
If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

author:of medical health

Have you noticed that some people only need to say that as soon as they say weight loss, it will be effective in less than two weeks.

But the same operation is put on some people, it is simply difficult to go to the sky.

Obviously trying to lose weight every day, but the numbers on the scale change very little. Sometimes it is difficult to lose a few pounds, but as long as you don't control it a little, you will get fat back, and even heavier than before.

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

And I get hungry very quickly, sometimes I am hungry before I get to eat, and I even feel a little low blood sugar when I am hungry.

If this is the case for you, it may not be that you are not working hard enough, and that not being able to lose weight may be related to "insulin resistance"!

Before we look at insulin resistance, let's take a look at how insulin works.

We all know that carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the main sources of energy in the human body, and these three major nutrients will be broken down into simple sugars (mostly glucose) by the digestive system after entering the human body, and then these simple sugars are absorbed by the small intestine into the bloodstream and turned into blood sugar.

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

Blood sugar has considerable strength, it can provide energy for internal organs, muscles, and can also be turned into fat as an energy reserve. It must enter the cell in order to function, though.

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

However, blood sugar cannot enter the cells freely, and when the body senses the increase in blood sugar, the B cells in the pancreatic islets release insulin, allowing the insulin to carry them into the cells.

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

Insulin binds to insulin receptors on cells, and then uses the insulin signaling pathway to deliver commands that allow cells to open the "door".

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

In this way, excess sugar in the blood vessels is sent to the cells in the muscles, liver, and other places.

However, when the insulin receptor or signaling pathway on the cell fails, the cell cannot respond to the "open door" command in time.

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

If the blood sugar is not eaten in time, the pancreatic B cells are forced to release more insulin, which is called "insulin resistance".

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

Insulin resistance occurs mainly in the peripheral tissues (muscle and fat) and in the liver, and fat is often the initial site of insulin resistance.

If you can't lose weight, it may be that insulin resistance is causing trouble

Causes of difficulty losing weight due to insulin resistance:

1. Increased insulin secretion

Insulin resistance causes the body's cells to respond less to insulin, and the body needs to secrete more insulin to keep blood sugar stable. Too much insulin will not only work overtime to convert some of the sugar into fat and store it, but also inhibit the breakdown of fat, which may lead to fat accumulation and aggravate obesity.

When the body accumulates more fat, the body's insulin resistance will become stronger, which will make the insulin secretion more, which forms a vicious circle, the more severe the degree of obesity, the more obvious the insulin resistance, the higher the insulin level in the body, the more fat synthesis.

2. Abnormal energy metabolism

Insulin resistance may affect the body's energy metabolism, leading to reduced caloric expenditure.

Insulin resistance makes it difficult for blood sugar in the blood to enter the cells, which reduces the amount of glucose that the cells are able to use.

This means that people with insulin resistance may be more likely to accumulate fat under the same diet and exercise conditions.

3. Imbalance in appetite regulation

Insulin resistance may affect the body's appetite regulation mechanisms.

For people with insulin resistance, it is difficult for the energy they eat to be completely transported to various organs, making them more prone to hunger and even hypoglycemia.

Therefore, the brain's feedback to the body is to eat more, and when the appetite becomes better, it will increase food intake, which may lead to more calories than the body needs, further aggravating the obesity problem.

According to statistics, the insulin resistance group of adults aged ≥ 25 years old in China can reach 29.22%, that is, there may be 1 in 3 people around us who are insulin resistant.

How to lose weight due to insulin resistance

1. Dietary advice

1. Control your carbohydrate intake

Choose carbohydrates that have a low GI (glycemic index), such as whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. Choose a smaller, more frequent meal.

2. Increase your protein intake

Protein is an important nutrient for maintaining satiety and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Pregnant women can choose lean meats, fish, legumes and nuts as sources of protein intake.

3. Control your fat intake

Excessive fat intake can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance. Choose healthy sources of fats, such as olive oil, fish oil, and nuts. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, such as fried chicken and fried foods.

4. Consume enough dietary fiber

Studies have shown that eating a diet of more than 50g of dietary fiber per day can improve the development of insulin resistance.

2. Exercise recommendations

Studies have found that exercising 3~5 times a week for 12 weeks can effectively improve insulin resistance.

The duration of each workout is initially 10~20 minutes and gradually increases to 30~60 minutes by the end of 12 weeks. Includes aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and stretching exercises.

Aerobic exercise: brisk walking (most of the study options), climbing, swimming, cycling, etc.;

Resistance exercises: dumbbells, squats, sit-ups, bench presses, etc.

How can I tell if I have insulin resistance?

If you can't lose weight, you may be ignoring a reason that makes it difficult for you to "lose weight" - insulin resistance!

If you suspect insulin resistance, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital.


1. Liu Yaqin. CHEN Yan. MA Luyao. ZHAO Shujie. Research progress on new mechanisms of insulin resistance. China Herald of Medicine.2023,20(36):50-53

2. Jiang Xiaohong. Insulin resistance and obesity love and kill. Public Health.2020.09

3. A reason that prevents you from getting thinner that many people don't know. Lilac Doctor.2024.06.13

4. A quick and easy self-test to see if you have insulin resistance! Journal of Friends of Diabetes.2024.04.20