
Concentric to the party to welcome the "July 1st" Bincheng District Bureau organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:Shore thoughtful

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the occasion of the "July 1st", the Bincheng District Market Supervision Bureau organized a series of "July 1st" activities to vigorously carry forward the party's fine traditions, inherit the great spirit of party building, and encourage party members and cadres in market supervision not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, and gather strong forces to promote the high-quality development of market supervision.

Strengthen the party spirit and award a commemorative medal

The commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" carries honor, affirmation and tribute. On June 30, the Bincheng District Market Supervision Bureau held a commemorative medal awarding ceremony for "50 years of glory in the party", awarded medals to Comrade Geng Shuangquan, a veteran party member who has reached 50 years of party age this year, and expressed high respect for the comrade's contribution to the party and the cause of market supervision since joining the party. This activity has become a vivid classroom for party spirit education, allowing all party members to deeply understand the power of party spirit and further strengthen their ideals and beliefs.

Concentric to the party to welcome the "July 1st" Bincheng District Bureau organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Speaking at the beginning of the heart, we had a political birthday together

In order to further enhance the sense of political belonging and collective honor of party members, motivate and guide party members not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, and effectively enhance the vitality of the branch organization, the party branches of the Bincheng District Market Supervision Bureau took the "July 1st" party founding day as an opportunity to carry out party day activities with the theme of "political birthday" for party members, issued political birthday cards to party members, talked about the original intention of joining the party with party members, reminded, inspired and spurred party members, always kept in mind the identity of party members, always kept in mind the party's purpose and mission, and effectively enhanced the sense of honor, responsibility and mission of party members. Give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

Concentric to the party to welcome the "July 1st" Bincheng District Bureau organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Clarify party discipline and teach a discipline party class

Comrade Pei Chuncheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Bureau, gave a special party class on party discipline learning and education for party members and cadres with the title of "Loyalty to the Party, Honesty and Honesty, and Be a Loyal, Clean and Responsible Pacesetter". grasp the key points, strengthen learning, and deeply grasp the main essence of the revision of the "Regulations"; In three aspects, the unity of knowledge and action, the practice of practice, and the practical action of transforming the learning results into the practice of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility, conducted in-depth exchanges with the participating comrades, and called on party members and cadres to further strengthen the sense of discipline and self-restraint by participating in the study and education of party discipline, so as to truly make the process of learning party discipline a process of improving party spirit.

Concentric to the party to welcome the "July 1st" Bincheng District Bureau organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Keep clean and honest, and carry out a clean government education

Closely combined with the relevant requirements of party discipline study and education and the construction of party style and clean government, organize party members and cadres to visit and study the clean government warning education base in Bincheng District, educate and guide party members and cadres to take the case as a lesson, tighten the strings of discipline, keep the bottom line of the law, be loyal, clean and responsible, know and respect, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line, firmly establish a correct view of power, honor and values from the ideological point of view, consciously resist unhealthy trends, and always maintain the political nature of integrity. All party members and cadres reviewed the oath of joining the party in the clean government base, the oath was sonorous and powerful, and the alarm bell rang in the ears, constantly consolidating the ideological foundation of honesty and integrity.

Correspondent Shu Lily Palace Literature

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