
"The Master of the Nine Spirits" Chapter 363


"The Master of the Nine Spirits" Chapter 363

This just gave Zhao Liang a chance to rescue Hu Li. Otherwise, when Zhao Liang came from Kyoto, the daylily would be cold.

There are still such people in Yangcheng, Zhao Liang asked: "What kind of goods is this Zhang family in Yangcheng?" ”

"Brother Liang, this Zhang family is a family that has risen in Yangcheng in recent years. Zhang Xin's father is a department-level official in the system, and his mother runs a beauty company. Somehow, he has a lot of money and is a billionaire in Yangcheng. Mowgli said.

Zhao Liang smiled and was confident: "Where is the 'Flower World'?" ”

Mowgli said the address of "Flower World".

"You send Miss Hu home, and I'll go to the 'Flower World' to have a look."

"I'll go too." Tang Jing said.

Wuji handed Zhao Liang a Mercedes-Benz key, Zhao Liang shook his head: "I'm not familiar with the road in Yangcheng, it's still convenient to call." ”

"I'll send you there." Mowgli said.

"No, there are taxis all over the street." The four of them went downstairs.

"Brother Liang, don't leave Yangcheng yet!" Hu Li said to Zhao Liang with wet eyes.

"Well, I'll take the time to see the old man." Zhao Liang said to Hu Li.

Wuji drove Hu Li home, and Zhao Liang and Tang Jing also walked to the side of the road and got into a taxi.

Huahua World is a ten-storey building with a small yard and most cars parked in underground garages. This is a comprehensive entertainment venue, similar to the "Red Mansion" and "Heaven and Earth", that is, eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling.

"Brother Liang, I'm a little hungry." Tang Jing said.

Hurriedly rushed to Yangcheng, Tang Jing had indeed not eaten since he was moved into the storage ring. Zhao Liang also ate snacks on the plane.

Zhao Liang looked at the time, and it was indeed time for dinner, so he said, "Since we are hungry, let's go eat first." ”

The second floor of this building is a western restaurant, and Zhao Liang and they came to the third floor.

On the third floor, there is a lobby and a private room.

Zhao Liang chose a table by the window, this kind of western dining table can seat four people, and two people sit by the window. Outside the window is a river, the river water is clear, the greenery on the river embankment is also quite distinctive, green plants and flowers are intertwined, in Yangcheng, a place close to the tropics, there are flowers all year round.

The most curious thing is that there is a gondola in the river, which is a kind of small pleasure boat unique to Venice, with two pointed ends raised, artificial rocking, sitting on the boat to enjoy the scenery on both sides, quite poetic.

Tang Jing was also very amused by this peculiar cruise ship: "Brother Liang, it's okay after eating, I also want to take those cruise ships." ”

"Good. Take time out for you to sit. Zhao Liang agreed.

"I want to sit on this gondola, and my brother will accompany you." A baritone who should have a beautiful sound takes over.

Tang Jing looked back, a man in his thirties, quite handsome, 1.8 meters tall, although he shook his head a little, I have to say, it is very attractive to girls. However, Tang Jing has Brother Liang, and no kind of man will look at it.

Zhao Liang naturally noticed this man, and the three men who were with him also had the ability to transform into a divine realm or a transformation realm. Zhao Liang had already determined that this person was the Zhang Xin who took Hu Li away. As soon as he compared it with the photo of Zhang Xin that Wuji searched, he determined the identity of this man.

When Tang Jing heard Zhang Xin's words and saw such a person, he suddenly lost his good feelings: "Who wants you to accompany you?" also pee and take pictures, where did the ugly monster come from? ”

Obviously, he is very handsome, Tang Jing deliberately said that he was ugly.

Hearing Tang Jing say this, Zhao Liang smiled. He had already confirmed that this man was Zhang Xin, so he arbitrarily let Tang Jing tease this playboy.

Seeing Zhao Liang smiling, Zhang Xin was unhappy: "You kid go away, let me accompany this beauty." ”

Of course, Zhang Xin didn't know that this beauty was the princess of Tangmen, Sichuan, otherwise he wouldn't have time to hide. Zhao Liang saw that he was touching his head again, pretending to be scared, and hid to the dining table on the side.

Zhang Xin proudly sat down in the position where Zhao Liang got out of the way.

His three fox friends stood beside him, forming an encirclement of Tang Jing.

"Haha, this woman is funny. Not only beautiful, but also very personal. More spiritual than those Russian girls. Zhang Xin said appreciatively to Tang Jing.

His fox friends smiled, although the Russian girl was beautiful and beautiful, she couldn't speak Mandarin and couldn't understand it. It seems to them that there is a natural lack of spirituality.

"So you like me?" Tang Jing asked with a smile.

"Of course, of course. I'm a person who likes to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and I promise to satisfy you. Zhang Xin grinned and said, as if Tang Jing had become his bag.

"It seems that you have spoiled a lot of girls, do you think your aunt and grandmother will also fall for you?" Tang Jing said disdainfully.

"So what? I've been the best for women. Zhang Xin said forgetfully.

"Was that beautiful woman named Hu Li captured by you?"

As soon as he heard Hu Li's name, Zhang Xin suddenly sobered up: "You, who are you?" ”

"Hehe, I'm the one who cleaned you up." Tang Jing smiled,

"The person who cleaned me up hasn't been born yet, so you, a weak woman, will you go to bed and clean me up?" Zhang Xin said with a smile.

Zhao Liang also laughed.

"What are you smiling at?" Zhang Xin asked Zhao Liang unhappily.

"I laugh at you don't know who this young lady is, do you?"

"Who is she?" Zhang Xin asked casually.

"She is the eldest lady of Tangmen in Sichuan."

"Sichuan has beautiful women。。。。。。 What Sichuan Tangmen? Zhang Xin was stunned. Anyway, he is also a cultivator, and in the martial arts, he talks about the Sichuan Tangmen, who dares to offend the people of the Sichuan Tangmen?

Although Zhang Xin is a realm transformation skill, he can't see how high Tang Jing's skill is, since he is the eldest lady of the Tang Sect in Sichuan, it is not a problem to use poison, he hurriedly glanced at the fox friend and the dog.

One guy took out his cell phone and dialed out, apparently moving rescuers. Zhao Liang wanted to see what kind of gods this Zhang Xin could remove.

"Do you know who Hu Li is?" Zhao Liang asked.

"Yes. His grandfather used to be the king of South China, but he was already an outdated person. Now it's about the amount of wealth, who cares how much credit he has in the past? Zhang Xin said proudly.

"A nation that does not worship heroes is a nation that has no future. Huaxia has been ruined by you social dregs. If we do not eradicate your scum and improve the social atmosphere, there will be no hope for China. Zhao Liang said angrily.

"You're right. The question is who will advocate and encourage righteousness? Those officials, as long as they have money, will do anything. If you don't believe me, just try! Zhang Xin said as he spoke, his tone aggravated.

I can already hear the sound of police cars.

Zhao Liang smiled. The reason why Zhang Xin is a little rampant is because his foreign aid has arrived.

After a while, hulala, more than a dozen heavily armed policemen came up.

Seeing that foreign aid was coming, Zhang Xin hurriedly walked up to a middle-aged man with the rank of police supervisor: "Wang Ju, it's these two men and women who are making trouble, they should be arrested." ”

The person known as Wang Ju looked up and was taken aback.