
refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox

Family style is the root of a family, and the education passed down from generation to generation has silently shaped generation after generation.

It is silent but powerful, like a brand, engraved on personal character, and maintained the family's reputation.

If the family style is not right, the family road will decline, Xie Jueya firmly believes that the construction of family style is very important

He was the first Minister of the Interior of New China, and as one of the "Five Elders of Yan'an", he had the ideal of saving the country when he was young, and joined the Communist Party in 1925, always upholding Marxism.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

He was strict with himself in maintaining the family style, refused to arrange a job for his eldest son, and did not let his ex-wife come to Beijing, insisting: It's not good for me and it's not good for you.

The family style has been passed down for thousands of years, and the honest and honest officials have left a good name

Family style is the norm of a family, and it is a family motto, life ritual and moral code that has been passed down from generation to generation.

It is a profound education from grandparents to descendants, which has subtly shaped the behavior and thoughts of generations of people.

Family style is a kind of education that can be seen in small ways, and it is a kind of silent and powerful influence.

Family style is like an imprint for an individual, establishing his life's character and way of doing things; For the family, the family style is the continuous vitality, so that the name of the family can be preserved in history.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

If the family style is not right, the family road will decline.

In the era when there was still a feudal remnant, Xie Jueya was born in a rural family with paddy fields and relatively rich materials, and his family had 50 acres of fertile land to raise people.

Although his family owns land, the Xie family is not the kind of powerful family that oppresses tenants.

Xie Juezai's father, Xie Huiqian, was a person who hated the gentry in the township, treated tenants leniently, often treated people with light rents during the rent collection season, and always gave generously and charity to those who were displaced and came to beg at home.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

Her mother is a kind and kind typical Oriental woman, who is a good housekeeper, hardworking and thrifty, whether it is a major matter in the family or a dispute between neighbors, she can always mediate carefully, and peace is precious.

She often taught Xie Jueya by word and deed, teaching him to be kind-hearted and learn to be a man and do things, this simple family style has become the motto of Xie Jueya's life.

Although Xie Juezai left his hometown when he was young and traveled in the smoke of the Anti-Japanese War and the trend of revolution, this fine family style is like a gene rooted in his blood and bones, whether it was in the beacon years of Yan'an to resist Japan, or in Beijing, which was founded at the beginning of New China, it deeply affected his personality and life.

Xie Juezai's behavior in his life can be described as hard, simple, diligent and thrifty, he never pretends to be a minister, let alone put on a show.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

When his family wanted to celebrate his birthday, he replied with a letter, "It is not appropriate to do it in Japan, it should not be done, and it is indeed impossible to do it." ”

He boasted of himself, saying: "I am a minister here, not an official, the public takes care of food and housing, the children do not need tuition fees to go to school, the children also have allowances, and the wife also needs to support herself." ”

The sons and daughters of Ningxiang wanted to take a hitchhike to Beijing to see him, but he sternly refused, teaching them, "Anyone who takes the bus needs to buy a ticket, and there must be a clear distinction between public and private." ”

Jiaoguan in the dialect refers to officials who do not make money.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

Xie Juezai humbly calls himself a "Jiao Guan", as the saying goes, "If the official is not Jiao, the world will be chaotic; The official is anxious, and the chaos is safe. His life credo is, "Do more and be at ease."

Later, in his life in Beijing, he missed the bamboo dumplings in his hometown, but Beijing could not buy them.

So he asked his son Xie Lianbo in the countryside to order bamboo and shipped it to Beijing together with the bed, and all the expenses were also solved, not taking advantage of his children, as he said, he was a "Jiao Guan" in the real sense.

Honest and upright, refuse to pass on morality at the back door

In 1949, as the dawn of New China was rising, Xie Jueya became the first Minister of the Interior of New China.

The news spread to his hometown in Ningxiang, Hunan, and immediately caused a heated discussion in the countryside.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

The relatives at home are also active, restless, and pondering whether they can take advantage of Lao Xie's spring breeze to soar together.

Especially those young sons and nephews, they have their own careful thoughts, hoping to occupy a place in the mighty north.

However, Xie Jueya's life is different.

His life can be described as honest and honest, adhering to principles, never abusing power for personal gain, and opposing any form of "going through the back door" and "greeting".

When his second son came to the turbulent city of Beijing from his hometown in Hunan Province full of hope and expressed his desire to arrange a job to his father, he met his father's firm refusal.

At that time, although New China was in urgent need of talents, it was supposed to be thirsty for talents, and it seemed that arranging a post was just a matter of effort.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

However, Xie Jueya believed that at that time, the whole country had just been liberated, and manpower was needed everywhere, and his son was educated, so it was better to go back to the countryside to teach and return to the countryside, so as to be loyal to the country.

Although the second son was very unwilling, he finally obeyed his father's instructions, returned to his hometown, devoted himself to education, and became a teacher in the countryside.

And Xie Jueyai's eldest son, who is a farmer at home, also proposed to participate in the work of a broader world, but Xie Jueya also refused, he thought that farming was also a serious business, and hoped that his son would not forget his duty.

As for a brother-in-law who tried to find a job in Beijing through relatives, Xie Jueya even refused with humor and resoluteness: "If you want me to arrange your work, unless I go home to be a common man, you will be a minister." ”

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

Xie Jueya used his practical actions to teach his children strictly by word and deed.

Not only did he walk by it, but he also conveyed a core belief to them through his words.

In the new society, it is necessary to rely on one's own ability and learning new skills to gain a foothold, rather than relying on the influence and power of the elders.

He is well aware that there are many families, and not everyone can deeply understand this concept of self-reliance.

In 1953, after pondering in front of the inkstone for a long time, Xie Jueya wrote a long letter and sent it to his two sons in his distant hometown.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

In the letter, he seriously criticized the behavior of seeking personal interests by finding connections and going through the back door.

In his letter, he made it clear that even in Beijing, the children of cadres who had no way to go to higher education were arranged to work in labor, and some were even forced to return to the countryside.

And the children of Xie Jueya here, once they reach the age of eighteen, must rely on themselves whether they are studying or looking for work.

At this time, Xie Jueya is old, maybe he can no longer be with his children for too long, maybe by the time they are eighteen, Xie Jueya is no longer alive.

Reading is important, but its real purpose should be to better engage in productive labor. Whether graduating from primary, secondary or university, everyone should be part of the workforce.

Different academic qualifications and different ways of working are different, but the road that is earned without work has been blocked by the times.

Xie Jueya admonished

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

Children should not hope to find a job with him, who is not an institution of labor and production.

He also emphasized that he hopes that the children in his hometown will devote themselves to agricultural work, and should not just want to find a light job to live a leisurely life.

Moral heirloom can be guaranteed for more than ten generations; Ploughing and reading heirlooms, second.

Through such teachings, Xie Jueya is not only imparting knowledge, but also planting an attitude towards life and a responsible social code of conduct.

Persist in the three stages of the revolution, and the two families are in the same boat through thick and thin

Xie Jueya had three marriages in his life.

Among them, the marriage with his first wife, He Dunxiu, carries the traditional color of the old Chinese countryside.

He Dunxiu, born in a long-standing family of traditional Chinese medicine, her father was not only a Qing Dynasty leader, but also a brief official, family education is extremely strict, and she received three years of traditional education in a private school.

At that time, Xie Jueya was studying in a college near He's house, and was a classmate of He's cousin, and was often invited to He's house, so he formed an indissoluble bond with He's family.

Seeing that Xie was very smart, Father He had the intention of marrying, so with the tacit consent of both families, he arranged this marriage.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

At the time of marriage, Xie Jueya had not yet reached the age of sixteen, and He Dunxiu was five years older than him, and according to the local customs of the time, it was normal for wives to be older than husbands.

The two spent fifteen years together, during which time they had four sons and three daughters.

Xie Jueya's second marriage unfolded in the torrent of revolution.

In July 1934, under the matchmaking of Zhou Enlai and his wife, Xie Jueya and Guo Xiangyu got married in a simple and lively way in the Soviet area.

After a short married life, the two were deeply in love and inseparable, until the Red Army was forced to go on a long march, and the couple had to face a brutal separation.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

After Guo Xiangyu was separated from her husband, she continued to carry out guerrilla warfare with the local Red Army in western Fujian.

With the withdrawal of the Central Red Army, the struggle on the ground became extremely difficult.

In September 1940, Guo Xiangyu was betrayed by traitors in Changting and fell into the hands of the enemy.

When the enemy learned of her identity, they tried to extract information about the Central Red Army through torture.

However, Guo Xiangyu was unyielding, preferring death rather than betraying her comrades, and finally died heroically under the cruel methods of the enemy, ending her extraordinary life.

Xie Jueya's third marriage to Wang Dingguo was out of the needs of the revolution and was also arranged by the organization.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

In 1937, at the critical moment of the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to resist Japan, Xie Juezai left his hometown where he had not returned for many years and went to Gansu to serve as Mao Zedong's representative of the Eighth Route Army's office in Lanzhou.

Prior to this, after the defeat of the Western Route Army, Wang Dingguo experienced countless hardships and separation, and finally refound his organization in Zhangye and devoted himself to the rescue of the scattered Red Army.

Subsequently, she was also sent to Lanzhou, where her fate intersected with Xie Jueya.

Organizationally, Xie Juezai took into account his advanced age, his daily life needs to be taken care of, and in the united front work against He Yaozu, the chairman of the Kuomintang Gansu Provincial Government and a fellow villager in Ningxiang, he needed the identity of a wife to better assist the action.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

So, he put forward a proposal to let Wang Dingguo and Xie Jueya become a couple.

When Wang Dingguo first heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

After the celebratory dinner, when it was proposed to let her into Xie Lao's bedroom, she bluntly refused.

Born in poverty and once a child daughter-in-law, she said frankly at the time that she could take care of Xie Lao, but how could she say that she shared a bed?

In this regard, some people explain that when they are married, they are husband and wife.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

Wang Dingguo hesitated at this time, asking for time to think deeply.

She also made a request, when she was in the Fourth Front Army, she had an old friend named Zhang Jingbo, who was also the enlightener of her participation in the revolution, and had a deep influence on her.

She hopes to find out Zhang Jingbo's whereabouts before making a life decision.

Later, after the investigation of the organization, it was learned that Zhang Jingbo had died heroically in the Western Expedition, and this concern turned into grief.

This news unraveled the last tangle in Wang Dingguo's heart.

She finally agreed to her marriage to Xie Jueya and stood at the forefront of the revolution.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

Xie Jueya is the "last generation of talents", his poems and articles are famous in Sixiang, and his married life is a different scene.

The two ladies who became acquainted with him were not talented women, especially Wang Dingguo, who couldn't even read a word.

There are a lot of interesting things about this couple.

Once, Xie Jueya was splashing ink at home and urgently needed an article in the Northwest Daily for writing reference.

He asked Wang Dingguo to go to the office to pick up the newspaper.

Unexpectedly, Wang Dingguo made mistakes three times in a row, which made Xie Juezai puzzled.

It wasn't until Wang Dingguo confessed that "I can't read" that Xie Jueya suddenly realized, he smiled gently, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'll teach you." ”

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

During the 34 years they were together, Wang Dingguo not only got rid of the shadow of illiteracy, but also learned to write poems and lyrics under the teaching of Xie Jueya, and his calligraphy became more and more sophisticated, and in his later years, he became a famous social activist in calligraphy and painting.

In the distant Northwest Plateau, family life is full of warmth, and Xie Jueya, who has five sons with Wang Dingguo, still has not forgotten his ex-wife He Dunxiu.

Their correspondence has not been interrupted, and Xie Jueya often expresses his concern and support for the lives of his ex-wife and family in his letters.

On September 7, 1951, Xie Jueya's last letter to He Dunxiu wrote: "In my opinion, it is better for you not to come to Beijing...... You and I are both in our seventies, and we can't stand the troubles, and it's not good for me, and it's not good for you. ”

By the end of the fifties, He Dunxiu, who was already in his old age, was taken to live in Beijing by his youngest son Xie Fang, who was working in the revolution.

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

In this city, despite the changes in the living environment, Xie Jueya and Wang Dingguo still frequently invite her to their home to spend time together in a warm and harmonious manner.

They also often visit He Dunxiu, and when they go often, they will bring her some living expenses.

He Dunxiu once said to Wang Dingguo before his death, Comrade Wang Dingguo, thank you for taking such good care of Xie Jueya.

After He Dunxiu's death, Wang Dingguo went to take care of the aftermath in person, and this friendship of mutual respect and respect has become a beautiful talk talked about by future generations, so that our generation has a deeper understanding and admiration for the sincerity and tolerance of the older generation of revolutionaries.


"Red Family Rules" Wang Jiyi, editor-in-chief

Xie Jueya's family style tutor Xie Xingyan, Zhuang Qiuju

"Beijing Film Academy Scholars' Library Reminiscences and Tastes the New Xie Fei's Selected Works" by Xie Fei; Edited by Wang Yao; Hu Zhifeng, editor-in-chief

refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you
refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you
refused to arrange a job for his eldest son and refused to allow his ex-wife to come to Beijing, Xie Juezai: It's not good for me and it's not good for you

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