
The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

author:Here's a story

No matter how hard you are, you can't be miserable for your children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education.

In today's era of "interests are greater than the sky", this sentence has long become an empty word, especially for children living in rural areas, who are still underfed and clothed despite the fact that the state has subsidies, and are even regarded as a cash cow for "circle money" by the local government.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

What's even more terrifying is that local governments have colluded to "force the baby to go on a hunger strike" and make them eat chaff, while they are taking billions from it to make up for the debts owed.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

1. 66 counties arbitraged nearly 2 billion

According to Jiemian News, from 2021 to August 2023, 66 counties colluded to extract money from children's nutritious meal supplements, and the amount even reached nearly 2 billion.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

They pointed out that the 2 billion yuan they took was all used for local debts and other expenditures, so let's not say whether these people were privately corrupt, but that the finance was short of money, so should they be picked out of the children's mouths?

I have to say that after reading this news, I can't imagine what kind of life these children live in school, and what is surprising is that these people also pick rural children.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

Of course, some experts now put the cart before the horse, they feel that children living in rural areas are not demanding, that eating too well is a waste, and that they may be satisfied with a full meal.

Looking at the children in the city, the living conditions are good, and some of them can't even afford the school meals, either carefully prepared by their parents, or go to the famous hotels to rub a meal.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

Perhaps the 66 county governments are also like these experts, thinking that rural children can eat if they have enough to eat, and if they can't eat enough, they can go home and eat and come to school again, so they will not hesitate to start with these children's meals.

After all, rural children do not refuse to eat because the food is not delicious, or go to the relevant departments to complain, but those who succeed never think about what caused such a phenomenon.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

Originally, the state paid for the hardships of rural children, so that they could eat meat like children in the city.

But now when I see their food, there is only one hard steamed bun in the bowl that is about to expire, or three dishes become one dish, this dish may be potatoes, radishes and Chinese cabbage, and some county governments are even more excessive, and the children in the school can only drink soup and pickles.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

There are even places that make false accounts under the guise of procurement business, withholding and squeezing out children's nutritious meal subsidies, and there are even five county education departments that jointly win the bid for suppliers, from which tens of millions of dividends are obtained.

After reading it, it makes people angry, it's just unbearable! So when the news was made public, netizens complained about these "sinners" from the perspective of justice.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

Second, netizens fried the pot, and the central media commented angrily

Most of the children in rural areas are left-behind children, whose parents have been working outside for a long time, and only their grandparents are around to take care of them, these children lack maternal love and their living conditions are very poor, but even so, there are still so many people who squeeze their only remaining nutritious meals.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

As the so-called Son of Heaven is guilty of the same crime as the common people, these officials know the law and commit the same crime, and for a while, some netizens complained about the children, they said that these people don't even let go of the children, I really don't know how the court will judge?

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

Some people also said that these county party secretaries and county magistrates are really bold and bold, and they actually start to eat their children's food, and they are also subsidies issued by the state, so they should be severely punished.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

Some netizens are very curious about which these 66 counties are, they are not worried about where they are, but they want the people of the whole country to know about it as a warning.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

There are even netizens jokingly saying that these county magistrates are "rather fatten themselves than let students grow meat", indeed, whether they use the arbitraged money to pay off debts to the government, what they do is poked in the back.

This seriously violates the moral bottom line, no wonder the central media couldn't help but criticize when they saw this scene, the meal subsidy for rural students is not "Tang monk meat".

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

However, the terrible thing is that although this incident shocked the four, it is also the tip of the iceberg, over the years, it is not only these 66 counties that have made money in the nutritional meal supplement for students, let alone only these 20 billion.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat
The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

3. No coincidence

Since 2011, the state has allocated 16 billion yuan every year to provide subsidies to poor students in the central and western regions for malnutrition, and it is estimated that 30 million students can enjoy this policy.

But the fact is that this nutrition fee really reaches the students' mouths is only two yuan, which is obviously a special subsidy for the children, but it is squeezed and misappropriated in the hands of local administrators.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

In the mountainous area of Anhui Province, for example, the local principal said that the money allocated by the state is the children's food money, so the labor costs of the canteen, water and electricity bills and other funds must be deducted from it.

It is precisely under such circumstances that the school canteen facilities are poor, the food standards are very cheap, and many students are even "poisoned" because of spoiled and moldy food.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

What's even more ridiculous is that a lot of money is given by the state subsidy, but after investigation by relevant departments, some school canteens don't even have refrigerators and sterilizers.

Of course, this cost is not only exploited by the school, the enterprise also has to cut a penny, after the investigation in 2012, some schools in Guangxi were exposed to 3 yuan per person meal subsidy, of which the supplier accounted for two cents and five, and the logistics and distribution fee accounted for seven to eight cents.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

In this way, there are less than two pieces of meal subsidy left, and after various deductions from the school, there is not much left that really eats into the mouths of students, no wonder there have been food poisoning in nutritious meals in many areas.

For example, Datong in Qinghai Province was exposed to 548 people with food poisoning, and Du'an, Guangxi, where 400 primary school students had milk diarrhea.

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

What's even more odious is that in order to save some rations for themselves, some schools would rather buy "three-no products" at a low price, putting the health of their students aside, and they are really unworthy of being teachers.

This can't help but make people ponder, what is the reason for this phenomenon? And how can these behaviors be curbed?

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat

The author thinks

Children are the flowers of the motherland and the hope of the country's future.


Interface News 2024-07-01

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

CCTV 2024-07-02

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is not "Tang monk meat"!

People's Daily Online, 2013-05-26

The special fund for student nutritious meals was misappropriated, and only 2 yuan were eaten for 3 yuan of meal supplement

The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat
The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat
The central media commented angrily! Pulling out 2 billion from the mouths of rural children to repay debts, student subsidies are not Tang monk meat