
He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area


Who did Na Ying recruit and provoke whom?

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Even though she suffered from the terrible shingles, she still insisted on being on the show!

Na Ying moved He Jiong, but she still couldn't move the hearts of the audience......

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Na Ying is obviously a powerful singer in the Chinese music scene, but now she is like this, but she is still "angrily scolded" by many netizens......

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

At the age of 56, is it easy for her to be a singer?

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

In fact, in this episode of the show, as soon as Na Ying appeared, her appearance was very "unique".

I saw Na Ying's face covered one eye with a black veil.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

But the audience didn't think much of it, thinking it was just a look.

However, compared with before, Na Ying's singing skills have improved a lot this time, and she chose You Changjing's "Night of a Star".

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

But who would have thought that after the game, He Jiong, as the host, told the truth about Na Ying's illness!

It turned out that Na Ying's choice to cover her face with a half gauze was not for nothing.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

He Jiong stood on the stage and told the audience that Na Ying was suffering from "shingles", and everyone would know that this disease is very scary.

Especially once this disease starts, it is simply painful, and most people can't stand it.

Some people even said: The index of this kind of pain is comparable to the pain of giving birth.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

So just thinking about it makes me feel terrible......

And everyone who knows this disease knows that many people generally grow on their arms or waist, but Na Ying grows on the eyes!

So I really can't imagine how painful this thing must be in my eyes!

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

So as Na Ying's friend and also the host, He Jiong also burst into tears when he saw Na Ying like this.

Standing on the stage, He Jiong told everyone that Na Ying had shingles two days ago.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

During the attack, the hand can't touch the wind and can't move, let alone the sun, otherwise the pain will not be unbearable.

Na Ying was suffering such pain alone, and she called He Jiong to tell her, saying that she was in pain.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

He Jiong was so distressed that he was about to cry, and then Na Ying simply complained: Everyone else grows on my body, why do I grow on my face.

But even so, Na Ying still told He Jiong strongly: It's okay, I can sing!

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Even though He Jiong was standing on the stage at that time, he still couldn't hide the emotions in his heart when he talked about it.

As he spoke, not only did his voice choke, but his eyes were filled with tears of distress......

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

He Jiong also adhered to the principle of fairness of the game, and only told the fact of Na Ying's illness after the vote, and in the last game, Na Ying won the third place.

thought that Na Ying would go into battle with illness and gain the distress and sympathy of the majority of netizens......

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

But no one expected that it would attract overwhelming insults on the Internet......

I really didn't expect these netizens to be so hostile to Na Ying!

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

"There is no sympathy for such people!"

"Character is everything."

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Seeing the sneering words and ridicule of these viewers on the Internet is really chilling!

Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to be more kind?

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

This kind of shingles, in fact, is due to low immunity, and middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old are easy to suffer from.

Cai Guoqing and Zhang Guimei have suffered from it before, and the pain is unbearable when the disease attacks.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

I don't know if Na Ying suffered from this disease because of the pressure of participating in the show, so her immunity was low?

In fact, once "Singer" was broadcast this year, it became very popular, especially Na Ying created a lot of hot topics!

There are many foreign powerful singers invited to this show, so it is not easy for many viewers to ridicule Na Ying: a 50-year-old lady still has to guard the country alone!

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

On the show, Na Ying can be said to have worked hard like an old man!

But since she started playing, Na Ying has not been in good shape many times, and has repeatedly made many low-level mistakes.

I don't know if it's because of the pressure she is undergoing, and the ranking every time is not ideal.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

In the last issue of "Singer", Na Ying burst into tears directly on the program group, because last time she ranked seventh.

Na Ying was reflecting on herself throughout the whole process, and even couldn't help but question her own strength:

Am I not able to sing? Actually, I don't want to be eliminated in this way...

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Na Ying said so, she didn't want to be eliminated, and she did what she said!

Even if she had shingles, the game had to go on, so she endured the pain no matter how much it hurt.

But with her own efforts, it seems that these audiences still can't see it, and the hostility towards her is still very great!

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Na Ying has not experienced such a thing once or twice along the way......

Even her teacher commented on Na Ying before: She has a good voice, but she has a dog brain.

In fact, Na Ying's character is this kind of straightforward, she doesn't pretend, she just wants to say what she wants.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

For example, before, Na Ying may have evaluated the singer Daolang from her own eyes, saying "His music is not musical".

It is precisely this sentence that has made the majority of netizens successfully remember it.

Maybe Na Ying regrets saying such things now, but she may be such a straightforward person.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

In the entertainment industry, there may be many celebrities who are very good at disguise and fake.

Compared with this kind of person-designed, isn't this kind of real person better?

Finally, we must remember that celebrities are also people, we only see some pictures in front of the camera, and we don't know what it looks like in private.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Therefore, many netizens will stare at some pictures in front of the camera and zoom in carefully and dig deep into the details.

In fact, maybe it wasn't like that, could it be that we were overthinking?

As netizens, all of us must pay attention to proportions in everything we say.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June.

In fact, just looking at this matter, Na Ying is quite dedicated, and I feel that netizens don't need to be so vicious!

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area

Be kind and respectful!

So what do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

Reference Sources:

[1] Official media Beijing News, June 30, 2024 "Na Ying suffers from shingles in her eyes and insists on singing with illness, host He Jiong: Na Ying was okay yesterday and a little serious this morning"

[2] Official media Qilu Evening News. Sure enough, the video will be released on June 30, 2024, "Naying Eye Circumference Shingles Insists on Singing"

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area
He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, and I saw ugly humanity in the comment area
【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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