
Yangxin County Experimental Middle School held a skills assessment activity for young teachers

author:Shore thoughtful

In order to comprehensively improve the educational concept and classroom teaching ability of young teachers, improve the professional quality and professional skills of teachers, promote the professional development of young teachers in the school, and build a platform for young teachers to show their own ability. Recently, according to the "Elite Plan" activity arrangement, Yangxin County Experimental Middle School held the end-of-semester skills assessment activities for young teachers as scheduled.

Yangxin County Experimental Middle School held a skills assessment activity for young teachers
Yangxin County Experimental Middle School held a skills assessment activity for young teachers

The assessment activity is composed of two parts: writing basic skills display, growth experience and confusion sharing and exchange, the assessment content and process are comprehensive, objective and fair, and the young teachers carefully study the assessment plan, carefully prepare, actively participate, and show their style. In the display of the basic skills of chalk and hard pen calligraphy, the teachers' delicate and beautiful words, or strong and powerful, or dignified and beautiful, or atmospheric and free, show their own writing style and profound writing skills in one stroke at a time, and show the harvest of hard practice on weekdays. Teacher representatives shared their personal gains, doubts in the process of growth and self-improvement plans for the new semester, and worked hand in hand to explore the way of teaching in the exchange.

Yangxin County Experimental Middle School held a skills assessment activity for young teachers
Yangxin County Experimental Middle School held a skills assessment activity for young teachers

Yangxin County Experimental Middle School attaches great importance to the training of young teachers, actively provides various seminar opportunities and exchange platforms, and helps young teachers temper their basic skills, show their teaching style, and promote professional growth through multiple platforms. I believe that in the future, young teachers will continue to maintain a diligent and studious attitude, continue to learn new knowledge, master new skills, and make greater contributions to the growth of students and the development of the school!

Reporter Yao Xingbin Correspondent Ren Baoping Dong Zhilin

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