
31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

author:Ome Samurai


After the successful launch of Chang'e-6, the international attitude towards China has taken a 180-degree turn.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

Especially after the successful return of lunar soil, the quality of the citizens of the earth has made a qualitative leap! Professor Ai Yuejin's words were also confirmed at this moment!

Chang'e-6 returned at an astonishing speed

The launch of Chang'e-6 has attracted worldwide attention, and all countries around the world are paying attention to what kind of progress China can make in this space achievement, and the results are also obvious.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

On June 27, the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China held a press conference on the soil collection work on the far side of the moon, and invited Li Chun, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, to explain to everyone.

Li Chunlai said that there are many difficulties that Chang'e-6 needs to overcome in landing on the far side of the moon, the first is the problem of technical communication with the earth, and the signal in space will be affected by many factors and appear unstable.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

On the other hand, the land situation on the far side of the moon is more complex than the front, so it is much more difficult to land, but the mainland already has a soft landing foundation for Chang'e-5, and although there are some difficulties this time, the researchers have overcome some difficulties.

The Aitken Basin at the South Pole was chosen because it is the oldest basin on the moon that has been discovered so far, and the soil here has great research value, which can show the geological composition and material composition and the evolutionary history of the moon.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

After Chang'e-6 successfully collected lunar soil samples, the next step is to successfully return to Earth, and the continent has also achieved a new breakthrough in the return process of Chang'e-6, returning to Earth at a speed of Mach 31, which is the speed of China that shocked the world, so what kind of concept is Mach 31?

Mach doesn't sound like a unit of velocity, in fact it's not even a unit, it's a ratio, the ratio of the velocity of an object to the speed of sound, which means that under normal circumstances, when the speed of sound is 344 m/s, Mach 1 is 334 m/s.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

Then Mach 31 is 31 times the speed of sound, converted to 11.2 kilometers per second, speaking of 11.2 kilometers / s, many people may not be very sensitive, then compare with the fastest fighter SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft in the United States to know how powerful it is, the maximum speed of this fighter in the United States is Mach 3.35, that is, 4100 km / h.

This is simply abused compared with Mach 31, the United States launched a hypersonic missile of the model AGM-183A in 22, and the speed it reached was only Mach 20, and it can be said that the maximum speed of all intercontinental missiles on the earth does not exceed Mach 27.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

In the Japanese cartoon Rio King, the flight speed was only Mach 20, and it seems that Japan did not imagine that there would be an object with a speed of Mach 31 at that time.

The speed of China demonstrated by Chang'e-6 has also made many countries in the world take a 180-degree turn in their attitudes towards China, and even promoted the return of cultural relics.

Professor Ai Yuejin's words have also been verified!

Countries have returned cultural relics

On June 27 this year, the Chinese Embassy in Argentina received more than a dozen pieces of cultural relics and artworks returned from Argentina to the mainland, and after further investigation, it was found that the 14 cultural relics and artworks returned by Argentina were all cultural relics that were illegally exported from the country, and their value was immeasurable.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

It contains seven bronze Yong bells, which should be cultural relics of the late Spring and Autumn period after being identified by experts, in addition, there are three terracotta figurines and two maid heads, as well as a bronze frog and a bronze helmet, corresponding to the age of the Han Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

In addition to Argentina, even Germany will announce the return of the cultural relics plundered in China during the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, and it is understood that Chinese cultural relics have experienced a total of three large-scale losses, namely the period of the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, the period when Japan launched the war of aggression against China, and the period when the smuggling of cultural relics was raging in the 80s.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

According to statistics, when the Eight-Nation Coalition invaded Beijing in 1860, it not only burned down the Old Summer Palace but also plundered nearly 1.5 million cultural relics on the mainland.

Now there are countless cultural relics lost overseas, and many patriotic businessmen have spent huge sums of money to bring home Chinese cultural relics through auctions, but under the huge base, there are very few cultural relics that have been sent back to the country, but I did not expect that one day, foreign countries will take the initiative to return cultural relics.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

Following Argentina's initiative to return 14 pieces of Chinese cultural relics, China and Germany signed an agreement on the return of cultural relics, if it goes well, Germany will return a larger number of Chinese cultural relics, seeing this result Chinese netizens are extremely excited, have exclaimed, it seems that only Mach 31 can make countries know how to "speak civilized and polite".

At the same time, netizens also shouted that the United Kingdom and Japan, the countries that plundered the most Chinese cultural relics, could recognize the situation in time and take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics, because the reality has been in front of us, since China's economy and science and technology began to take off, the mainland's cultural relics have begun to return home.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

In 2015, France had returned four golden heads of birds of prey from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and 28 gold ornaments from the Dabaozi Mountain site in the Qin Dynasty, while the United States also returned a total of 404 cultural relics and artworks and a set of paleontological fossils in five batches in 2015.

In 2017, the mainland also received a number of rare cultural relics returned by Canada, including wood carvings from Buddhist temples in Yunnan, China, and in the same year, at a cultural relics handover ceremony held in Egypt, the mainland received 13 cultural relics returned by Egypt.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

In 2019, Italy returned more than 700 sets of rare cultural relics to China at one time, which was the largest operation in the history of cultural relics restitution.

In 2020, the United Kingdom returned 68 cultural relics, including Tang Sancai, Song Dynasty Qingbai porcelain and the original stone carved horse, etc., in 2023, Switzerland returned five rare cultural relics from China, and Australia in the same year also returned four cultural relics and a set of paleontological fossils.

An agreement with Argentina to return 14 artifacts began in 2017 and was not finally returned home until June 27, 2024, thanks to China's growing technological and economic power.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

I remember that Professor Ai Yuejin once said in a public class that "truth is only within the range of a cannon, and dignity exists on the edge of the sword"

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

Now it seems that the attitude of various countries has also been confirmed by the effect of this sentence!

China has become a great power

In recent years, China has made a qualitative leap in the fields of science and technology and economy, especially the Chang'e-6 has achieved a variety of breakthroughs, which has impressed the international community.

The British newspaper The Guardian also reported on the Chang'e-6 moon landing, saying that China had become the first country to collect samples from the far side of the moon and successfully bring them back to Earth, a milestone achievement for China's space program.

Why does the soil on the far side of the moon have so much magic? That's because of these big scientific secrets of lunar soil, citing experts from Chiba University, the samples on the far side of the moon are an important way to understand the origin and history of the moon, which has been a technical difficulty for many aerospace researchers for many years.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

Experts were quoted as saying that the results of the analysis of these samples can not only help scientists review the evolution of the Earth, Moon and Sun, but also provide sufficient scientific basis for further exploration of the Moon, and even the New York Times said that the samples brought back by Chang'e-6 this time are likely to provide new clues to the origin of the Moon and Earth.

Looking at the history of the mainland's space exploration, whether it is Chang'e's lunar exploration, Tianwen fire exploration, and Beidou networking, all of them have achieved great success, which not only allows the mainland to have more levels of research on space, but also makes the mainland's international status achieve a big leap.

31 Mach has improved the quality of the citizens of the earth, and countries have begun to return cultural relics, and Ai Gong's words have come true!

Even Japan's Asahi Shimbun has to admit that China has long taken the lead in lunar exploration after Chang'e-4 achieved the first soft landing on the far side of the moon in 2019 and has now successfully returned some samples of lunar soil.


The successful completion of the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration has once again confirmed China's title as a space power, and at the same time, it has also boosted the international community, and even the progress of the return of cultural relics has been greatly improved, which shows that only development is the last word, and only self-strength can stand more firmly.

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