
A 26-year-old woman went to the doctor with itching all over her body, thinking it was ordinary itching, and after examination, the doctor said that the cancer was terminal

author:Life is a bit of a material

Lin Qingqing, a 26-year-old primary school teacher, prepares lessons, attends classes, corrects homework every day, and occasionally gathers with friends to enjoy the quiet life.

On this day, she felt itching all over her body, and no matter how she scratched it, she couldn't solve the problem. At first, she thought it was just an allergy to the new laundry detergent and didn't think about it. However, the symptoms of itching decreased more dramatically, which made her uncomfortable and confused, and decided to go to the dermatology department of the hospital for examination.

After entering the dermatology department, Dr. Zhang did not rush to conclusions, but patiently asked about the medical history and conducted a detailed examination.

However, when the test results came out, Lin Qingqing and her family were surprised - she had terminal cancer, and she did not expect to have this disease.

"How is this possible? I'm just a little itchy, how can it be cancer? Lin Qingqing couldn't accept this cruel reality, and her heart was full of doubts and fear.

Dr. Zhang told Lin Qingqing that your cancer needs to be prevented not only in terms of treatment but also in diet and lifestyle.

Why does cancer occur?

Cancer-related symptoms and prevention

After learning the result of her cancer, Lin Qingqing's heart was full of fear and anxiety. However, Dr. Zhang Dong explained to her about cancer and gradually calmed her down.

"Lin Qingqing, before cancer comes, your body will have some obvious physical symptoms." The doctor spoke slowly, guiding her to the warning signs of cancer.

Dr. Zhang cautions that persistent weight loss can be an important warning. If you don't deliberately diet or increase exercise, you continue to lose weight. Then it is likely that this is a manifestation of some kind of disease inside the body, including cancer. Therefore, paying close attention to weight changes and detecting abnormalities in time is an important step in cancer prevention.

In addition, when you have a prolonged cough or coughing up blood, the symptoms can not be ignored. If the cough persists or if you cough up blood, you should see a doctor immediately. This can be an early sign of respiratory cancers such as lung cancer, and early detection and treatment are crucial.

A 26-year-old woman went to the doctor with itching all over her body, thinking it was ordinary itching, and after examination, the doctor said that the cancer was terminal

At the same time, aches and lumps in the body are also common symptoms of cancer. If you have unexplained pain or lumps in one part of your body, you should see your doctor as soon as possible for an investigation. These can be external manifestations of cancers such as breast cancer, lymphoma, etc., and early intervention can help improve the cure rate.

In addition to the physical symptoms, Dr Teo highlighted the link between prolonged mental stress and anxiety and cancer. He explained that long-term mental stress can reduce the body's immune function, which creates the conditions for cancer to occur. Therefore, learning to reduce mental stress is also an important part of cancer prevention.

A 26-year-old woman went to the doctor with itching all over her body, thinking it was ordinary itching, and after examination, the doctor said that the cancer was terminal

In order to help Lim Qingqing relieve her mental stress, Dr. Zhang suggested that she try some effective stress reduction methods. For example, get enough sleep to give your body and brain enough rest; Develop hobbies such as painting, music, reading, etc., to distract and bring pleasure; Engage in regular outdoor exercises, such as walking, yoga, etc., to relax and strengthen your physique.

Through these specific recommendations and measures, Dr. Zhang hopes that Lin Qingqing will be able to better understand her physical condition and detect and deal with the risk of cancer in a timely manner. At the same time, he also encouraged her to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, adjust her diet, and bravely face the challenges of the disease.

A 26-year-old woman went to the doctor with itching all over her body, thinking it was ordinary itching, and after examination, the doctor said that the cancer was terminal

Does diet lead to cancer risk?

"Lin Qingqing, we mentioned a lot of early warning signs and coping strategies about cancer in our previous conversations, but in fact, dietary habits in daily life are also closely related to cancer risk." Doctor Zhang Dong looked at Lin Qingqing in a serious tone.

Lin Qingqing couldn't help but ask curiously, "Is there really a relationship between diet and cancer?" She has always believed that as long as you eat well and eat well, your body will naturally be healthy.

Dr. Zhang nodded and explained, "Yes, diet is very closely related to cancer. In fact, many studies have shown that poor eating habits can increase the risk of cancer. ”

A 26-year-old woman went to the doctor with itching all over her body, thinking it was ordinary itching, and after examination, the doctor said that the cancer was terminal

He further pointed out that modern people's diets often lack enough fiber, and high-fiber foods can help intestinal peristalsis and reduce the residence time of harmful substances in the intestines, thereby reducing the risk of bowel cancer. Therefore, it is very important to increase the intake of dietary fiber.

At the same time, vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are essential for maintaining good health. Not only do they help the body fight off disease, but they also boost the immune system and reduce the chance of cancer.

"So, I recommend that you adjust your diet and eat more fiber-rich foods, such as whole wheat bread, whole grains like oats, and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits."

"This will not only reduce the risk of cancer, but also pay attention to your living environment so that you can be healthier." ”

Lin Qingqing was deeply touched after hearing this, and she decided to pay more attention to her eating habits from now on, so that health starts from the table.

A 26-year-old woman went to the doctor with itching all over her body, thinking it was ordinary itching, and after examination, the doctor said that the cancer was terminal

Is there a risk of cancer in the living environment?

"Lin Qingqing, we discussed the relationship between dietary habits and cancer risk, but the living environment is also a factor that cannot be ignored, especially the recent renovation of the home you mentioned." Dr. Zhang Dong turned the conversation to the potential impact of the living environment on health.

Lin Qingqing was a little surprised, "Is there also a connection between decoration materials and cancer?" ”

Dr. Zhang nodded affirmatively, "Indeed, some decoration materials, especially non-environmentally friendly materials, may release harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, benzene, etc. Prolonged exposure to such an environment is harmful to health and may even increase the risk of cancer. ”

He further explained that many families may choose to use some decoration materials that are not of good quality in order to pursue aesthetics and low cost when decorating. During long-term use, these materials will continue to release toxic gases, causing potential harm to the human body.

A 26-year-old woman went to the doctor with itching all over her body, thinking it was ordinary itching, and after examination, the doctor said that the cancer was terminal

"So, what can I do to reduce this risk?" Lin Qingqing asked eagerly.

"When choosing materials for finishing, give preference to those that are environmentally certified. For example, choose sheets and coatings that are low in formaldehyde and low in VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Also, try to avoid using large amounts of man-made panels, as they usually contain more formaldehyde. ”

He also reminded that after the renovation is completed, it must be fully ventilated to allow the harmful gases in the room to volatilize as soon as possible. "Consider buying some air purification equipment to improve indoor air quality."

Lin Qingqing nodded, she will pay more attention to the signals given by her body in the future, and check them in time. Change your diet and pay attention to your living environment to make your life happier and healthier.