
"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

author:Aquatic smokers


The college entrance examination has come to an end, candidates and parents are nervously waiting for the results of voluntary admission, and the top students of the college entrance examination who have been robbed by famous schools are estimated to have already selected their ideal colleges, and the dust has settled.

At this moment, I can't help but think of the girl who is known as the "best college entrance examination champion".

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Her name is Lin Liyuan, and in the college entrance examination she took in 2007, she not only forgot her name when she took the Chinese test, but even fell asleep when she took the English test!

Despite this, Lin Liyuan still became the "champion of liberal arts in Guangxi Province" with an excellent score of 672 points and entered Peking University, a top university.

So, why did Lin Liyuan make mistakes in such a heavyweight exam? Why is it so powerful, and you still get a high score?

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

1. Take dreams as horses and work hard

In fact, before the second year of junior high school, this college entrance examination bull was just an ordinary student with mediocre grades, who liked to surf the Internet and had a lot of fun, and never thought about what his future would be.

Until one time, Lin Liyuan was cleaning at school, and when he passed by the school billboard, he inadvertently glanced at it.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

It was this glance that turned her life upside down.

In the propaganda column of the glass window, there is a propaganda poster of Fudan University, a school motto of "The sun and the moon are bright, and Fudan is resting", which shook Lin Liyuan for some reason.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Her heart was turbulent, and she secretly swore in her heart that one day she would be admitted to Fudan University, but she understood her current grades, how could she be admitted to Fudan!

The road is long and obstructive, and she must fight against the water.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Since then, Lin Liyuan has begun to "hang his head and cone his thorns", and spend almost all his time studying.

In order to motivate herself, she turned her love of surfing the Internet into an advantage, and began to log on to major educational websites to see a variety of learning materials and learning experiences.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Among them, she pays the most attention to the top student in the college entrance examination.

Whenever she is overwhelmed by the exhaustion and pressure of studying, she will open the motivational articles written by the champions and draw strength from them.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

In addition, what accompanied Lin Liyuan through that dark time was also a copy of "The Autobiography of Marie Curie".

That legendary woman, who made great achievements and made the world look at her differently, Lin Liyuan cried every time she saw it, determined to learn from Marie Curie.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

In this way, under the continuous hard work and psychological encouragement, Lin Liyuan's grades suddenly rushed to the top ten in the class, and in the high school entrance examination, he was even the fifteenth in the city.

Slowly, Lin Liyuan had the confidence to pursue her dreams, because the high school she wanted to go to was not given a scholarship, she put down her cruel words "I will make you regret it in three years", and turned her head to enter another school-Pubei Middle School in Qinzhou City.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

In the three years of high school, she put down QQ of chasing stars, entertainment and love, and rushed all the way with the momentum of breaking the kettle.

Diligent and hardworking are no longer enough to describe Lin Liyuan, and she began to constantly make plans to break through herself.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Even in her third year of high school, she wrote a letter directly to the principal, offering to "stay at home for three days and be at school for one day" to maintain her learning progress.

So, what kind of answer sheet did Lin Liyuan, who did her best, hand in the college entrance examination?

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Second, the college entrance examination was full of jokes, and he still ascended to the throne

It's a bit funny to say, Lin Liyuan, who worked so hard, "had accidents" one after another during the college entrance examination.

The first exam was Chinese, perhaps Lin Liyuan was so excited that he forgot to write his name.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Therefore, Lin Liyuan, who finished the Chinese test, couldn't laugh anymore, and went to take the math test again with a sad mood.

At night, when he should have recuperated, Lin Liyuan couldn't sleep again and again, thinking bitterly about his miserable Chinese subjects.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

It's just that I didn't expect that Xueba's brain circuit is indeed different from ordinary people, thinking about it, Lin Liyuan's mood took a 180-degree turn, and he actually began to fantasize about his college entrance examination results with some excitement.

In Lin Liyuan's mind, even if he lost his Chinese score, he could score 150 points in mathematics and other subjects.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

In this way, a candidate with a score of 0 in Chinese will still be admitted to a good school, and he will not become the darling of the news media and a local celebrity.

As a result, thinking too much about beautiful things, Lin Liyuan didn't sleep well at all, dragged his heavy head, and went to take the liberal arts comprehensive exam the next morning.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

But what shocked Lin Liyuan was that she received the news at noon the next day, it was not in the way if she didn't write her name, just have the admission ticket number.

At this moment, Lin Liyuan directly gained more than 120 points, she cheered, patronized and happy, she didn't expect that there would be an exam in the afternoon, so she had to make up for sleep quickly.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Facts have proved that the tossing of the past two days can make Lin Liyuan tired, went to the English examination room, and after barely listening to the listening, she was about to die of sleepiness and couldn't hold on anymore, her upper eyelids touched her lower eyelids, and she fell asleep directly in the examination room.

After a third of the time passed, Lin Liyuan, who finally woke up, began to work on the question.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

According to common sense, at such an important moment in the college entrance examination, Lin Liyuan is a wave of unsettled and wave after wave, and the exam results must be affected.

But the real situation is completely opposite, not only did she not fail the college entrance examination, but she came out on top, ranking among the top three in the province, and is a well-deserved champion of liberal arts in Guangxi Province.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

All of a sudden, Lin Liyuan was really popular, and in an interview with the media, people praised her as "the best college entrance examination champion", even if she slept in the examination room and was in a bad mood, she still performed brilliantly, and her strength and ability to resist pressure were too strong.

However, after the college entrance examination results came out, people found out that Lin Liyuan did not enter the coveted Fudan University, but went to Peking University, why is this?

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

3. When the dream comes true, she has no choice

During that time, Lin Liyuan was surrounded by flowers and praise, and Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Chinese University of Hong Kong also threw olive branches to her.

This is about the first peak moment of Lin Liyuan's life, and in the face of many dazzling options, not only is she a little confused, but even teachers and parents are excited.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

The temptation of Peking University is too great, and everyone seems to think that the best place for liberal arts students is Peking University.

No matter how mature Lin Liyuan is, he is still a child in the end, walking at the crossroads of life, he will involuntarily obey adults and follow the eyes of the world.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

The most popular, Lin Liyuan did not choose her original dream, but chose the admission letter of Peking University.

In the time after that, Lin Liyuan was busy sorting out the college entrance examination study materials and sharing her experience as a scholar.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

She is full of joy, because a new chapter in her life has begun, and she is going to Peking University to enjoy a colorful campus life.

In this regard, Lin Liyuan's story is fixed in college life.

Some people may want to ask, after so many years, what kind of life has this lady of heaven lived?

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672


In fact, no one knows the real situation.

Some people say that after graduating from Guanghua School of Management of Peking University, Lin Liyuan went to Baidu's headquarters to engage in human resource management-related work.

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Some people also say that Lin Liyuan has long left the motherland and went to the United States for development.

But no matter which path it is, I believe that Lin Liyuan, who is striving towards the goal, will definitely be able to hand in a satisfactory life answer sheet again!

"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672
The source of the information in this article
[1] Lin Liyuan's personal blog record, "None of us are children of God".
"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672
[2] Guangxi News Network, June 30, 2007, Interview: Guangxi 2007 Liberal Arts Champion Lin Liyuan (Figure).
"The best" champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write his name in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

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