion club, as early as mid-May, I will continue to prompt opportunities for high dividend adjustments, and on May 13, the column "Coach's Selection" released Guodian Power, with a floating profit of 14% as of today; On May 23, "Coach's Choice" released COSCO Shipping Holdings' floating profit of 17%; On May 27, "Coach's Selection" released Guodian Power again, and on the 28th, "Coach's Selection" released Yangtze River Power, with a floating profit of 12%. On May 31, "Coach's Choice" released CRRC's floating profit of 11%.

A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

On June 27, "Two cooperative companies with Samsung and Hynix, net profit has increased significantly, and the growth space is unlimited", one of which has a three-day floating profit of 7.83%; Yesterday's "Coach's Selection" article "The Dark Line with the Strongest Certainty in July, the Face Retreats Game, or Will Break Out into a Strong Outlet" Three stocks, two of which rose by the limit, one of which rose nearly 3%.

Today's "Coach's Selection" article "AI application will appear next Moutai, two low-priced leading enterprises, the stock price has been uncontrollable" Both stocks are less than 10 yuan, but today's stock price adjustment funds are bought sharply, and a new round of market will break out at any time.

There is nothing to interpret for the hot spots in the market, as long as it rises today, it will definitely be harvested tomorrow! If you want to profit from the current A disaster, there are three modes:

1. Every Changyin buys varieties that are expected to increase in the performance of the report, or the meeting is favorable to the expected industry leader, once the big white line is closed, he will leave immediately.

2. The new group that does not dare to harvest quantitatively, in fact, the live broadcast on the second Sunday of June clearly reminded that the market must rise to 3,000 points, and it must be driven by high dividends such as banks. Now that it has risen, there is still a premium before the meeting, or you can pay attention to the varieties mentioned in the live class last Sunday afternoon, such as: state-owned enterprise win-win ETF (159719).

A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

3. In the face of the withdrawal of the game target, this quantification will not be harvested, because many are not securities lending targets, quantification has almost no chips, once the major shareholders begin to increase their positions, it is easy to get out of a wave of rising market.

Today's pre-market selected stocks, all rose sharply, especially the face of the game stocks, a total of 5, there are four limits.

A-shares: shrinkage tears the market, but it has not changed the continuous rise of this sector!

Well, that's all for today's article, I hope that A disaster can be reborn as soon as possible, and give financial consumers a fair, just and open market!

It is not appropriate to be original, I hope to leave a small heart, thank you in advance! Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market!