
S36 is an unknown strong hero, but he has eaten the version bonus without major changes, Sun Ce is the first to pay attention

author:Fingertip King

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers, some heroes have become the focus of everyone's discussion because of the great increase in strength after adjustment, just like Baili Shoujo and Mengru, the changes are large and the enhancement is obvious, so they can be noticed by so many players.

In fact, there are some heroes that have not changed much, but they will be relatively suitable for this version, so that they are easy to be ignored by everyone, and those heroes who are hotly discussed are easy to be noticed by everyone, but they may not be able to get it, and this kind of hero can be regarded as a muffled fortune.

Sun Ce

This season, Sun Ce only adjusted the basic attributes and slightly improved the frankness, so he did not get the attention of the general public.

S36 is an unknown strong hero, but he has eaten the version bonus without major changes, Sun Ce is the first to pay attention

I used to like to play Sun Ce's season and take it, and it's hard to remember if I didn't play before, after all, Liu Bang Xiang Yu is so fragrant, but in fact, Sun Ce is quite suitable for this version.

Everyone knows that the development road is mainly dull shooting this season, especially the above-mentioned Baili Shoujo and Menglu, who are about to become a hegemon, and Sun Ce can not only fight these two heroes, but also form a certain suppression of a group of dull shots.

In the confrontation lane, because there is no river spirit to scramble, even the jungler may not be caught from time to time, so the sense of participation in the confrontation road in this version is not strong.

S36 is an unknown strong hero, but he has eaten the version bonus without major changes, Sun Ce is the first to pay attention

Why is Liu Bang so popular this season? In addition to the strength of the new mechanic, the high support income is also the key point, and Sun Ce's main support is a support, which deeply fits the rhythm of this version.

Therefore, with fast support and a strong suppressive effect on dull shooters and popular shooters, Sun Ce is definitely one of the preferred heroes for the confrontation lane this season.

S36 is an unknown strong hero, but he has eaten the version bonus without major changes, Sun Ce is the first to pay attention

There have been some changes to the build, the Grip of Ice Marks is not as frank as the Fierce Armor, and the effect of movement speed is very large, so I replaced the Grip of Ice Marks with the Fierce Armor.

This season, the tandu of all heroes has been improved, and it is difficult for the shooter to do a set of seconds whenever he has some armor, so it is also necessary to wear double wear, but the outfit is just a reference, and you have to be comfortable with it.

Wu Zetian

Originally, Wu Zetian's running map speed was first-class among mages, and she got out of battle in three seconds, increased her movement speed by 50, and her base movement speed was as high as 400, so her up and down support speed was quite fast, and the basic movement speed in this season was also strengthened by 10 points, which is like a tiger with wings.

S36 is an unknown strong hero, but he has eaten the version bonus without major changes, Sun Ce is the first to pay attention

There should be blood volume, double resistance, and range, but there is no adjustment of the mechanism, so Wu Zetian has not been paid attention to by many players.

Last season's Wu Zetian was actually very suitable for scoring points, because the 1 skill backswing was reduced, and the feel was smoother, and in this version, because the middle lane was increased from three to four, there are more and more cases of mages relying on the line, so many times you will find that the mages on both sides are not supported.

S36 is an unknown strong hero, but he has eaten the version bonus without major changes, Sun Ce is the first to pay attention

Wu Zetian's speed is average, but the victory lies in running fast, which is higher than the support efficiency of many mages, of course, this is one of them, and the most important thing is that the ultimate move can make him more effective than other mages even if he is bound online.

Back to the shooter, as I said before, most of the shots this season are dull, and when playing in the group, the dull shots face Wu Zetian's big moves, either flashing or eating control, and it is self-evident how effective it is.

S36 is an unknown strong hero, but he has eaten the version bonus without major changes, Sun Ce is the first to pay attention

Wu Zetian also made a slight change, and the blue inscription was changed from harmony to a combination of hunting + greed, pulling the movement speed to the highest.

On the installation, the small Book of Blood is much more cost-effective, the price has been reduced, and the cooling has been reduced a little, but the core of this equipment is still bloodsucking, 990 pieces have 20% bloodsucking, 75 magic strength and 5% cooling, which is very useful for transition.

If you need to get out of the Nightmare class, don't be stingy with your equipment, the first one is out, and the last one can be defeated.

Summary: Playing the so-called version of the answer can naturally improve the winning rate, and it is easier to score points, but you will always worry about being weakened and stabbed, and this kind of muffled wealth has been paid relatively little attention, and it may be more suitable for mass players to practice it into a unique skill, what do you think?