
The 2024 citywide transportation comprehensive law enforcement personnel skills competition ended successfully

author:Shore thoughtful

Recently, the 2024 Binzhou Transportation Comprehensive Law Enforcement Personnel Skills Competition, sponsored by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the Municipal Transportation Bureau, and undertaken by the Municipal Traffic and Transportation Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment, came to a successful conclusion. A total of 13 front-line law enforcement business backbones from the county and urban road law enforcement brigades, highway comprehensive law enforcement brigades, and directly affiliated brigades participated in the competition. Zou Jigang, Secretary of the Party Group, Director and Second-level Inspector of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, Wang Shengping, Member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Liu Ning, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, and Zhong Jun, Member of the Party Group and Fourth-level Researcher of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, attended the event.

The 2024 citywide transportation comprehensive law enforcement personnel skills competition ended successfully
The 2024 citywide transportation comprehensive law enforcement personnel skills competition ended successfully

The competition is divided into four parts: simulated production of law enforcement documents, on-site simulated law enforcement, basic knowledge test of administrative law enforcement, and physical fitness assessment. In the course of the competition, the participating teams and contestants united and cooperated, worked hard and achieved good results, effectively improved the professional skill level of comprehensive traffic law enforcement personnel, and fully demonstrated the awareness of law enforcement for the people of Binzhou traffic and transportation comprehensive law enforcement team of "people's traffic for the people, traffic law enforcement for the people" and the good image of "political firmness, excellent quality, strict discipline, excellent work style, honesty and efficiency". After fierce competition and final score ranking, the Zhanhua Road Administration Brigade won the first prize of the group; Yangxin Road Brigade and Huimin Road Brigade won the second prize of the group; The Boxing Road Administration Brigade, the Wudi Road Administration Brigade, and the High-speed Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade won the third prize of the group. Pan Yuantao from the Zhanhua Road Administration Brigade won the first prize of the individual, and the competition also decided three second prizes, six third prizes, and seven outstanding organization awards.

The 2024 citywide transportation comprehensive law enforcement personnel skills competition ended successfully
The 2024 citywide transportation comprehensive law enforcement personnel skills competition ended successfully
The 2024 citywide transportation comprehensive law enforcement personnel skills competition ended successfully

The city's comprehensive law enforcement team members will take this skill competition as an opportunity to continue to carry forward the spirit of striving for excellence and striving for first-class in the future law enforcement work, perform their duties and responsibilities, and make new and greater contributions to the innovation and development of comprehensive law enforcement work and the high-quality development of Binzhou's transportation industry.

Reporter Qi Guoli Correspondent Li Su Liang Benliang

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