
After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

author:Li Dazui said
After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Li Dazui said

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The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


With the emergence of the list of winners of the Magnolia Award, an award of great significance in the film and television industry has also been awarded to various powerful actors.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

However, there are too many good works to be released in 2023, and the competition for the "Best Actor Award" is also very fierce, and there are also many actors who are in high demand.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei is one of them, "The Long Season" dominates many film and television rankings with its outstanding performance.

Its starring Fan Wei also fought his way out of the encirclement among many small fresh meats and became one of the highly anticipated candidates for the "Magnolia Award for Best Actor".

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

However, the entertainment industry is too cruel, and the opponent Hu Ge is too good, so it is a pity to let the scope pass by this honor.

Looking back on Fan Wei's acting life, this legendary experience can't help but make people admire, even if he didn't win the award, he became a veritable "best actor" in the minds of many people!

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

1. Fan Wei: The leap from sketches to film and television

Speaking of Fan Wei, many people's first reaction is "sketch actor", and the memory is still stuck in the days of cooperation with Zhao Benshan.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

As the "golden combination" in the sketch industry, Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan brought a lot of laughter to the audience on the same stage, but now they have parted ways and both entered the showbiz, which is really curious.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Some people say that this is because Zhao Wei has hardened his wings and wants to go it alone, but otherwise, Fan Wei himself started little by little with Zhao Benshan, and the two have appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala together many times.

But many things happened later, and the cooperation between the two was forced to "terminate", which is why we didn't see Fan Wei on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala later.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

However, Fan Wei himself is also very good, he came to the film and television industry on his own, although it was very difficult for him to get ahead when he first arrived, but Fan Wei persevered one by one.

According to Fan Wei's current situation, coming to the film and television industry is a very correct choice, and working alone in the entertainment industry is not necessarily worse than cooperating with Zhao Benshan.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

After all, Zhao Benshan's status in the sketch world is highly respected, and in such a situation, Fan Wei is like a foil green leaf.

On the other hand, the two have made achievements in their respective fields, and they can give full play to their strengths by going their separate ways and taking their own paths.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei's development in the film and television industry is very stable, and since "The Problem That Isn't a Problem" became an instant hit in 2017, Fan Wei's resources have been flowing like a tide.

Of course, what really made him what he did was his own efforts - to enter the play in an instant, and to act like anything.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

In the interpretation circle, Fan Wei beat the "traffic niche" with his absolute acting skills, and won the "Temple of Heaven Award" steadily in the era of the whole people's face, and he is definitely a "ruthless person" in the film and television industry.

has such a strength enough to make everyone look up to Fan Wei, and even think that he can win the "Magnolia Award for Best Actor" for a time, which is still very exciting.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

2. Missed the "Best Actor"

There are unforeseen circumstances, and this time the "Best Actor Award" was given to Hu Ge.

There is indeed such a strong opponent, it is more difficult to win the award, and passing by with such a high gold content award makes people feel sorry for Fan Wei.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Maybe as ordinary people, we can't understand what the Magnolia Award means for an actor, but at least we can understand that this is the highest honor that every actor wants to get.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

It is not difficult to see that the gap between Wang Yibo and Wang Yang when the Magnolia Awards have not yet started to be selected, every actor hopes that the winner will be himself.

is different from the "Best Actress Award", Zhou Xun's leading posture is already secure.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

And the candidates guessed by netizens on the "Best Actor" side are "Eight Immortals Across the Sea", the older generation has Fan Wei, Ding Yongdai, Wang Renjun, and the younger generation also has actor Hu Ge and Wang Yang, who is known as the "top of the uncle circle".

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

This kind of evenly matched scene even makes fans' hearts a little nervous, and every actor "participates" with excellent film and television works.

It's a bit difficult for us non-professionals to judge one or two.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

However, many people firmly believe that "The Long Season" will definitely get a place for Fan Wei, but the ending disappointed these people.

The winner of the Best Actor Award at the 29th Magnolia Awards this year is Hu Ge, and fans on both sides are not calm after this news comes out.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei's name also appeared on the hot search on Weibo, obviously everyone was very shocked by this time, and some people can even be seen questioning Hu Ge on the Internet.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

So at the same time that Fan Wei "fell off the list", a lot of speculation about Hu Ge's award came and went, and some people said that it was because Hu Ge was from Shanghai that he could win the award.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Obviously, this kind of highly subjective remarks are not recognized by the public, even if you are not a fan of Hu Ge, you have always watched the film and television dramas that Hu Ge participated in.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Hu Ge's acting skills have always been in a state of superbness, from "Langya Bang" to "Flowers", dare to ask which one is not a hit on the screen?

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Saying that Hu Ge is "unworthy" must be just a mouthful, and Hu Ge can win the championship in one fell swoop among so many powerful actors, he must also have something unique.

Anyway, the Best Actor Award for Hu Ge is definitely deserved, and the official should not be questioned.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei's "falling off the list" is a regret and an encouragement.

It is true that "The Long Season" has been unanimously given high praise by everyone, but the competitors are too strong.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

I hope that after this award, Fan Wei will not be too depressed, and he can continue to work hard as before.

I believe that with his strength, he will definitely win the crown at the 30th Magnolia Award Ceremony and prove his strength!

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

3. Fan Wei's "protagonist halo"

Speaking of Fan Wei, I can't help but mention Fan Wei's life, which is extraordinary in the ordinary.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan can be regarded as fellow villagers, the so-called three eastern provinces are one family, and Fan Wei also grew up in this vast black land.

The simple folk sentiment has shaped a variety of down-to-earth art forms, which are very popular in this land, and Fan Wei is also one of the audiences.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei's parents also supported his hobbies, and when Fan Wei was 15 years old, he took Fan Wei to meet the cross talk master Chen Lianzhong.

Fan Wei followed Chen Lianzhong to learn the basics, which also laid the foundation for future development.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Not only that, Fan Wei has a deep understanding of cross talk, and he has won provincial and national awards in a few years.

At Fan Wei's age, it is definitely a very high honor, and he was even praised by the radio station.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Obviously, Fan Wei has laid a foundation in the cross talk world, why is there still a middle way to switch to sketches?

The first time Fan Wei stood on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala was through Zhao Benshan's relationship, and the two of them performed on the same stage before they came to the program "Uncle Niu Tigan", which drove the atmosphere of the audience to cheer.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

This also became an opportunity, and after that, we can frequently see the works of Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan.

Among them, "Heart Disease", "Selling Abduction" and so on are all unprecedented masterpieces, even if they are still in the present, they can still make many audiences laugh.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

The successive emergence of these epic works also consolidated Zhao Benshan's position in the sketch industry, and as his partner Fan Wei, he naturally left a deep impression on many audiences.

But Fan Wei himself is also powerful, and no one wants to live under the reputation of others for the rest of his life.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Therefore, Fan Wei's "job hopping" is something that many people expected, and he resolutely left the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and turned to prepare for the filming of a new drama, obviously making a lot of determination.

It's a pity that Fan Wei's statement didn't get too much attention, after all, he stood high enough with Zhao Benshan before, and it may not be better to suddenly change jobs.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

But Fan Wei is an exception, he has created one distinctive role after another in the film and television industry, and has won the love of many audiences.

He has been recognized by the audience with his own efforts, and he has left his former self far behind.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

He has participated in many classic film and television dramas we have watched over the years, from "No Thieves in the World" to "The Long Season" to "Article 20".

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei has used his acting skills to perfectly integrate into different characters in different types of film and television dramas, and has retained the audience's attention with his amazing acting skills.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Indeed, Fan Wei's job change is a very risky decision that requires a lot of courage, and it is easy for ordinary people to change jobs to "overturn", let alone the transition from sketches to actors.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Fan Wei entered the game with his own body, making those who questioned him shut up, so that more people could discover him, know him, like him, and he lived his life with hard work, I think this is one of the reasons why many people like him.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

And just in the previous paragraph, Fan Wei's new movies are also gradually being released across the country, if you are interested, you can go to the theater to enjoy it.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei


More than ten years ago, people sat in front of the TV, watching Fan Wei, who was being "played" by Zhao Benshan on the stage, smile from ear to ear.

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

At that time, no one would realize that Zhao Benshan's partner would have certain achievements in the film and television industry in the future.

Ten years is enough to change a person's life, and when we hear Fan Wei's name again, he has become an indispensable and powerful actor, and he proves to us with his actions that "nothing is impossible".

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

Although Fan Wei did not win the "Best Actor Award", I think that after realizing Fan Wei's life, he is already the "Best Actor" in his life.

Sources of this article:

[1] Jimu News: "The "Magnolia Award" has just been awarded: Fan Wei and Tang Yan are out of the game, and Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the championship for the second time released on 2024-06-29

After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei
[2] People's Daily Online: 2013-04-03 "Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei "Breakup" The Real Reason Revealed
After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei
[3] 2019-05-07 "Zhao Benshan Fan Wei reunited after 10 years, and the two were rumored to have broken up"
After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei
[4] Xinhuanet: "The Long Season" Fan Wei's Perfect Performance of Five Different Faces of Characters released on 2023-05-08
After parting ways with Zhao Benshan, the cruelty of the entertainment industry was vividly demonstrated in Fan Wei

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